Gamespot score:7.8(good)
my score:7.5
(+)Pros:-Great concept and gameplay mechanics,-many different kinds of operations,-lots of tools all of which are useful and have distinct functions,-good story,-great cast of characters.
(-)Cons:-Pretty short,-very very very VERY hard,- too much talking too little operating
Gameplay time:Below 10 hours(Short)
Alright time for a review!!!Before that, some of my usal ranting. School is once again, being a bitch, and I do not have much time to do my own stuff. Anyway, purchased dead space 2, though I havent touched the main game and have only played extraction, great game so far. Ahem....back to this. Trauma center, much like the ace attorney series, is something never tried before, and works well. While I very much prefered AA, trauma center itself is a good series, though it is very VERY difficult. Luckily, the second one is much better, anyway, on with it.
Under the knife stars our main character as doctor stiles, derek stiles. Derek is pretty young for a doctor, and he just started picking up surgery, so he just does his job. But theres one thing, derek is damn carefree, he just doesnt really give a damn about many things. He likes to get things done and thats it, not care about it any more. One day, he almost loses a patient and gets yelled at by his partner nurse angie. Feeling all bad and stuff, he decides to quit. One day, a major accident takes place, and the hospital is out of docs, the only guy available is none other than derek. There, he rushes for time as he tries to save a near death patient, there he discoveres he has a power called the healing touch, where he is able to see things at super slow speed when doing surgeries. There, derek's career as a surgeon is restarted anew, and he starts a new life as a "reborned" doctor.
Trauma center is a very text driven game, like the ace attorney games. The game is split into chapters, each with thier own segments. These segments are mostly operations, but some include just dialouge between characters. So...yeap, thats alot of text and very little operating.
Still, AA is MUCH wordier, so if you can handle AA, trauma center should be just fine to you. The dialouge isnt bad anyway, its quite interesting actually, the characters are cool and funky in thier own way, hearing them converse is quite something.
Operating in trauma center, is obviously the fun part. You are always cutting people up, either to remove tumours or just to heal internal cuts. During operationgs, you are constantly being pressed for time, as your patient's pulse is constatntly dropping. Thats means you have to be as quick as that timer, or even quicker. Thats most of the time hard, since the timers going down pretty fast, and everytime you make a mistake, that pulse will drop even more. Thats alot to live up to. Anyway, during your many different operations, you will be using a very vast set of tools. You have the cutter, to slice things up, such as tumours. You have the syringe, to insert certain fluids into certain areas. You have the anti-biotic gel, to disinfect stuff. Theres alot to go on, but the gist is that during most of the operationgs, the tools are mostly all used, so theres equality, you wont be using one tool more than the other.
Now under the knife is a great game and all, but it seriously is plagued by difficulty. This is probably one of the hardest games I have played on the DS. You are constantly pressed for time, and the slightest mistakes you make cause the pulse to drop FAST. Plus, if you screw up your touchscreen or stylus, it makes this game almost impossible to play. This game caused my touch screen plastic piece to actually come off :X. The other issues are pretty much mentioned, theres too much talking and too little operating. Kinda beats the whole surgeon thing. Also, the game is short, it doesnt last more than 10 hours, and I doubt anyone would go for a 2nd playthrough since its mostly all the same. Challenge is even harder than normal, and even if you manage to clear them( I dont know how someone can physically do them), thats about it.
The 1st trauma center is good, but has alot of room for improvement. Luckily the second one solves most of its problems, and is a much better game overall. Still, if you are looking for a unique game like ace attorney, trauma center can probably satisfy you, just make sure to adapt to the extreme difficulty.
Happy gaming.
Boss health
Skills:Swipe*, Pounce, Explosion*, Rage
Times died on 1st playthrough:10+
Ughhh the dreadful flamelurker. Hes simply one tough cookie, trying to beat him straight out like most of the game's other bosses jsut doesn't quite work here. 2-2 wasnt even terribly difficult, and suddenly they throw you such a powerful asshole. Flamelurker is the boss of 2-2, armor spider archstone.

