Gamespot score:8.5(great)
my score:8.0
(+)pros:-even MORE pokemon added to the database,-same good oldschool pokemon journey,-pokemon sprites look nicer and improved,- battle commands using the touch screen is more convinient,-plenty of content after clear game
(-)cons:-too many pokemon to keep track of,-story is too typical and too alike from all previous pokemon games
gameplay time:100 hours +(very long lasting)
Behold the long running addictive nintendo series that is pokemon! I have been delaying this for quite some time now, since I played the game oh so long ago. In fact it was the 2nd NDS game which I have ever played. A few starting comments, I really dont like pokemon alot. I mean if they had just stuck to their original 152, or maybe just the gold/silver additions, the series would have ended good. But GODAMMIT nintendo, now pokemon has over 500 in terms of pokedex amount. Sigh, no use over brooding, here comes.
Pokemon games always had the same typical story from thier very first predussecor. 1st, you start in your hometown, then for some whatever reason you will suddenly have to choose between 3 pokemon, and thier elements are ALWAYS, grass, fire or water. After picking your 1st pokemon you go off to fight your 1st battle with your rival, then you get your 1st 5 pokeballs...... Then you start going to become DA BEST TRAINER EVA. You go around the region beating 8 gym leaders, then somehow in between you will stumble upon a legendary pokemon, in which you get to kill or capture as your own. Then as the final step in the story you go through some cave known as victory road and go kill the elite 4. Then TA-DAH, BEST TRAINER EVA, and you get entered in the hall of fame. The story is typical as hell, it has been repeated over and over!

Ta dah! Pokemon is about 2 things. One, catch pokemon. Two, fight with the pokemon you caught. Simple right? Thats how all pokemon games function in this world. This game is no different. You get as usual 6 pokemon which you can choose and select to use in battle. In battle you get to wack the opposing pokemon, be it a trained pokemon or a wild one. If it is a wild one you catch is via pokeball! Of course you have to weaken it first. Well about battling, its like every pokemon game before this. You get to use only 1 of the 6 pokemon you have in possesion with you, and duke it out with your opponent in a 1 on 1 turn by turn battle, with 4 of your skills.
And if you already have 6 pokemon and you capture a pokemon is battle, it gets stored in the poke center, where allll your spare pokemon are stored. You get to deposit and withdraw them at your command of course.
And of course in poke centers that brings me to my favourite point of this game. Wifi battles. Training your pokemon among AI programmed trainers and wild pokemon can be tiring and tedious. Thats right if you get all your pokemon to level 100, then what? Its quite stupid. Thats right you need to pit yourself against a human player, with their own levl 100s. This can be fun and exciting. You can even fight 2v2 tag battles, which are my favourite kinds of battle in this game! Not that you cant fight 2v2s outisde of wi-fi mode, but its always more fun and competive against a human player, or some one you know.

And of course in poke centers that brings me to my favourite point of this game. Wifi battles. Training your pokemon among AI programmed trainers and wild pokemon can be tiring and tedious. Thats right if you get all your pokemon to level 100, then what? Its quite stupid. Thats right you need to pit yourself against a human player, with their own levl 100s. This can be fun and exciting. You can even fight 2v2 tag battles, which are my favourite kinds of battle in this game! Not that you cant fight 2v2s outisde of wi-fi mode, but its always more fun and competive against a human player, or some one you know.
Of course pokemon's perilous(or in some cases, not so perilous) journey pays off. The gym fights are failry challenging, and some of team galactic's trainer battles can be hard. Not to mention too, your rival will always be popping out here and there to really stick it to you with his/her powerful as heck pokemon. The final stage of the game is the best, where you are pitted against the elite 4. These are fun and fast fights, as either you or your opponent will be wiped out in a matter of time. And when all is said and done, the game has plenty of post game activities planned for you. With tons of legendary pokemon to go after, you will really stick to this game, no matter how childish and lame it looks.
As I had ranted at the beginning of the review, nintendo has really put too many pokemon into thier database. I personally dont like this, theres too many pokemon to keep track of. Plus the story, it really never changes! Altough the story has tweaks to make it a bit different from the previous games, the backbone of the plot really remains totally the same. Nintendo should change this a little. But then again, if there didnt exist such things as gyms or the elite four, it wouldnt be called pokemon anymore wont it. Thats sad, really. Overall pokemons fans should not miss this, and newcomers to pokemon can also give this a spin for traditional pokemon feel.