Gamespot score:n/a
my score:7.5
(+)Pros:-Solid combat,-very beginner friendly,-good long play for just one token,-giant characters are a good concept
(-)Cons:-Limited character choices,-battle is relatively too slow paced at times,-Ai is too simple
Gameplay cost:1 token(Worth)
Oh ho it has been awhile people. Chinese new year this year was pretty meh-ish and I only earned like 200+bucks compared to last year's overwhelming 350. Still, can't really complain with relatives passing away, its common practice to not give red packets when that happens. Anyways, been a long time since I have done an arcade game review, simply cause I havent been going to arcades lately and that the one near my area is pretty sucky, hasnt been updated for a looong time. Well TVC was found at an arcade further from my place, played it a few times, and heres my verdict.
Token wise this game only costs one. Altough this is the basic price for most fighting games in arcades, tatsunoko vs capcom takes this one as worthy. The game is pretty long, though its not blazblue's standard of long, it still is at least 7-8 stages long, and has a cheap ass last boss. The fightning is rather slow paced, so matches willl take quite awhile. All in all, it should last you about 5-10 mins per playthrough, provided you dont screw up.

The gameplay is Tatsunoko vs capcom, is easy yet fun. Its kinda like marvel vs capcom, but more slow paced and instead of 3 characters, you can only pick 2. With the 2, you can tag in and out, as for the reserve character, you call him or her out for assists. Its alot like marvel is a way but sometimes its also not, the fighting is alot more slow paced, and alot less hectic. Assists cant be spammed the way the could be in MVC. I guess this is kinda a good thing, since tier whoring fags loved that is MVC2.

Tatsunoko is an anime company I dont know much about, the only show I watched from them would be casshen sins, which I only watched till episode 3. Im not too familiar with the tatsunoko cast but the capcom cast I know pretty much most of them. Theres ryu ,chunners,alex from street fighter, morrigan from darkstalkers, soki from onimusha, megaman volnut, roll and quite a few more. The game controls arent too hard, you get 3 attack buttons and 1 assist button. Its a fairly simple control scheme so you can pretty much win with any character if you know a move or two. I personally use Ryu and morrigan, for all of my plays of this games (which so far exceed 10). From what I can see the game is at least balanced, more balanced than MVC2. The last boss was well....typical. All last bosses were supposed to be OP.