The flamelurker is HARSH. You fight him in a rather small arena, and he likes to get up close to murder you, which he can do very easily if you decide to melee him. He is probably the only legit boss that I will recommend you to fight him with magic, since killing him the manly way might just net you more and more free deaths ( just like it happened to me).
Swipe*- The flamelurker does a simple swipe. It does pretty below average damage at first, but it stacks. Each other successful hit from the flamelurker increases the damage of the swipe, so take extreme caution.
Pounce- Pathetic. You should be glad to see this. The flamelurker growls and holds his both hands together, then he jumps up and tries to knock you. Does shit damage, and gives you alot of free time to hit him if you dodge it.
Explosion*- Gah fck this. Explosion is his most frequently used and most deadly attack. He just does a straight palm foward and causes a big explosion, dealing above average damage and heavy damage in rage mode. In rage mode this also has a larger radius.
Rage- The flamelurker gets angry! All of his moves become powered, increasing in speed and damage, as well as increasing explosion's blast radius. His swipes and pounces also gain fire effects.
Flamelurker has induced rage in many players, and has taken the lives of many. If you find this too fcked up, take my advice and summon a blue to help you, this makes the fight MUUUUCCCH more managable.
As I said, this boss you HAVE to do with magic. If you are a wanderer or something and have to melee or bow of luck to you. Melee is actually doable, but I have yet to accomplish this with a bow, my apologies.
For this fight as I said earlier, I recommend the use of magic, more specifically something from the soul arrow or soul light family. Stay AWAY from the flamelurker and shoot him once, wait for him to come at you, dodge carefully, run far away, shoot again, rinse and repeat. Make sure hes actually at a desirable distance away from you, since the boss loves to sprint, being too close might actually get you hurt before you even fire a shot. As for melee, you might want to come in with lots of sticky white stuff, since plain old normal melee does crap damage to him.
Now for his attacks, swipe is pretty short range but as mentioned, it stacks. Later in the battle his swipe might actually do more damage than his explosion. IT HAS HAPPENED TOO MANY TIMES TO ME SO I SHALL SAY IT. Its okay to get hit by swipe early on, but after you reach the halfway mark of the battle, do your best to avoid it, since it most likely spells doom. If you are meleeing him, avoiding this can net you a couple of strikes before running away.
Pounce is nothing special, since i find its damage crappy, even when raged. Its easy to dodge, and after that, you are free to shoot a spell at him or net him a couple of hits. Now his explosion, thats a very troubling attack. He usually sprints towards you when he does this, and when you see him coming, you should expect it to come out. Explosion SUCKS, it has huge radius, and this will hinder most melee fighters. This is main reason why magic is a much prefered method in this fight, just run for your pitiful life when you see him pause and prepare to thrust his palm fowards, since you know an explosion is coming, and after its over, pelt a shot at him.
For melee users this becomes a pain, since if you block explosion you will take a huge stamina blow and his next attack will without a doubt hit you. Prepare a purple flame shield and ring of flame resistance, this should prep you up abit, if you cant bring both even one is better than nothing. When you see him coming, hold up your shield, move back steadily and when the explosion is done, you will only be hit by the edge of it, and you will receive minimal damage on block both to your HP and stamina. After that, try to go in for a quick hit or 2, then move away before he does it again.
Do note that he will rage when his HP drops below half or so, when this happens do not panic and continue the fight like you were during the previous half of the fight. His explosions become more frequent, but if you are patient, you can find openings to attack him, soon, he will fall.
The flamelurker is a total jerk. Feel free to celebrate all you want after you have defeated him, you get a hefty amount of souls to spend, along with a red hot demon soul to give to ed, in which he can craft you some exclusive weapons. Awesome. If you can beat flamelurker, you can safely tell yourself that you can take on most of the other game's bosses.
Boss health
Dirty colossus
Skills:Fly swarm*, Swat, Smash, Triple swat, Fly burst, Fly Disperser
Times died on 1st playthrough:0
Im doing 2 posts today so grab a chair. Anyway the 2nd of the part 2 bosses of the respective worlds I faced was the dirty colossus. I absolutely LOATHE the valley of difilement, especially 5-2, that was one of the worse and most annoying levels in all of video gaming history. Honestly the only reason why I killed this guy 2nd was because I wanted to finish the valley of difilement ASAP. Anyway, the dirty colossus is the boss of 4-2, leechmonger archstone.
Thats quite a number of attacks to go through, though I find it rather pointless since dirty colossus is simply another simple as hell boss. I wouldn't go as far as to say he is actuallly easier than old hero, but they are kinda tied in terms of difficulty, both easy pieces of shit. Still the only way you can die here is if you decide to range him, which is a stupid idea.
Fly swarm*- The dirty colossus shoots some swarms of flies in your direction if you are far away from him. Each swarm does moderate damage, but if are hit by 1 you will be hit by the rest, and that totals up to some pretty painful shenanigans. To top it off, the flies will stick to you, eating off your HP from time to time.
Swat- The boss just tries to swat you as if you were a fly. Does moderate damage.
Smash- The dirty colossus winds up his melee arm, and lets loose with a death defying blow, smashing through any forms of guarding and doing massive damage.
Triple swat- Just a simple 3 hit swat combo, nothing much to see here. Each hit does moderate damage, but 1 hit will knock you down so nothing much to worry about.
Fly burst- The dirty colossus does an explosion from within his body, bursting out flies in a sphere shaped explosion. Does moderate damage, with the same flies stickign effect as the fly swarm applying here.
Fly disperser-The dirty colossus hits the ground with his fly arm, and sends waves of flies underneath, causing towers of flies to sprout out randomly around him.
Thats alot of attacks, too bad most of them just waste your time are not worthy of mention. The key to killing the dirty colossus is only one thing. Melee. Yep, thats right, and of you who want to range him will find out that hes pretty nasty in attacking form afar, hitting him up close is 10 times easier. If you did a bow or magic build, so what? Dont be a wuss, just pick up a random melee weapon and fight him, even if your damage sucks, just apply turpentine, black turpentine, or sitcky white stuff, he is weak to magic and fire.
Your fighting arena is pretty big, but its kinda useless to use to your advantage since all you need to kill him is the very space less than 1 metre's reach within him. From afar, the boss will use fly swarm, and spray countless amounts of flies unto you. These do hurt, and the flies clinging onto you DO NOT help as they drain your HP over time. If you do get hit, you can patiently wait it out ( it will go away on its own) or touch one of the torches around you, to burn the flies away. You take some damage from the fire, but hey, at least you got rid of them flies.
In melee range the boss wont use fly swarm AT ALL, so you automatically win here. His swat and smash are VERY predictable and if you stay behind him, he probably wont hit you at all. Triple swat can be abit more unpredicatable but still nothing you cant avoid by staying behind him. Just hit him with your melee weapon and just take a few steps away when he starts attacking, you probably wont even get harmed.
Other than his physical hits, he has a few other tricks, though they aren't of much use too. Fly burst has pretty pathetic range, but if your stick too close you can get hit. Just move 3 steps away when you see him shivering himself up, since his about to blow. Fly disperser he only uses when his HP dips to a certain level, the towers of flies sprout about randomly, but arent too hard to notice. Just take a careful look around when meleeing him after he does that move. Anyway even if you get hit the damage is pretty lame but flies will stick to you, which is the only bad thing.
Taking all of these to mind dirty colossus is very easy, if you fight this one with caution, you will probably even make it out unscratched. The key here is not be be afraid, and get up close to dish out your hurt, taking this battle from afar just doenst work.
One more coming up!
Alright, its time for some fanatics! For awhile now, the demo for dissidia duodecim has been released, and boy, that there is some awesome shit! As a huge dissidia fan, I must say Im hyped for the full game, and cannot wait to see the final roster.
Lets break it down, duodecim takes place before that of the original dissidia, this game being the 12th cycle of battle, while the original is the 13th cycle. There are some changes, such as tidus being on the chaos side and jetch being on the cosmos side. And as far as new characters go, they are just awesome. The new characters are as follows, lightning(XIII), kain(IV), laguna(VIII), Vaan(XII), Tifa(VII) and Yuna(X), followed by the most recent ones revealed via the SE conference trailer, Prishe(XI) and Gilgamesh(V)(FUCCKKK YEAAAH).
As far as these characters go, they all are awesome, the only one I probably dont know about is prishe, but meh, I have faith that SE will make her awesome just like they did to shanttoto. Gilgamesh wasn't really revealed, but damn, the last part of the conference trailer with him saying "SASHIBURIDANA BARTZ!" was just too awesome to ignore, and that probably was more than enough of a clue to prove that hes in. Lightning I love, Im a huge FF 13 fan, so YAY, LIGHTNING FTW. Kain is cool, pretty much love FF 4 too, but I would say I would have been more pleased with rydia. Laguna Im not too sure about, all that I know is that he appears in squall's dreams (never finished 8), but damn his gameplay looks amazing! Best out of the new characters so far. Vaan I absolutely loathe, but if there was a 12 rep, it wud be him, so meh. Still his gameplay is kinda cool. Tifa I only like for her sexiness, her gameplay looks pretty normal to me, we will just have to wait and see. Yuna looks the 2nd best so far, with flooding the screen with aeons, thats just too awesome. The demo released was fun, but seriously, its not enough! It just leaves me thirsting for more! Though the only 2 new playable characters were lightning and kain, they were a good experience. I spent most of my time as lightning, but I did try out kain as well. Overall Im loving lightning's gameplay more, but kain was far more interesting to use. With his anti air and rushdown moves, he seems to be an interesting character to play. Lightning was more agile and I played through her arcade a few times, but I kept getting my ass whopped when I ran into golbezes or terras. Fuck.

