Been awhile since I have done this and yes, once again, welcome to greatest boss fights. We had a variety so far, such as isolde from mana khemia and tigrex from monster hunter freedom 2. Well today's boss fight is pretty much something people will see coming. Thats right, for today's awesome boss fight we have dante himself, from devil may cry 4.
Face it, nero vs dante is an awesome matchup, and what better way to express that awesomeness than making it out of a boss fight. Well done capcom. You fight dante 2 times, one time at the start of the game as a tutorial, he was a joke back then. The figth I am talking about here is the one far later, the 2nd fight at mission 10 or so.
Now the 2nd dante is a difficult one. I simply thought he was undefeatable the 1st few times I fought him, with him deflecting/dodging my attacks and all, I simply couldnt do a thing to him. After countless deaths, I decided to fk it, and went to search youtube vids on how to beat him. Most strategies varied around using devil arm to slam dunk him to hell, so I tried that, and he went down after a few more tries.
Dante is one hard mother fker. He approaches you mercilessly and lands some deadly combos when you are within his range, every time you try to normally devil arm him, he dodges and gives you a slash of his own. Everytime you try to combo him, he effortlessly deflects it and combos you with his own attacks. And lets not talk about firing, everytime you try to shoot him, he shoots back at you, and both of you just end up deflecting shots against each other. I found the only way to damage him efficiently is by jump grabbing him through baiting or devil triggering his ass.
Dante doesnt stop there, when near death he starts using his various styles against you, though I dont see much changes when he starts using them, the only difference I could see was him dashing around when he used trickster. And even after you go through all the trouble and finally managed to beat him, the story still has you "lose" to him in the following cutscene, and according to nero, dante was just playing with him all along! Haha, now thats dante for you, always taking fights as jokes.

Dante doesnt stop there, when near death he starts using his various styles against you, though I dont see much changes when he starts using them, the only difference I could see was him dashing around when he used trickster. And even after you go through all the trouble and finally managed to beat him, the story still has you "lose" to him in the following cutscene, and according to nero, dante was just playing with him all along! Haha, now thats dante for you, always taking fights as jokes.
Heh, dante is just badass, makes you think how long nero would last against him in a real all out fight eh?
Difficulty: 8/10
Video here