gamespot score:n/a
my score:8.8
(+)pros:- even moar cards than the previous game ( bringing card count to over 4000),- Story is longer and more interesting,-character customization is looking as good as ever,- music is once again great,-plenty of replay value in both world championship and story mode, -story mode finally makes use of more turbo dueling,- puzzle solving( though little) add more brain usage into the game.
(-)cons:- the game lags badly,- the game lags really badly.
gameplay time: 100 hours+(very long lasting)
School is finally taking a step towards the better side, so heres a review. Today's post will be about yugioh world championship 2010. I gave the 2009 edition a 9.0, and though this game is much more packed with content( i mean MUCH more packed), it is DESTROYED by lag. Anyway more with the lag later, this game is great, it will keep players glued to the DS screen for hours and hours after the game starts.
Yugioh 2010's story is once again based on the anime, this tme up till the dark signers arc. It in no way follows the story of yugioh 2009, and its a brand new story on its own. This time your character plays as an arcadian order duelist. The arcadia movement is an organisation of pyshic duelists, following the orders of its leader sayer, it strives to complete sayer's goals, which lead to its lousy reputation. You start seeing yourself being brainwashed by sayer, and begin out having friends in the movement, and as you work for the movement, you slowly start to realise some epic scheme being formed, and start working your way out.
The dueling system stays true to itself, and is the same as yugioh world championship 2009. Almost everything is recycled, and because of that the play field still looks great. Other than that the battle system and duel flow remain mostly untouched, everything plays the same way, with synchros and all. Its still pretty cool that when a person gets hit for big direct damage, it shows the character actually flinching.

As usual in story mode, we get to free roam. The streets of satelite and neo domino city look EXACTLY THE SAME as last year's version. But still, there are no complains since the city still looks slick, for a DS game. We of course have new areas, konami wont be so damn lazy. We now get to visit the spirit world and the arcadia movement interior. We also have loads of gang hideouts.Plus, as a bonus, we have puzzle solving( yay), alot more puzzle solving, these help us unlock new clothing and duel disks. And whats the purpose of all these places? Dueling of course! In this game, there are a lot more duelists than the previous one, so rev up your deck, cause there are lots of fags to duel. Also, turbo duels now play bigger roles in the game, during the last few duels, most of them are turbo duels. In the 1st game, there were only like, what, 4 turbo duels? Thats lame yo. World championship is back too, and like before, there are crapload of opponents to duel. And obviously world championship is gonna be tougher than the story mode wimps, so those looking for more challenging duels should look there.

Like last year's edition, the only flaw that plagues the game is the lag issue. Before starting the 2010 edition I was kinda hoping they would fix the lag issues( like they did in tag force 4), but NO! They had to be so damn smart, and add some fancy ass cursor to the damn game, and made it even MORE LAG. This game, I swear, REEKS of lag. The lag is so damn bad it goes to the extent of having an opponent "think" for 20 minutes, and in the end,they jus set a card and end the turn. WTF. If you have lousy patience, sitting this one out may be a good idea.