Closing up, I would say ducodecim is shaping up to be quite an awesome game. Cant wait to see some gameplay footage of prishe and gilgamesh, and cant wait to see who gets revealed next. DAMN, all these hype is killing me. Since the news for marvel vs capcom 3 is dieing down, this has become my next game of focus.
Gamespot score:8.0(great)
my score:8.2
(+)Pros:-Superb emotional tale with an amazing conclusion,-battle system absolutely receives a thumbs up,-lots of boss fights make up for the chore of long dungeons ,-main story is long enought to keep players occupied to at least 30 to 40 hours,-likeable party members.
(-)Cons:-some lousy voice acting,-some glitches during battle
gameplay time:30-40 hours(Above average)
According to my memory, lunar was suposedly a PS1 game, but it was my older cousin who played it, not me, and apparently it has been remade a couple of times....but meh, never played a single one, until silver star harmony. While I have to say that it was kinda old school, this is probably one of the best RPGs on the PSP, next to mana khemia, birth by sleep and crisis core. Amazing story, good battle system plus a long journey with tons of bosses, lunar is one solid RPG, and it will satisfy those who are thirsting for a good RPG. A few annoying things will get in your way here and there to hinder your experience, but still, overall your time will not be wasted if you play through the whole game.
Lunar's story is really old school, and for that its kinda cool. You play as alex, a typical village boy with a flying cat pet and a stepsister named Luna. One day his friend remus asks him to follow him to a nearby white dragon cave, and thus, out of curiosity alex and luna tag along into the cave. There, they really meet a great white dragon, who tells them of an old tale, and even gives alex a white dragon ring. Following that, the curious trio decide to travel further from thier village to find out more about the dragons, and from that journey, a string of disasterous events take place, turning the world into a fearful place where monsters can strike anytime. To make matters worse, the 4 heroes are out of commision, with no one to save the world, alex is the final hope, since he has the white dragon ring, he is the only one who can collect all the dragon pieces to become the legendary dragon knight. Well, everything aside, Lunar is a pretty normal RPG. You move from town to city, forests to caves, all in an epic journey to save the world. Your journey takes you to many strange places with many strange monsters, while meeting a fair share of interesting people. The main party itself is fairy amusing itself. While alex himself is pretty much a silent protoganist most of the time, he is accompanied by a bunch of cool guys, we get nash, a cocky magician with a pretty demanding personality. We also get mia, a quiet kind girl who always wishes for peace within the party, since the rest of the party is usually butting heads with each other, since the other 2 members, jessica and kyle, are usually always arguing over trivial issues with nash. These amusing conversations themselves will entertain you for a fair bit. At least theres something to enjoy aside from all the interesting areas you will visit.

The game's battle system is rather simple, but can get technical after a matter of turns. You start the battle with the formation you set your party in, then start assualting the enemy. Though in this game you get to set in the AI to fight for you, its recommended to fight yourself to feel the heat of battle itself. But of course its not entirely useless, the AI feature allows you to fight enemies if you're tired of killing them youself, a single button press is all you need. Aside from that, everything is pretty much from other games as well. Normal attacking, using skills, items, blocking and escaping....yep its pretty much normal, until a few turns pass. After a turn or two of assualting, your party will be everywhere. If you melee your opponent, your character will move towards the enemy and strike. If you want to cast spells, you can choose to move to the further parts of the map to do so. So after abit of moving here and there, to get your formation right, you can fight properly, since enemies will have to move to strike you as well, unless of course they are using skills. Aside from this, there are alot of boss fights, so getting used to your basic formation and strategy in battle will serve you well.

