Friday, 18 February 2011

Mahvel baby!

5 days missing huh?

Well this week has been pretty shitty for me. I started my school's studio project, and even in all that chaso and havoc, I took the time to get MVC 3.

Heres the shit, I have been working my ASS OFF to get mvc 3 more than doing my project. While it was supposed to arrive on 15 feb, tuesday, it was delayed. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-. It was a massive rage induce that day. I searched the web for any store which had it in stock, but to no avail. So I sucked my thumb and slept at 2am (I searched for a damn long time mind you).

Wednesday, 16th. I had my friend check the same store if it had any stock. Nope. Pissed, I went to other stores, still no stock.Damn.

Finally, on thursday, I called the store to ask about stock. AND YES, IT CAME IN. I reserved a copy, and after my school activities, I went to pick it up in a hurry. And since then, I have been knocking myself out playing it. ITS AWESOME.

So yeah, was too busy playing it to post anything. Today Im here to say Im gonna continue enjoying myself with mahvel 3, so now reviews and shit. Tomorrow Im going out, so maybe sunday I'll post something. MAHVEL 3 IS THE SHIT.

If you havent bought it, do it now, seriously.