I almost forget almost about this wolfteam project I had ongoing since I havent played the game itself for quite sometime.
Anyway! Here we are today with the topics about guns.Heres a quick run-up.
Guns good vs wolf
AK 47/gold/classic
-This here is every FPS's good friend AK47. Its good in terms of damage, but due to its high recoil fighting humans is a pain. But thankfully, against wolves... since they always come up close to claw you, you get to shoot the gun in thier dam face. And since wolves cant kill you from afar, take your time and slowly shoot them with this painful gun, they cant do a shyt.
-Actually this gun is not that bad against humans too, but what the heck. This gun has a habit of expanding the crosshair everytime you fire bullets, so using it against humans is not a very bright thing to do, unless you shoot ammo by ammo. Against wolves this gun is very effective, having great fire power and its huge 50+ ammo per clip. You can sprayyy all you want, since you got so much ammo at your disposal. Also you wont miss very often, since they will be close to you.
-Great gun to use against wolves. Same drawback as AK47, high recoil, but again it makes up for high RAW damage. Has slightly lower recoil than AK47, making it more useful against humans than the AK.
ANY shotgun
- Simple theory. They come up to your face, you aim at thier head with your gigantic almost impossible to miss crosshair, you click with your finger, you get an easy kill. But the only drawback is that if you miss you're as good as dead. Although with the EXM, you get 5 shots, but the damage is lower.
ANY turret
-Turrets are monsters against wolves. With huge ammo clips and insane damage, they are wolf killers.Well the only drawbacks are that you cant move while firing a turret, and you can only turn it to a certain degree, proving its uselessness against humans.One nade and BOOM, you're dead. One last and final drawback against wolves is the very dreadful and deadly...berserker wolf. Thier suicidal ability is the ultimate counter to turrets. When you spot a berserker with a turret, be extra careful and rethink your plans.
Guns good vs human
ANY sniper(expect the wooden sniper which I forget the name)
-Once again, a simple theory. The stout is a basic weapon, which means its not too strong in terms of firepower. Stand at a spot where no human would bother searching, and click away with your zoom. 2 hits will do the job. Do watch out though, since after you prey are hit once, they will know where you are shooting from, and they will turn to kill you. The AWP sniper though, kills ALMOST any time you hit upper body in one shot. Its hell deadly. And, for wolves they dun work well. Why? Simple, how do you snipe a smart wolf jumping around frantically? You dont. Problem solved.
-Great gun with great accuracy. When you upgrade its laser, if you crouch in battle, the crosshair is like a friggin dot. Just shoot away once the crosshair hits the opponent, since the recoil is almost inexsistence in this gun.
Guns good vs both
- Everyone who sees this will go YESSSSSS. LAW is a missle launcher while WT-RL is a rocket launcher.LAW one hit KOs any human and smart wolf when the missle lands directly BESIDE them. Good stuff. The RL kills anything, expect full healthed power wolves, berserker wolves and gurdians. The RL's rocket however, is slow, while the LAW's missle is quick and hard to dodge. But overall RL is better because of its sheer power.
-My new favourite gun. Though only moderate in power, this gun has great accuracy and firing speed, making it both good human and wolf killers.
-Okay, I HAVE to cover this gun, its just too awesome. It has well above average power and good accuracy. Many humans use this in bomb plants and deathmatches cause it kills people fast. It works good on wolves too since rapidly firing on them will slow them down.
-AKA the gold gun. Its really very easy to understand. Its normal rapid firing action makes killing wolves rather easy, though it has only moderate damage, it has great stuttering ability. Rapid firing also helps killing humans that are in mid-close range. Having trouble against a sniper? No problem! Use 3 burst zoom and click at thier head, guranteed one hit KO. Of course unless they move away, but it seldom happens cause 3 burst is quick. This requires practice though since, 3 bursting the head always tends to hit the body instead.
-Though low in damage, this gun makes up for its great ammo clip. It has moderate accuracy, means killing humans at mid range should be no problem, cause 50 ammo is alot to spare. In a crossfire, your opponent's gun will run out of amo 1st, and while reloading, you have the uper hand since you still about 20 ammo left, spray the crap out of him! For wolves, you have 50 ammo, so the same concept for the EM60 applies here.
-Argubly the best gun in the game and my ex-favourite. The crosshair is bloody small, which means high accuracy, its crosshair size is close to that of the EM4. This makes killing humans easy, since it has awesome damage to back it up. The recoil is however is the only drawback. But it is often used as an advantage sometimes against humans, due to recoil the aimer usually flies to the head, which will land the death blow. This works on wolves too. With wolves, aweseome damage is more than enough to kill them, plus great accuracy , this gun pure owns.
Thats all for now. Project will continue somehwere in january.
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Atelier Totori:Adventurer of Arland(wanted)


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- Zero No Tsukaima series
Good anime
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- Bakemonogatari
- Blood Lad
- C3: Cube x Cursed, Curious
- Chrome Shelled Regios
- Dagashi Kashi
- Darker than Black:Ryuusei no Gemini
- Day Break Illusion
- Deadman Wonderland
- Devil Survivor 2:The Animation
- Dog X Scissors
- Dragon Crisis!
