gamespot score:6.0(fair)
my score:7.8
(+)pros:- cameos from tales games gives a thrill to those familiar with the games,- fun combat system with many available skills and classes,- gameplay lasts fairly long,- battles with other tales characters are mostly challenging and fun.
(-)cons:- quests are repititive,- not all tales characters are playable besisdes being in the game (they also keep refusing you for a party),- many repeat skills in classes.
gameplay time:50 hours+(long)
Once again welcome to another review of a game that was butchered by gamespot. Tales of the world: radiant mythology is a wonderful RPG game featuring the stars of various tales games, such as tales of the abyss, tales of legendia, tales of eternia and so on. Truth be told the only tales games I played are abyss and eternia. Anyway, this is a good game, close to being great since it gets pulled down by a few annoying factors. Still, doesnt deserve a 6.0, a 6.0!!!!! It deserves at least a 7. something! Maybe gamespot reviewers are tales haters. Still this game is suitable for new comers and fans of the series, heres the review.
Radiant mythology's story is pretty okay, but quite lacking in terms of the characters of the other tales series. It speaks of you, a nameless descender of the world tree of your world, teresia, and this little floating monster named mormo. Theres also a girl with no memory of herself named kanono. The game focuses mainly on the 3 of you, not more on the other tales characters, maybe only some like kratos,senel, luke,tear get more screen time. I'm sad though that my favourite ever tales character reid didnt get to play much in the story, and that he is the ONLY eternia character in the game. *sigh*. Anyway as the teresia descender you are to protect the teresia world tree, from the world eater. But to do that you 1st need to gain allies, and thus thats how you joined the guild ad libidum, a guild that helps and supports the people around it and hears thier needs. With the help of ad libidum, you are to travel to different towns and locations, and llocate the source of the world eater, and protect anywhere it tries to invade. .
Gameplay is like the recent 3D tales games, running around in a small battle area and beating the shit out of the enemie you encounter. This is fun, kinda like the star ocean battle system, but with more freedom and mobility. You and up to 3 other characters join up in a party, and go around the field and do your stuff. Anyway before you go around in dungeons, you have to pick a quest, then recruit people in your party, then go to the dungeon.

In terms of quest variety, theres really not much. At 1st doing these quests are pretty okay, you are to go out there, kill a certain amount of things, get an amount of supplies, find someone who is lost, make some items or just do a story mission. Theres really not much quest variety, plus you will be doing them throughout the whole damn game, which gets very boring over time. Plus when you have a party with you, it will disband the moment the quest ends, which sux when you want to train them for a longshot. Plus, its so hard to get a tales character to even accept your invite into a party. Also, the story missions sometimes are meaningless, especially the 1st few ones, where you go all the way into a dangerous haunted bastion to find a fking teddy bear. The only meaningful story quests where you out there and kill bosses, or where theres major story progression.

Theres alot to tales of the world, you get a variety of classes, ranging from warrior to swordsman to ninja and mage. Some of these classes need to be unlocked though. Battling as I said before, is fun, each class has its own set of skills. But, some of the skills are repeated in neighbouring classes. Skills like tiger blade, sword rain, demon fang and fire ball are shared amoingst the classes. Come on, wheres the originality? Plus, all other tales characters are the same, almost everyone has skills that others have. ZzzZZzz. But, on the bright side, fighting them is entertainingly fun. Tales characters fight are personally my favourite thing in the game, they are fun, challenging, and always have skills that they may have never used when fighting alongside you. Plus, when you finally down and defeat them, you get a huge sense of achievement when that happens.