Gamespot score:9.0(editor's choice)
my score:7.9
(+)Pros:-Great visuals,-easy to learn fighting mechanics,- loads of extra challenges and trials to keep players intrested,-arcade mode has high replay value
(-)cons:- controls suck ass on the keyboard,- online play lags really badly,- characters lack VARIETY and DIVERSITY
gameplay time:20-30 hours( average)
First off, I have no idea how this got so much good ass reviews, most of which are 9 or more. Also, this is my 1st street fighter game, and though I admit it was fun, I kinda expected something more when it had scores of mostly 9s or more. I was stupid to jump straight into street fighter 4 really, I should have played some of the older ones first, so that I would know what to expect. Whelp, time to go shoryuken-ing some fools, or perhaps a hadoken? Would you like to see them for 1/3 the roster? Hmmmmm.
As with every fighting game with story modes, story revolves around all of the individual fighters, with the main focus obviously being ryu and ken, our 2 pepsi and cola reprisentitives from capcom, have always known who they are but only used them in capcom crossover games, never in thier own street fighter games. Still though all the stories of the characters revolve around participating in the world fighting tournament, they all have seperate reasons. Well in the end they still all end up fighting seth for different purposes one or another. The characters have thier own prolouges, but the epilouges are so short and inferior that at times it looks like capcom doenst really care about the story. Ah well..., I can say the same for some of the tekken endings actually. Wud you look at that. Street fighter 4 has actually quite a sizable roster, and lets see, we have a few clones here and theere. AHA. Anyway, back to topic, I cant say much about comparison, but the character wise, theres nothing much to say, its quite an okay roster. Also, it has character customization, which is cool, theres quite alot to choose from, so its actually quite a good thing. And from all of these characters, most are begginer friendly, so its quite simple to pick up any of them and start training for online. Street fighter 4 has only arcade mode and versus mode to keep yourself busy for the beginning, after you get used to the game and who you want, you can jump into the trials( which are ridiculously fun) or online, which should keep you occupied for awhile.

The PC version of street fighter 4 sure lacks alot of things its console or arcade counterparts have. For one, if you aren't using a pad, fight stick or controller( like I am), the controls will suffer ALOT. Not that the game isnt fun anymore, you just wont be able to perform crazy controls like you would be able to with a controller, or fight stick. One other issue is the lack of fighter variety. The characters have very similar play styles, like abel or zangief, ryu/ken/sagat/sakura/guile my god theres really too much to go on. Its all hadukens and uppercuts, gawd. And finally we have the issue with online. If you challenge ping worthy fighters, be prepared for a very very laggy fight, and this happens most of the time.
Well, you saw this coming. For a best game character today on 14 jan, we have none other than capcom's hack and slash icon, dante from the devil may cry series. Dante is the new word to describe "badass", anyone who played his game will know that.
NO ONE CAN COMPARE TO DANTE IN HIS OWN SERIES. Everyone in the series, he has pwned and made a fool out of them, MOCKING THEM. He 's trashed mundus, single handedly took down the savior, flicked nero away like a fly, and beat the crap out of countless badass bosses like beowolf, greyon and berial, just to name a few. His only equal in the series itself is probably vergil.
Dante is the king of ass kicking, and also the king of doing it in style. Even his personality is kick ass. If you haven't played a DMC game, shame on you, go play it now (expect DMC 2, I heard it sucked). Personally I like DMC 4 dante best, he's towards his mid-thirties, though abit old, it still shows that he hasn't lost it, and that he can still beat the shit out of anyone he wants to. Nero, whose devil arm was able to lift statues 30-40 times his size, and able to deflect hits from the false savior, is no slouch thanks to his arm. BUT, even with an arm like that, when he tried to punch dante with it, he just grabbed that devil arm with his bare hand! Thats how strong he is, its just raw strenght alone!
Dante is freaking awesome, but in the upcoming DmC theres really nothing for me to say....since that dante is not the dante we all know and love.....I hope. Lets just all hope that the new dante turns out to be some crazy DMC deprived freak who played too much DMC and thinks he's dante.
Patiently awaiting the next REAL DMC game, hopefully a DMC 5, not some damn reboot or spinoff. Oh yeah, and I have to mention dante is in shin megami tensei:nocturne too, as a boss and later obtainable as a demon. Now thats a good way to promote an awesome character.
"This is gonna be one hell of a party!"-Dante
Gamespot score:7.9(good)
my score:7.5
(+)Pros:-Story starts off strong,-battles are simple yet effectively fun,-incredibly long adventure spread out across 2 discs,- some cool characters,- pretty good graphics for a PS2 game which was released during 2004
(-)cons:-Fayt kinda pisses you off as a main character,-pretty damn hardcore grinding,- story starts to drag and get boring after awhile,but it still rises back up towards the end.
gameplay time:40-50 hours(long)
Star ocean 3, the fantom of all star ocean games. This is probably the star ocean game out of the series to make that huge "step" to become a well reknowned series. While this is true, and tri-ace did a good job making star ocean:till the end of time, but its nothing more than a simple RPG game with a little bit of a fun battle system and an above average story, which sinks after you pass a certain mark. Though I am genrally a person who favours RPGs, I have to say that this is greatly overated (execpt by gamespot), it received lots of 8s and 9s, but I really dont see this getting over an 8.....maybe its just self opinion.
Star ocean 3's story takes place on the premises of earth, where we see or main character fayt and his childhood friends sophia enjoying thier time on a vacation. After abit of fun and games, our heroes have thier vacation ruined when a space organization known as the vendini start to attack thier resort, forcing them, along with all the residents to evacuate in escape pods. While successful in his escape, fayt is sent to a foreign planet with almost 0 technology, there he is forced to survive and after a turn of events he runs into a visitor that is not from that foreign world itself. He introduces himself as cliff, and together he brings fayt into an unknown world filled with an ordeal that he may never surpass alone, his fighting skills are put to the test, and he will discover what he truly is as he searches for a way to locate or contact sophia and his parents despite all this chaos. Star ocean 3 sports some serious good looks, for a PS2 game. To top it off it has a bunch of cool and wacky characters, such as roger the fox kid or the crazy cool albel nox. Along with all these it has an easy to learn battle system that you will learn to like very quickly, due to flashy moves and over the top action. Whats more is that the main adventure alone is 2 discs long and lasts for no less than 40 hours, and if you do the side stuff it can go as far as above 50 hours. Star ocean 3 is what any RPG should have, a good story, a long gameplay experiene, a good battle system, and tons of extra content, its too bad its being held down by a few issues.

