Moar marvel vs capcom 3 news yesterday! The reveals were hype and eveyone went absolutely nuts! There were about 4 reveals, Im gonna skim through them real quick.
For the marvel side's number one, we have she-hulk. She looks hot in her character artwork, but other than that, shes really a stupid choice, just like X-23. Nothing more than a hulk clone, though her gameplay roughly differs from hulk, she is more of a beatdown character. She has pretty good damage, a pretty stupid running animation, 1 retarded super and a stupid level 3 hyper. I really dont see the point of adding her in. I would prefer me some miss marvel.

Zero looks like a really good choice. Then again, Im a huge MMX fan and am a bigger zero fan, of all versions( MMX,MMZ,MMZX). I really hoped for aile from ZX, but the MMX zero is fine to me. He looks really powerful ( in fact, too powerful, somewhat dante tier), with combos that look unbreakable, and some insane teleporting prowess. Also so far he does have a butt load of special moves from the gameplay videos. Though I must say his level 3 hyper looks plain, hes an overall solid looking character.

Up for DLC here is shuma gorath. Shuma was fun in MVC 2, I dont understand all the shuma hate around the web, I think hes a solid choice. But since hes for DLC I dont suppose he will be ready to play right off the get-go. Will look foward to using him.
Thats it for now, hoping for more to be revealed.