Gamespot score:9.0(editor's choice)
my score:7.9
(+)Pros:-Great visuals,-easy to learn fighting mechanics,- loads of extra challenges and trials to keep players intrested,-arcade mode has high replay value
(-)cons:- controls suck ass on the keyboard,- online play lags really badly,- characters lack VARIETY and DIVERSITY
gameplay time:20-30 hours( average)
First off, I have no idea how this got so much good ass reviews, most of which are 9 or more. Also, this is my 1st street fighter game, and though I admit it was fun, I kinda expected something more when it had scores of mostly 9s or more. I was stupid to jump straight into street fighter 4 really, I should have played some of the older ones first, so that I would know what to expect. Whelp, time to go shoryuken-ing some fools, or perhaps a hadoken? Would you like to see them for 1/3 the roster? Hmmmmm.
As with every fighting game with story modes, story revolves around all of the individual fighters, with the main focus obviously being ryu and ken, our 2 pepsi and cola reprisentitives from capcom, have always known who they are but only used them in capcom crossover games, never in thier own street fighter games. Still though all the stories of the characters revolve around participating in the world fighting tournament, they all have seperate reasons. Well in the end they still all end up fighting seth for different purposes one or another. The characters have thier own prolouges, but the epilouges are so short and inferior that at times it looks like capcom doenst really care about the story. Ah well..., I can say the same for some of the tekken endings actually. Wud you look at that. Street fighter 4 has actually quite a sizable roster, and lets see, we have a few clones here and theere. AHA. Anyway, back to topic, I cant say much about comparison, but the character wise, theres nothing much to say, its quite an okay roster. Also, it has character customization, which is cool, theres quite alot to choose from, so its actually quite a good thing. And from all of these characters, most are begginer friendly, so its quite simple to pick up any of them and start training for online. Street fighter 4 has only arcade mode and versus mode to keep yourself busy for the beginning, after you get used to the game and who you want, you can jump into the trials( which are ridiculously fun) or online, which should keep you occupied for awhile.

The PC version of street fighter 4 sure lacks alot of things its console or arcade counterparts have. For one, if you aren't using a pad, fight stick or controller( like I am), the controls will suffer ALOT. Not that the game isnt fun anymore, you just wont be able to perform crazy controls like you would be able to with a controller, or fight stick. One other issue is the lack of fighter variety. The characters have very similar play styles, like abel or zangief, ryu/ken/sagat/sakura/guile my god theres really too much to go on. Its all hadukens and uppercuts, gawd. And finally we have the issue with online. If you challenge ping worthy fighters, be prepared for a very very laggy fight, and this happens most of the time.