gamespot score: 8.1(great)
my score: 8.0
(+)pros:- fast and well paced turn by turn battle system,- dressphere system is great and allows any different strategies,- plenty of optional events make the game worthwhile, - cameos from previous game make the expereince even better.
(-)cons:- main story is not very long to be called a final fantasy title,- not much character progression since party has only 3 members.
gameplay time: 30-40 hours( above average)
Alright. Im STILL bored to do PS2 games, but well, theres still abit more before I finally throw those out for good. Today Im doing final fantasy X-2, a friggin old game and the very 1st final fantasy sequel game. Thats right it very well breaks the rules, since final fantasy games alone are all stand alone games, without sequels. Well X-2 is the 1st, and does breaking the rule make it a worthy choice? Well, kinda, but this game they could do without, final fantasy 10 itself had one very "self-impacting" ending, they could just leave it at that. But, oh well.
Being a sequel the story obviously takes place after the events of final fantasy 10. Yuna is done being a high summoner, and has gone on in life to become a sphere hunter. She is now in a group of sphere hunters called the gullwings, joined by buddy, brother, shinra and barkeep. The 3 early names may sound familiar if you've played the original game. Oh yeah and joining yuna in her sphere hunting activities are pain, a new face, and rikku, a returning character. Together they fly around spira in thier ship, seeking sphere waves and locating spheres. This is yuna's new life.
Gameplay in final fantasy X-2 remains mostly unchanged. Like in final fantasy X, you walk around, encounter monsters, kill them, blah blah blah. But in X-2, you have already unlocked all of the locations in spira, so you can fly anywhere you want, wheter it is to do missions or just to go there to train or explore. Plus, everytime there is a story mission, you just need to fly to the location, do your shit and get it done and over with. There are no specific orders in the areas you have to go to, which rocks.

The flaws this game have are rather basic. For one, unlike the previous final fantasy games, which have like at least 6 members of party, you have only 3 for this one. Not that its bad, since you got dresspheres and shit, but as a RPG, you would want to see character peronaility grwoths in the process of the game. Well with only 3 characters, theres not much to go around. Also, this game is very short, in terms of main storyline. Theres ALOT you can do for optional events, but if you intend to stick just to the story alone, you can only squeeze 20 hours out of it, at max.