Now while star ocean 3 sports a good story, especially at the start and towards the end, the middle dulls quite abit due to dragging and unnessacary moments. Many a time where the suspense of a cut scene is killing you and you wish to know what is going to happen next, you are sent on a petty mission to gather ores or locate someone's precious item. Seriously, if they didnt drag the game would be so much better. And, also an issue in this game is the grind. Seriously, its pretty bad. Monsters give crap EXP, and you have to kill tons of them to gain a level. Its a pain really. Finally, you are playing as a wuss. I mean it, fayt is so stupid, close to vaan in terms of stupidity, his character as a protoganist is totally unlikable. He freaks out over the smallest thing, and its kinda dumb that you never see him really acting as a "leader" or "main character".
Gamespot score:9.0(editor's choice)
my score:9.5
(+)Pros:- Story is incredibly aborbing,-multiple endings provides more replay value,-demon fusion is important and addicitng at the same time,- demon auction acts as a simpler way to attain demons,-skill crack is innovative,-battles are most of the time challenging and require a lot of strategizing,trial and error to win,-great cast of characters,-awesome music,-great boss fights.
(-)Cons:-Only one mother fking save file
gameplay time:50 hours+( long)
Ooookayy,today's game review will be of my 2nd favourite all time game, shin megami tensei:devil survivor. Being a huge shin megami tensei game, I, like many others, worried that the 1st SMT DS port would be rather inferior and pathetic. Thankfully, its quite the game, and FUCK YEAH, its got awesome scores, and after a while, I realise I was lost in the world of devil survivor. Devil survivor is definetely one of the best games on the DS, and is absolutely not to be missed by gamers alike.
Devil survivor's story highly mirrors that of the world ends with you. A city in japan, 7 days to death....seems like alot in common eh? Wrong. The world ends with you and devil survivor are 2 very different games with 2 very different stories. Devil survivor starts off as the hero(you) arrives in tokyo in the last week of summer vacation with his 2 best friends, yuzu and atsuro, to meet his cousin, naoya. While naoya doesnt show up in person, he hands the 3 some very pecuiliar comps to the 3 main characters. When computer geek atsuro tries to crack the comps,
demons come out of nowhere and the comp screen states the words,"lets survive". The city plunges into despair as a counter appear above everyone's head indicating that everyone has only 7 days to live, and a lockdown occurs, locking everyone in the yamamoto circle in, so like it or not, things start to get reallt bad.....

Devil survivor is a strategy RPG hybrid, kinda like final fantasy tactics advance. It has everything, ranging from a simple yet effective battle system to a great cast of characters filled with hot babes( yuzu and amane FTW). The game's concept requires you to stay alive for 7 days in the yamato cirle, where demons pop up here and there, requiring you to either avoid them or fight them. You are given a certain number of hours during a day to wander the streets of tokyo to answer or attend to events that appear on the list of areas. Each event you go to, be it a battle or just a conversation with a certain character, it takes up a certain amount of time. And when everything is said and done, the day is passed, and you will proceed to the next day. Its one of the game's main challenges, the time management, it all depends on how you wander the streets of tokyo to spend your time and how it all affects later events.....everything you do has its consequences, thats what makes your descicions so important.

The game's main battle system is simple. You make a team of 3, a summoner and 2 demons. Make 3 or 4 of these teams(based on the part of the game you are at), and you are ready to . Demons are split into races for classification, and each race has thier own special abilities, more on that later.On the field its just like your everyday tactics game, you move according to grids and attack enemies at range. When engaged, you fight enemies 3 on 3, like a turn by turn basic RPG. On the above screen is the enemy demon's stats and on the bottom are enemies up close and your HP/SP and the enemies' too. According to the demon statistics, each one has a weakness, and exploiting them will either give you an extra turn or rob an enemy of thiers. Needless to say this works for the enemy too, so it pays to be careful. Race skills come in use here, some allow you to heal, move after you attack, or even go as far as to attack twice in one turn. They all have thier own drawbacks, but its all depending on how you use it in the end. Also in previous SMT games where obtaining demons are a matter of shuffle time or pursuing the demons to join you, it a much easier process in this game, all you have to do it buy a demon from the auction. Plus, demon fusing is back, and irs concepct is the same as previous games, but its as addicting as ever.

Yo, the week is pretty hectic, for both myself with school life and the marvel vs capcom 3 commitee. First, things were getting out of hand with the 0 amount of reveals, and then things got worse when haggar and phoenix were revealed recently. Plus, the CES stream with the marvel vs capcom 3 matches were kinda.....worrying. It looks to me that there will be OP tiers again, with some of the characters and attacks being too gay. First, for a reveal we have to mighty Mike haggar, great mayor of metro city. Mike's reveal trailer was awesome,speechless, he looks like a zangief thats so much better, cooler, and obviosuly stronger. His level 3 looks awesome and all his attacks hit like hell, about time we get a hard hitter from the capcom side.

This may be problematic, though her heal is a level 3 and revival is a level 5, I see her as a pretty overpowered character....BUT, too early to judge her until I have played the game myself, hope she doesnt cause balance issues.

Anyway, the game is shaping up to look amazing, but the CES stream looks to have some disturbing issues. Dante looks too fking gay, his combos are LONG as hell and when used by Marn he was totally DOMINATING. Another gay one was viper, for some reason ( I think it was cause of the unfinished build) her damage was too damn high, more than half a bar gone with just a 5-6 hit combo....thats just madness. Storm's hail storm does some extremely gay chip damage, and trish's trap banoonza just looks plain unfair.
Im starting to think MVC2 is gonna happen again....but lets just hope not.
Gamespot score:8.0(great)
my score:7.5
(+)Pros:- Story mode level design is innovative and creative,- overall game and character designs are rather charming,-Sackboy creating and customisation is fun,- level creating is highly addictive
(-)Cons:- super short story mode,-limited sackboy movement and whatnot,-creating levels is fun but annoying and limiting at times.
gameplay time:10-20 hours(below average)
Its a new year! And to kick it off, school is being a bitch, and I'm constantly being hammered by loads of nonsense. Yipee! Anyway heres the first review of 2011, the PSP version of little big planet. Now I know the PS3 little big planet was awesome and had lots of good reviews, heck I even experienced the fun myself with my cousin's PS3 and his version of the game.....though its really sad to say that the PSP version is highly inferior. Though it is still an overall good game to play and enjoy if you have friends, I think that little big planet should have stayed for the PS3......though the PSP thing isnt a bad idea really, its good that Sony actually tried it for the PSP, and it didnt turn out half bad.
In little big planet you play as a sackboy, a fragment of imagination. Sackboy, being a fragment of imagination, is supposed to travel the world's imaginations and ideas, as well as participate in nonsensical fanatics. Sackboy is brought to many areas, ranging from mountains to forests to factories and even frozen landscapes. Also, getting on ships and riding around in retarded wheeled planks are all part of sackboy's adventure. While story doesnt play a big part here, the narrative and content is a good listen.

