Wassup people, its the lazy ass owner of the blog here. Been wanting to post the review of silent hill shattered memories, but im too lazy to do it :p. Well there are a couple of reasons for it. Been slacking off alot lately( im having holidays, what do you expect?), going out, hanging with friends, talking crap, playing games (duh) so on and so forth.
I can only describe the past 2 and a half weeks of holidays in 3 letters and 1 number, MVC3. MVC 3 here and there, through my holiday it has been alot of MVC 3, playing PSP, DS and PC of course. For the PSP, I recently began dissidia 012 and have been playing to aru majutsu no index before that. DS was filled with lots of nonsense such as ghost trick and etrian odyssey 3, and Im currently playing 999. PC was kinda hectic, been playing shit like crysis and killing floor, both of which were amazing stuff.
I have a load of bull to say about MVC 3, mostly about the online. Offline is great, but there aint much to do :X. Anyway, I had alot of online shenanigans, my team changed constantly. Back then, my main team was Dante/Zero/Ryu, with subs Wesker/Dormammu/Spencer and Chun li/X-23/Super skrull. Wasnt doing that well with Dante/Zero/Ryu online, so i alternated betweem the 3....only to find myself losing alot. I had more loses than win before, then I told myself fk it, and made a new team, out of 2 of my teams' best and 1 overpowered fag. Guess who it is.

Sentinel, sentinel, sentinel, still quite the overpowered fag arent we?
Yup, through my 1st few 20 or so matches, it was sentinel spam all the way, my team couldnt do squat. So out of pure rage, I decided to give them a taste of thier own medicine. My new team now is Wesker/Dante/Sentinel, awesome eh? So after I learnt some basic sentinel Bnbs, I went to kick ass, and have been successful since then. Now with a 5th lord title and a 151/58 W/L record, Im saying I did well.
The online is pretty damn.....annnoying. Aside from lots of sentinel users(whom I have grown accustomed to figthing), there are alot of other annoying guys to fight with. Weskers are pretty bad, the good ones at least, they teleport like mad and its hard to fight them, especially when Im teleporting around as wesker too. Amaterasu can be pretty fked as well, since 99% of amaterasu users fking spam the ground cirlce combo, which hits a lot of times and can end with a super, which hurts as fk.
Next up would be 3 very similar faggots, wolverine,akuma and zero. Wolverine's DRILL CLAW DRILL CLAW DRILL CLAW and BERSERKER BARRAAAGE!!!! can be very very fked up. Akuma's tatsu spam>low kick>tatsu spam is very very VERY hard to break. And a good zero rushdown is scary as hell. These 3 give you almost no chance to fight back, even if you block, they just keep hitting you, and leave no chance to hit back. Other than that the obvious spammers are kinda stupid as well, doom/iron/magneto beam spams......those are really stupid.
Anyway, thats all for now, not sure when next post will be( probably sometime later this week), for now, chill!