More League, because I still play it.
All of these are based on my opinion and experience.
The Terror of the Void
Cho'Gath is the shit. If you can't guess already from my many various champion picks, I love CC heavy champions. Dudes who can dish out a ton of CC to lock down an enemy team are always welcome in a team, and Cho'Gath is one of those dudes. Having the potential to become as big as a freaking Godzilla, he's easily one of the most terrifying looking champions in the game. He can build AP and still be freakishly tanky monster thanks to his passive. Cho'Gath is a beast.
Cho is played solo top, but I like to roll with him in the jungle (as I said I'm primarily a jungler on my team). His sustain, clear speeds and ganking are ALL pretty good. He's like Malphite, you can just run a regrowth pendant and never have to go back to base. His passive carnivore is just so good, both in the jungle and in lane. His clear speeds are fast thanks to his vorpal spikes, and his ganks are more or less a guaranteed kill if you can hit rupture and feral scream. He's a great pick overall, running into a lane with mobility boots and landing a rupture will set most laners off guard, and believe or not, he can run triple GP5 in the jungle and still be on track, his utility carries him through.
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A skin that I'd like to buy but is too damn expensive. |
Cho'Gath runs along the lines of Malphite and Nautilus when it comes to a team fight. His job is just to constantly CC the enemy team over and over until the team fight is won. A good 4-5 man rupture will usually win a team fight, because the follow up feral scream will usually clip all of them. With that, I can still do some very good damage, because I build my Cho'Gath with AP. With AP, you're still tanky due to the passive on feast. Speaking of feast, it does true damage and scales on AP, which is basically a one shot nuke that can gobble up and enemy carry. Feast is VERY bursty, and while its great for bursting squishies, its also great for securing baron or dragon. Cho'Gath is also an amazing objective controller.
The Terror of the Void is a superb pick, both as a jungler, a solo top, and even as a bot lane support. He is very versatile, and his CC can generally help his team win fights. Building him AP is just godly, but building him as a tank also works, though in that case you're more of just a body of CC, rather than a damage dealing-CC distributing-tanky hybrid.
My build for Cho'Gath
AP Cho'Gath
-Boots + 3 pots
-Boots of mobility
-Philosopher stone
-Heart of gold
-Kage's lucky pick
-Rod of ages
-Rylai's crystal scepter
-Abyssal Scepter
-Rabadon's Deathcap
-Zhonya's hourglass/Guardian Angel
Tanky Cho'Gath
-Boots + 3 pots
-Mercury treads/Boots of mobility
-Philosopher stone
-Heart of gold
-Kage's lucky pick
-Rod of ages
-Frozen heart
-Randuin's omen
-Abyssal scepter
-Banshee's veil
-Guardian angel/Aegis of the legion
The Scorn of the Moon
Diana is pretty f**king broken right now. She was even more broken during her time of release, but even after the nerfs she wrecks people's faces in. As a dominant mid laner, top laner or jungler, Diana is a pretty strong pick that can work as an anti carry, AP carry, hybrid on hit fighter or AP tanky initiator. She deals a ton of damage and is deceptively tanky because of her OP shield that can soak up a shitload of damage. You just don't f**k with this girl.
Diana is my go to AP jungler at the moment. I tried Fiddlesticks, but he gets f**ked so easily. Diana is the opposite. While she can't really duel a lot of the strong junglers (Udyr, Olaf, Lee sin), she has a much easier time in the jungle than the poor scarecrow. She relies on blue, but she should be pretty okay after her first clear. She clears the jungle minions like a mower, dem creeps drop almost instantly (Not as fast as the likes of Udyr and others, but still). Her ganking pre 6 is bad, I'll say it, but post 6 she's a monster. She's like Warwick, she has to power level to 6 before she can make a huge difference in ganking. She can snowball really hard if she gets early kills, but the best part is that she can build gold items and still be a bad ass.
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Valkyrie profile anyone? |
Diana can function in many ways during a teamfight, depending on how she is built. I build Diana as a tanky AP initiator, because she can still do a good amount of damage while soaking a considerable amount herself. The most crucial part to playing Diana is landing her Q, if you can land that on their carry, you're already completed half your job. Now turn on her shield and jump right in with her ultimate, and if there are enemies nearby, suck them all in with the carry so that they all eat the damage from your shield. Since the enemy carry is inflicted with moonlight, dash at them again, then auto attack a few times to trigger your passive and hurt the entire team. Her cooldowns aren't exactly the longest, so if you survive long enough for another Q, let them have it.
Diana is a superb AP jungler, the best one at the moment in my opinion (Elise isn't out here yet). Her versatility in her builds and her kit just makes her such a strong champion that can burst enemies carries and still soak in a good deal of damage with her shield. She may not be the prettiest female champion, but she's definitely one of the more bad ass ones.
My build for Diana
-Boots + 3 pots
-Philosopher stone
-Heart of gold
-Kage's lucky pick
-Sorcerer's shoes/Mercury treads
-Rod of ages
-Rylai's crystal scepter
-Abyssal scepter
-Rabadon's deathcap
-Guardian angel
The Hand of Noxus
I know that many players are saying that Darius users are just a bunch of kids that enjoy ksing their own team mates. Well, there are such players, but I can't deny that I love playing Darius. He is one of my main junglers at the moment, and while he is more suited for the top lane, he can work in the jungle. He is a lot like Hecarim, in a way that if he gets ahead, the enemy team is pretty screwed. A fat Darius can f**k an entire team over by himself, FACT.
Darius isn't a strong jungler. His clearing isn't the best and he has NO sustain. His fortes are early dueling and invading. Yes, he can murder most other junglers because he has a shit ton of damage through his passive. Every time the enemy thinks they survived with a sliver of health, the DoT will kill them. Darius brings so much damage early game, he's just like Riven in many ways (though I'm sure Riven will beat his face in early on). Darius's ganking also deserve a shout out, since that is one of his stronger points. His ganks are easy to pull off, and while they aren't the best, unless the enemy has 2 or more escape tools, they are pretty much screwed, a flash isn't enough. Darius can walk up to his prey, gut them with his Decimate and Crippling cut, applying slow and red buff. The enemy WILL die if they don't flash with you gutting him with auto attacks, and when he flashes, pull him right back in, dead enemy.
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Darius needs another skin, like this one. |
A fed Darius will take an entire team apart. Decimate, Crippling Cut and Noxian Gullotine are all very powerful skills. He is easily kited in a team fight, but if he so much gets near the carries, consider them dead. A quick combo of skills and auto attacks will stack 5 bleed stacks on the carry, and Noxian Gullotine will finish them off without issue. Yes its that easy, his ultimate does TRUE damage and it scales according to the amount of bleed stacks and his AD as well. It even refreshes if it kills someone. So here's the deal, look out for low health enemies and just dunk them, you will snowball like mad in a team fight. Even if you are ksing your team, you know you helped them out with your crazy snowballing damage. Of course, don't take all the kills, you may be godly, but you ain't a carry.
Darius is a brutal champion that destroys everybody. He gets kited very easily, but if you ensure that he gets into the enemy back lines, he will wreak absolute havoc. If you like to dunk people and deal some unreal damage, pick Darius.
My build for Darius
-Boots + 3 pots
-Wriggle's lantern
-Mercury treads
-Frozen mallet/Maw of Malmortius
-Last whisperer
-Guardian angel
-Bloodthirster (sell wriggles)
Peace for now, more to come in the future.