There are of course many other stuff that make little big planet more than a simple platformer that looks charming. First off, what made little big planet flourish for the PS3 in the first place...... the level design. You can make levels as you wish, using the in-game level designing tools itself, to make your levels and share it with the world. While making levels can be a long and tiring process, when you finally finish your level and it looks and plays exacly as you want, it feels awesome. Also, customizing sackboy is really cool, it may take awhile to unlock all the available looks for sackboy, but finding your sackboy the perfect look is crucial if you want to feel awesome everytime you play LBP. When you look at others' sackboy's, you will then see that yours actually stands out from the rest :).
Intro to gamer--freakz
My ratings
9.0+=F**king amazing
Anything below 7= Crap and will not be covered
Only applies to games
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Blog Archive
- Trauma center:Under the knife
- NOT A MAI HIME SEQUEL,but still great (Mai otome r...
- Demons's souls boss profile: Flamelurker
- Demons's souls boss profile: Dirty colossus
- The awesomeness that is Dissidia Duodecim
- Lunar:Silver star harmony
- Street fighter 4
- Greatest game character:14 Jan 11
- Star ocean:Till the end of time
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor
- Marvel vs Capcom 3:The story so far
- Little big planet
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Recently reviewed
- Bastion (8.0/10)
- Under Night In Birth Exe:Late (7.5/10)
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (9.2/10)
- Bravely Default (8.2/10)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (7.2/10)
Upcoming Anime reviews
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Gamer stats
Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma
-Yuki Terumi Lvl 13
League of legends
-Mid Champs: Karthus, Lissandra, Swain
-Top Champs: Pantheon, Renekton, Shen
-Junglers: Volibear, Xin Zhao, Cho Gath, Darius, Pantheon, Nautilus
-Supports: Annie, Thresh
Recommended games

7th Dragon 2020
Current best character

Yamato Hotsuin
Game Characters
Anime Characters
Current favourite games

The world ends with you

Shin megami tensei:devil survivor

Shin megami tensei:persona 4
Currently playing games


Atelier Totori:The Adventurer of Arland

League of legends

7th Dragon 2020
Wanted and anticipated games

Atelier Meruru:The Apprentice of Arland(wanted)

Atelier Totori:Adventurer of Arland(wanted)