- Dusk Maiden Of Amnesia
- Eureka Seven AO
- Fate Kaleid Liner Prisa Illya 2wei!
- Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
- Fate/Stay Night
- Freezing Vibration
- Gakuen Toshi Asterisk
- Galilei Donna
- Gatchaman Crowds
- Gatchaman Crowds Insight
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- Hayate No Gotoku! Cuties
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- Hyouka
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- K: Missing Kings
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- Kannagi
- Knights Of Sidonia
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- Love, Election and Chocolate
- Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Mayo Chiki
- Minami-Ke Tadaima
- Minami-Ke/Okawari/Okaeri
- Needless
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- Nisekoi:
- Noragami
- Okami-San And Her Seven Companions
- Owarimonogatari
- Plastic Memories
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- Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS
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- Rozen Maiden:Overture
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- Sankarea
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- Shinmai Maou No Testament
- Tales of the Abyss
- Tears to Tiara
- The "Hentai" Prince And The Stony Cat.
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- To aru Kagaku no Railgun
- To Love Ru
- Tokyo ESP
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- Valvrave: The Liberator
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Decent Anime
- 11eyes
- Aldnoah Zero 2
- Bakuretsu Tenshi
- Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation
- Black Rock Shooter OVA
- Blade Dance Of Elementalers
- Bleach movie 4:The Hell Verse
- Dimension W
- Fate Kaleid/Liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz!
- Girls Und Panzer
- Gj-Bu
- Hamatora
- Hayate No Gotoku:Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- Heavy Object
- Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls
- If Her Flag Breaks
- Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
- Kiss x Sis
- La Storia Della Arcana Familgia
- Maken-Ki! Battling Venus
- Mekakucity Actors
- Nyan Koi
- Rail Wars!
- Re-Kan!
- Re:Hamatora
- Ro-Kyu-Bu!
- Rolling Girls
- Seiken Tsukai No World Break
- Sekirei
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
- Senran Kagura
- Shikabane Hime Aka
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- Sky Wizards Academy
- Soul Eater Not!
- Stella Jo Gakuin C3-Bu
- Tamako Market
- Triage X
- Trinity Seven
- Upotte!
- Witch Craft Works
Anime NOT Recommended
Anime Talk
The fool's best(9.0 or more)
- Advance wars: Dual strike
- Bloodborne
- Cabal online
- Danganronpa:Trigger Happy Havoc
- Dark Souls
- Dark Souls 3
- Dark Souls II
- Demon's souls
- Dishonored
- Dissidia: final fantasy
- Doom 3
- Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends Of The Titan
- Fire Emblem:Awakening
- God of war
- Half minute hero
- Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
- Hoshizora No Memoria
- Jubeat knit
- Kingdom hearts 2
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
- Nine hours, nine persons, nine doors
- Phoenix wright:ace attorney
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor 2
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3 portable
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 4
- Tactics Orge:Let Us Cling Together
- The Last Of Us
- The world ends with you
- Undertale
- Valkyria chronicles
- Yugioh 5Ds world championship 2009
The fool's real life outings
Favourite anime characters
- 11eyes, Angel beats, Ao no exorcist
- Akame Ga Kill, Assassination Classroom, Danshi
- Akuma No Riddle, Black Bullet, Dog X Scissors
- Amaburi, Mahouka, Gatchaman Crowds
- Anohana, Dragon Crisis!, Eureka Seven
- Another, Dusk Maiden, Hyakka Ryouran
- Asobi ni Ikuyo, Chrome Shelled Regios, DRRR
- Asu no yoichi, Asura cryin', Baka test
- Baccano!, Fate/Stay night, Freezing
- Bakemonogatari, Bakuretsu tenshi, BRS OVA
- Barakamon, Btooom!, Cross Ange
- C3, Campione, Jojo
- CANAAN, Code geass, Darker than black
- Danganronpa, Kill La Kill, Log Horizon
- Date A Live, Love Live!, Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Daybreak Illusion, Kyoukai Kanata, Galilei Donna
- Deadman Wonderland, Hatsukoi limited, HNG
- Girls Und Panzer, Macademi Wasshoi, Maji De
- Golden Time, Hitsugi No Chaika, Jojo SC
- Haganai, FMA, Guilty Crown
- Hagura Yusha, Mondaiji, MM!
