Been awhile. So yeah, I'll get straight to the point, today's best game character will be none other than the famous prosecutor that is badass to da max!!
Thats right, its miles edgeworth.
Miles is probably the coolest character in the AA series, Im serious, followed by manfred von karma and perhaps klavier gavin. AA has loads of good candidates to be cool characters but these 3 always stood out to me, especially miles. Mr edgeworth here is a prosecutor, and can be said to be phoenix's rival. In the 1st game, phoenix's opposing prosecutor in almost all of his cases were edgeworth. And in the 2nd game, the final case's prosecutor was edgeworth as well. Thats a lot of cases.

Miles is the apprentice of the great manfred von karma, a legendary prosecutor that has never lost a case in 40 years. So yeah, that makes miles pretty deadly, hes a feared prosecutor. In the 1st game he was nothing more than a perfectionist, he was cool back then, he did lots of shit such as forging evidence and other crap to ensure his wins. After the events of the 1st game, he has become more respectable, where his motto changes from focusing on winning, to searching for the truth. Thats right, spokenn as a true prosecutor.

Miles is something else. Through the process of the games, there will be encounters with many other prosecutors, all have different personalities and some unique feature to look out for. Godot with his viser and coffee, fran with her whip and commanding personality and payne with his.... bland-ness and plain-ness. Miles is easily remembered and recognised, he is phoenix's very 1st serious court rival, and his aruguments and performance in court will make you remember him to say the least, he puts up a good fight when compared to other prosecutors. Many a time when you seem like you are on a roll miles will pull something off and turn the tables against you.
Plus in AA 3, you get to play as miles in the last case. Nice. Whats more, he has his own game, AA investigations, in which you play as him. This game shows what miles is capable of, and how he solves cases HIS way, which relies heavily on logic, unlike phoenix, proving so much as how much of a smart ass he is.
So, yes, miles is awesome, he will always be. And yes, I would also like to see how he is in the upcoming gyakuten saiban game, I would like to see how he looks like in the timeline of apollo justice.
" My logic is sound."- Miles edgeworth