Tales of Xillia (Q1 2013)
Currently watching anime

Kokoro Connect
Recommended Anime
- Angel beats
- Anohana:The flower we saw that day
- Another
- Assassination Classroom
- Baka to test to Shoukanjuu
- Baka to test to Shoukanjuu Ni!
- Black Bullet
- Code Geass
- Code Geass R2
- Daily Life Of High School Boys
- Darker than black
- Date A Live
- Durarara!
- Eureka Seven
- Fate/Zero
- Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood
- Guilty Crown
- Hanamonogatari
- Hataraku Maou Sama
- Higurashi no Naku no Koro ni
- Higurashi no Naku no Koro ni Kai
- K-on!
- K-on! Season 2
- Kami Sama No Memochou
- Kill La Kill
- Kore wa zombie desuka
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon
- MM!
- Mahouka
- Mai-hime
- Mai-otome
- Mirai Nikki
- My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
- My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO
- Nichijou
- No Game No Life
- Overlord
- Parasyte -The Maxim-
- Persona 3 The Movie: The Spring Of Birth
- Psycho Pass
- School-Live!
- Shakugan no Shana
- Shakugan no Shana 2
- Shakugan no Shana 3 FINAL
- Shingeki No Kyojin
- Shirobako
- Shokugeki No Soma
- Steins;Gate
- Strike Witches/Strike Witches 2
- Sunday Without God
- Sword Art Online
- Tenchi Muyo! War On Geminar
- The Idolm@ster
- The Pet Girl Of Sakurasou
- To Aru Majutsu No Index:Endymion No Kiseki
- To aru Majutsu no Index Season 2
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Toradora!
Great anime
- Accel World
- Akame Ga Kill
- Akatsuki No Yona
- Amagi Brilliant Park
- Ao no exorcist
- Asura cryin
- Asura cryin 2
- Baccano!
- Barakamon
- Blood Blockade Battlefront
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga sukunai
- Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai NEXT
- Btooom!
- Campione
- Classroom Crisis
- Coppelion
- Cross Ange
- D-Frag!
- Danganronpa: The Animation
- Date A Live II
- Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
- Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 2
- Freezing
- Gekkan Shojo Nozaki Kun
- Golden Time
- Grimgar Of Fantasy And Ash
- Hagure Yusha No Aestetica
- Hayate no gotoku season 2
- High School DxD
- High School DxD Born
- High School DxD New
- Hitsugi No Chaika
- Infinite Stratos
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012-2013)
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:Stardust Crusaders
- Jormungand
- Jormungand: Perfect Order
- K
- K-on! Movie
- Kampfer
- Kokoro Connect
- Kyoukai No Kanata
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon 2
- Kyousogiga
- Log Horizon
- Log Horizon 2
- Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions
- Love Live! School Idol Project
- Love Live! School Idol Project S2
- Lucky star
- Macademi Wasshoi
- Maji de watashi ni koi shinasai!
- Maoyu Maou Yusha
- Mikagura School Suite
- Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu Yo
- Monogatari Second Season
- Monster Musume
- Motto To Love Ru
- Nagi No Asukara
- Nanana's Buried Treasure
- Nisemonogatari
- Oda Nobuna No Yabou
- Omamori himari
- OniAi
- Oreimo
- Oreimo S2
- Oreshura
- Outbreak Company
- Persona 3 Movie 2:Midsummer Knight's Dream
- Pokemon:The Origin
- Psycho Pass II
- Rakudai Kishi No Cavalry
- Rokka No Yuusha
- Rozen maiden
- Rozen maiden traumend
- Seitokai no ichizon
- Seitokai Yakuindomo
- Seraph Of The End
- Seraph Of The End: Battle In Nagoya
- Sket Dance
- So, I Can't Play H!
- Sound! Euphonium
- Strike The Blood
- Strike Witches:The Movie
- Sword Art Online II
- The Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls
- The World God Only Knows:Goddesses Arc
- The World Is Still Beautiful
- To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S
- To Love Ru Darkness
- To Love Ru Darkness S2
- Umineko no naku no koro ni
- Unbreakable Machine Doll
- Watamote
- Yamada-Kun And The Seven Witches
- Your Lie In April
- Yuki Yuna Is A Hero
- Yumekui Merry
- Zankyou No Terror
- Zero No Tsukaima series
Good anime
- Absolute Duo
- Akagami No Shirayuki-Hime
- Akuma No Riddle
- Aldnoah Zero
- Asobi ni Ikuyo!
- Asu no Yoichi
- Bakemonogatari
- Blood Lad
- C3: Cube x Cursed, Curious
- Chrome Shelled Regios
- Dagashi Kashi
- Darker than Black:Ryuusei no Gemini
- Day Break Illusion
- Deadman Wonderland
- Devil Survivor 2:The Animation
- Dog X Scissors
- Dragon Crisis!
- Dusk Maiden Of Amnesia
- Eureka Seven AO
- Fate Kaleid Liner Prisa Illya 2wei!
- Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
- Fate/Stay Night
- Freezing Vibration
- Gakuen Toshi Asterisk
- Galilei Donna
- Gatchaman Crowds
- Gatchaman Crowds Insight
- Gugure! Kokkuri-San
- Hatsukoi Limited!
- Hayate No Gotoku! Cuties
- High School Of The Dead
- Hitsugi No Chaika: Avenging Battle
- Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride
- Hyouka
- Hyperdimension Neptunia:The Animation
- Infinite Stratos 2
- Inukami!
- Invaders Of Rokujyoma
- K: Missing Kings
- Kaibutsu Oujo
- Kannagi
- Knights Of Sidonia
- Kore wa zombie desuka? Of the dead
- Koufuku Graffiti
- Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions -Heart Throb-
- Love, Election and Chocolate
- Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Mayo Chiki
- Minami-Ke Tadaima
- Minami-Ke/Okawari/Okaeri
- Needless
- Nisekoi
- Nisekoi:
- Noragami
- Okami-San And Her Seven Companions
- Owarimonogatari
- Plastic Memories
- Psycho Pass Movie
- Rental Magica
- Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS
- Rosario + Vampire/Capu2
- Rozen Maiden 2013
- Rozen Maiden:Overture
- Sabagebu
- Saekano: How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend
- Sankarea
- Seitokai No Ichizon Lv.2
- Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear
- Shinmai Maou No Testament
- Tales of the Abyss
- Tears to Tiara
- The "Hentai" Prince And The Stony Cat.
- The World God Only Knows I/II
- To aru Kagaku no Railgun
- To Love Ru
- Tokyo ESP
- Tokyo Ravens
- Tsukimonogatari
- Uchouten Kazoku
- Utawarerumono: The False Faces
- Valvrave: The Liberator
- Valvrave: The Liberator S2
- Vividred Operation
- Xamd:Lost Memories
- Zettai Karen Children Unlimited-Hyoubu Kyouske
Decent Anime
- 11eyes
- Aldnoah Zero 2
- Bakuretsu Tenshi
- Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation
- Black Rock Shooter OVA
- Blade Dance Of Elementalers
- Bleach movie 4:The Hell Verse
- Dimension W
- Fate Kaleid/Liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz!
- Girls Und Panzer
- Gj-Bu
- Hamatora
- Hayate No Gotoku:Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- Heavy Object
- Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls
- If Her Flag Breaks
- Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
- Kiss x Sis
- La Storia Della Arcana Familgia
- Maken-Ki! Battling Venus
- Mekakucity Actors
- Nyan Koi
- Rail Wars!
- Re-Kan!
- Re:Hamatora
- Ro-Kyu-Bu!