- Hataraku Maou Sama, Lucky Star, Maoyu
- High School DxD, HOTD, Higurashi
- Hyouka, K, Kaibutsu Oujo
- Infinite Stratos, Inukami!, Jormungand
- K-on!, Kampfer, Kami-sama no memochou
- Kore Wa Zombie, Kokoro connect, Kannagi
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon, KissXSis, Mai-Hime
- Neptunia, Love Election and Chocolate, Mirai Nikki
- Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Chunibyo, Minami-Ke
Best game characters
- Kagura- Blazblue:Chrono Phantasma
- Sterkenberg- Atelier Arland Series
- Yamato- Shin megami tensei:Devil Survivor 2
- Jackie- The Darkness II
- Jaegar- Valkyria chronicles
- Maria- Knights in the nightmare
- Hazama- Blazblue:Continuum shift
- Ulthane- Darksiders
- Dante- Devil may cry series
- Miles edgeworth- Ace attorney series
- Rachel- Blazblue: calamity trigger portable
- Hero- Half minute hero
- Jin- Tekken series
- Naoya- Shin megami tensei:devil survivor
- Vayne- Mana khemia:student alliance
- Naoto- Shin megami tensei:persona 4
- Sho minamoto- The world ends with you
- Cloud- Final fantasy 7
Greatest boss fights
- Accelerator (Dengeki Gauen RPG:Cross Of Venus)
- Airshatter (Atelier Meruru)
- Asimov (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
- Barthandelus II (Final fantasy 13)
- Batomys (Valkyria Chronicles)
- Dante (Devil may cry 4)
- Darth moab (Prinny 2)
- Draco cantus (The world ends with you)
- Gawain/Leo (Fate/Extra)
- Golbez (Final fantasy 4)
- Golden Mage Knight (Tales Of Xillia)
- Isolde (Mana khemia:Student alliance)
- Kurt zisa (Kingdom hearts)
- Lucifer (Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor)
- Melad Margus (Knights in the nightmare)
- Tigrex (Monster hunter freedom 2)
- Unlimited Hazama (Blazblue:Continuum shift)
Top villians
- 19/02/16 (anime)
- 03/05/15 (anime)
- 15/09/14 (anime)
- 29/07/13 (anime)
- 05/12/12 (anime)
- 11/03/12 (anime)
- 17/08/11 (anime)
- 02/05/11 (anime)
- 27/11/10 (anime)
- 10/08/10 (anime)
- 12/05/10 (anime)
- 08/08/15 (gaming)
- 07/02/15 (gaming)
- 16/05/14 (gaming)
- 24/03/13 (gaming)
- 03/07/12 (gaming)
- 08/11/11 (gaming)
- 13/06/11 (gaming)
- 02/03/11 (gaming)
- 21/09/10 (gaming)
- 22/07/10 (gaming)
- 22/06/10 (gaming)
Pervertic posts
Seiyuu Power!!
Parties in RPGs
- Bravely Default (Part 2)
- Bravely Default (Part 1)
- 7th Dragon 2020 II
- Etrian Odyssey IV:Legend Of The Titan
- Atelier Meruru:The Apprentice Of Arland
- Atelier Totori:The Adventurer Of Arland
- Tales Of Graces F
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 4
- Unchained Blades
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 3
- Atelier Rorona:The Alchemist Of Arland
- Radiant Historia
- Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Survivor 2
Fighting game character impressions
- Phantom Breaker:Battle Grounds
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 2 (Hands On)
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 1 (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Part 2 (Hands Off)
- Blazblue:CP Character Impressions
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands Off)
- P4A Character impressions
- MVC3 Characters 1-12
- MVC3 Characters 13-24
- MVC3 Characters 25-36
- MVC3 Character Impressions (Hands Off)
Tiers in fighting games
Yugioh 2009 guide(DS)*complete*
Wolfteam freebies
Demon's souls boss profiles
Dark souls boss profiles
- Asylum demon
- Taurus demon
- Capra demon
- Bell gargoyle
- Moonlight Butterfly
- Great Grey Wolf Sif
- Gaping dragon
- Stray demon
- Chaos Witch Quelaag
- Iron Golem
- Ornstein and Smough
- Dark Sun Gwyndolin
- Crossbreed Priscillia
- Seath The Scaleless
- Pinwheel
- Gravelord Nito
- The Four Kings
- Ceaseless Discharge
- Centipede Demon
- Bed Of Chaos
- Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder
- Sanctuary Guardian
- Knight Artorias
- Black Dragon Kalameet
- Manus, Father Of The Abyss
Dark Souls II Boss Profiles
- The Last Giant
- Dragonrider/Old Dragonslayer
- Flexile Sentry/The Pursuer
- Ruin Sentinels
- The Lost Sinner
- Belfry Gargoyles
- Scorpioness Najka
- Prowling Magus & Congregation/Royal Ray Authority
- The Duke's Dear Freja
- Royal Rat Vanguard/The Rotten
- Skeleton Lords/Executioner's Chariot
- Covetus Demon/Mytha The Baneful Queen
- Smelter Demon/Old Iron King
- Dragonriders
- Looking Glass Knight/Demon Of Song
- Velstadt/Guardian Dragon
- Giant Lord/Throne Watcher & Throne Defender
- Nashandra/Aldia, Scholar Of The First Sin
- Darklurker
- Elana/Sinh/Gank Squad
- Fume Knight/Sir Alonne/Smelter Demon
- Ava, The King's Pet/Burnt Ivory King/Lud & Zallen
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