Due to me having gone to arcades for more oftenly, I have played lots of the available machines (except SSF4, too many pros), blazblue:continuum shift being one of them. Since I owned the console version of the game itself, I pretty much knew what to expect, and yes, what I played was what I thought it would be. It didnt take me long to finish my experiences with the machine to think up of a possible verdict, so here it is. Like most fighting games BB:CS only comes up to the cost of 1 token. This is, of course, good, and kinda expected at the same time. With fighting games having superior graphics such as SSF4 or tekken 6 costing only 1 token, a game using 2D animations and sprites couldnt hope to cost twice as much as those. Still, the game is worth, probably the most cost-worthy fightning game machine in the scene. The game provides 10 full stages, compared to many other game's 7 or 8, BB:CS gives players alot of play time, same as its predussecor, BB:CT. .
The fighting game engine for BB:CS is kinda hard to grasp, for beginners, they will be struggling quite alot. Of course, like any other fighting game, the game is button mashable, but it wont get a player very far. If those familiar to the 1st game were to play this, they would find that its mostly unchanged, expect for the bursting crap, everything else is the same. You pick a character and start duking it out. Every character has a super bar, which is calculated to 100, 50 points of a bar allows the use of a super. Everything else, from health to the button attack functions, are self-explanatory, all of which, light,medium,heavy and drive attacks. Light, medium and heavy are kinda "just there", but drive attack vary in huge differences for each character. .