- Rolling Girls
- Seiken Tsukai No World Break
- Sekirei
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
- Senran Kagura
- Shikabane Hime Aka
- Shikabane Hime Kuro
- Shinmai Maou No Testament BURST
- Sky Wizards Academy
- Soul Eater Not!
- Stella Jo Gakuin C3-Bu
- Tamako Market
- Triage X
- Trinity Seven
- Upotte!
- Witch Craft Works
Anime NOT Recommended
Anime Talk
The fool's best(9.0 or more)
- Advance wars: Dual strike
- Bloodborne
- Cabal online
- Danganronpa:Trigger Happy Havoc
- Dark Souls
- Dark Souls 3
- Dark Souls II
- Demon's souls
- Dishonored
- Dissidia: final fantasy
- Doom 3
- Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends Of The Titan
- Fire Emblem:Awakening
- God of war
- Half minute hero
- Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
- Hoshizora No Memoria
- Jubeat knit
- Kingdom hearts 2
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
- Nine hours, nine persons, nine doors
- Phoenix wright:ace attorney
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor 2
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3 portable
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 4
- Tactics Orge:Let Us Cling Together
- The Last Of Us
- The world ends with you
- Undertale
- Valkyria chronicles
- Yugioh 5Ds world championship 2009
The fool's real life outings
Favourite anime characters
- 11eyes, Angel beats, Ao no exorcist
- Akame Ga Kill, Assassination Classroom, Danshi
- Akuma No Riddle, Black Bullet, Dog X Scissors
- Amaburi, Mahouka, Gatchaman Crowds
- Anohana, Dragon Crisis!, Eureka Seven
- Another, Dusk Maiden, Hyakka Ryouran
- Asobi ni Ikuyo, Chrome Shelled Regios, DRRR
- Asu no yoichi, Asura cryin', Baka test
- Baccano!, Fate/Stay night, Freezing
- Bakemonogatari, Bakuretsu tenshi, BRS OVA
- Barakamon, Btooom!, Cross Ange
- C3, Campione, Jojo
- CANAAN, Code geass, Darker than black
- Danganronpa, Kill La Kill, Log Horizon
- Date A Live, Love Live!, Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Daybreak Illusion, Kyoukai Kanata, Galilei Donna
- Deadman Wonderland, Hatsukoi limited, HNG
- Girls Und Panzer, Macademi Wasshoi, Maji De
- Golden Time, Hitsugi No Chaika, Jojo SC
- Haganai, FMA, Guilty Crown
- Hagura Yusha, Mondaiji, MM!
- Hataraku Maou Sama, Lucky Star, Maoyu
- High School DxD, HOTD, Higurashi
- Hyouka, K, Kaibutsu Oujo
- Infinite Stratos, Inukami!, Jormungand
- K-on!, Kampfer, Kami-sama no memochou
- Kore Wa Zombie, Kokoro connect, Kannagi
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon, KissXSis, Mai-Hime
- Neptunia, Love Election and Chocolate, Mirai Nikki
- Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Chunibyo, Minami-Ke
Best game characters
- Kagura- Blazblue:Chrono Phantasma
- Sterkenberg- Atelier Arland Series
- Yamato- Shin megami tensei:Devil Survivor 2
- Jackie- The Darkness II
- Jaegar- Valkyria chronicles
- Maria- Knights in the nightmare
- Hazama- Blazblue:Continuum shift
- Ulthane- Darksiders
- Dante- Devil may cry series
- Miles edgeworth- Ace attorney series
- Rachel- Blazblue: calamity trigger portable
- Hero- Half minute hero
- Jin- Tekken series
- Naoya- Shin megami tensei:devil survivor
- Vayne- Mana khemia:student alliance
- Naoto- Shin megami tensei:persona 4
- Sho minamoto- The world ends with you
- Cloud- Final fantasy 7
Greatest boss fights
- Accelerator (Dengeki Gauen RPG:Cross Of Venus)
- Airshatter (Atelier Meruru)
- Asimov (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
- Barthandelus II (Final fantasy 13)
- Batomys (Valkyria Chronicles)
- Dante (Devil may cry 4)
- Darth moab (Prinny 2)
- Draco cantus (The world ends with you)
- Gawain/Leo (Fate/Extra)
- Golbez (Final fantasy 4)
- Golden Mage Knight (Tales Of Xillia)
- Isolde (Mana khemia:Student alliance)
- Kurt zisa (Kingdom hearts)
- Lucifer (Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor)
- Melad Margus (Knights in the nightmare)
- Tigrex (Monster hunter freedom 2)
- Unlimited Hazama (Blazblue:Continuum shift)
Top villians
- 19/02/16 (anime)
- 03/05/15 (anime)
- 15/09/14 (anime)
- 29/07/13 (anime)
- 05/12/12 (anime)
- 11/03/12 (anime)
- 17/08/11 (anime)
- 02/05/11 (anime)
- 27/11/10 (anime)
- 10/08/10 (anime)
- 12/05/10 (anime)
- 08/08/15 (gaming)
- 07/02/15 (gaming)
- 16/05/14 (gaming)
- 24/03/13 (gaming)
- 03/07/12 (gaming)
- 08/11/11 (gaming)
- 13/06/11 (gaming)
- 02/03/11 (gaming)
- 21/09/10 (gaming)
- 22/07/10 (gaming)
- 22/06/10 (gaming)
Pervertic posts
Seiyuu Power!!
Parties in RPGs
- Bravely Default (Part 2)
- Bravely Default (Part 1)
- 7th Dragon 2020 II
- Etrian Odyssey IV:Legend Of The Titan
- Atelier Meruru:The Apprentice Of Arland
- Atelier Totori:The Adventurer Of Arland
- Tales Of Graces F
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 4
- Unchained Blades
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 3
- Atelier Rorona:The Alchemist Of Arland
- Radiant Historia
- Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Survivor 2
Fighting game character impressions
- Phantom Breaker:Battle Grounds
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 2 (Hands On)
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 1 (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Part 2 (Hands Off)
- Blazblue:CP Character Impressions
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands Off)
- P4A Character impressions
- MVC3 Characters 1-12
- MVC3 Characters 13-24
- MVC3 Characters 25-36
- MVC3 Character Impressions (Hands Off)
Tiers in fighting games
Yugioh 2009 guide(DS)*complete*
Wolfteam freebies
Demon's souls boss profiles
Dark souls boss profiles
- Asylum demon
- Taurus demon
- Capra demon
- Bell gargoyle
- Moonlight Butterfly
- Great Grey Wolf Sif
- Gaping dragon
- Stray demon
- Chaos Witch Quelaag
- Iron Golem
- Ornstein and Smough
- Dark Sun Gwyndolin
- Crossbreed Priscillia
- Seath The Scaleless
- Pinwheel
- Gravelord Nito
- The Four Kings
- Ceaseless Discharge
- Centipede Demon
- Bed Of Chaos
- Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder
- Sanctuary Guardian
- Knight Artorias
- Black Dragon Kalameet
- Manus, Father Of The Abyss
Dark Souls II Boss Profiles
- The Last Giant
- Dragonrider/Old Dragonslayer
- Flexile Sentry/The Pursuer
- Ruin Sentinels
- The Lost Sinner
- Belfry Gargoyles
- Scorpioness Najka
- Prowling Magus & Congregation/Royal Ray Authority
- The Duke's Dear Freja
- Royal Rat Vanguard/The Rotten
- Skeleton Lords/Executioner's Chariot
- Covetus Demon/Mytha The Baneful Queen
- Smelter Demon/Old Iron King
- Dragonriders
- Looking Glass Knight/Demon Of Song
- Velstadt/Guardian Dragon
- Giant Lord/Throne Watcher & Throne Defender
- Nashandra/Aldia, Scholar Of The First Sin
- Darklurker
- Elana/Sinh/Gank Squad
- Fume Knight/Sir Alonne/Smelter Demon
- Ava, The King's Pet/Burnt Ivory King/Lud & Zallen