Gamespot score:8.5(great)
my score:8.0
(+)Pros:- free roaming has never been so chaoticly crazy fun,- innovative ideas on alex himself regarding his powers,- destroying hives and army bases are fun,- later parts of the game require strategies and plans to take down enemies which makes things interesting,- good (but little) boss fights.
(-)cons:-characters dont play huge parts in the story which is annoying,-replay value is pointless after clearing the game.
gameplay time:20-30 hours(average)
Alright, today I'm doing prototype for the PC. Why PC? Cause I didnt have a 4th gen console at that time genius. Awhile back I was looking at the trailers for this before getting it. Was rather impressed with thier ideas and innovation. However when I got it I was rather disappointed. Not with the ideas, but other stuff. The ideas about using the powers for thier own ways of destruction is good, in fact, its what makes this game great. But however prototype has a few fixed flaws that cant be fixed no matter how intense gameplay gets.
Prototype's story is very simple. Alex mercer, a man in his late twenties or early thirties, has been experimented on to become a biological weapon, upon which after he loses all his memories. His purpose then is to regain memories of his identity and the people around him. After that, he changes his purpose, to make the military, or whoever who did this to him pay the price. "This" being the power to act like a mutant and shapeshift to his will. Lol if you ask me thats a great power and I wouldnt mind keeping it and instead of making the giver of my power pay, I would pay him big bucks instead. Alex sure is strange.
b b
Prototype revolves around alex being the main character and takes place in a city, most probably new york. The game itself is a free roaming game, sort of like GTA but 10 times better. Unlike GTA where you travel around with cars and fight with fists or pistols or anything under the sun thats lying on the floor, prototype is a tad more unrealistic, but is much better. In prototype you THROW cars, make people FLY with your fists, and can shapeshift into ANY human under the sun. Cool eh? The free roaming elements in this game really make it a cool game, and like GTA, when you stir up enough trouble, armies come after you. You are after all, alex mercer, a biological weapon created by the military, of course they want to retrieve you back to thier lab to act as a lab rat. The enemy strike teams at first are weak and extremely easy to kill, but in the later stages, you dont just deal with tanks, helicopters. Later there are mutant soldiers, viral detectors, scanners and many more, making things alot tougher for you. This makes using different powers at different times a must for strategy.
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So yeah, as a mutant, you get alot of handy powers. Alex is a shapeshifter, so he can take the form of anyone he kills. Cool eh? He is also able to change his arm into a variety of forms. He can change his arm into the following,claws,whip, muscle mass, sword,hammer fists and a shield. He can even morph himself an entire suit of massed armor. Yeap, alex is badass, using hammer fists to pund tanks into flat cakes, claws to rip people into shreds, swords slicing hunters in half like a samurai...Alex can do it all.To top it off he can even fly! Fine, not fly, mabye glide is a more suitable word. But yeah you get what I mean. He can even use his so called "ultimate moves" known as devastators, which are...devastating. Spreading out tentacles from his body or sending waves of spikes from the ground to impale enemies and tanks....they are just that deadly.
Prototype is a pefectly fine game that is ridiculously enjoyable until you clear the game, be warned though, the main game story is rather short. For those looking for a great free roaming game, please feel free to get this, it will certainly make you have your fill for awhile.