gamespot score:6.5(fair)
my score:8.0
(+)pros:- lots of new content added over from the original monster hunter 2,- veterans can port over thier characters and get started with the new stuff,- newcomers can experience new quests available in the game's early stages,- still provides the same great hunting experience that was provided in monster hunter freedom 2 without any new annoyances.
(-)cons:- camera is still fked,-like every other ingame quests, the new ones can still get repititive.
gameplay time:100 hours+( very long lasting)
If you are a regular visitor to the gamefaqs site, you will have at least looked at the PSP page once. And if you have looked in the PSP page, you will notice 1 game that has stayed there for a ridiculously long time. Yeap and thats monster hunter freedom unite, dubbed monster hunter freedom 2G in japan. 1st of all I would like to say even before the US version was released everyone was desperately downloading english patches and playing 2G, due to hype (just like how everyone is playing english patched versions of pokemon white/black). Is this worth the hype?
Since freedom unite is basically just an upgrade of monster hunter freedom 2, its pretty obvious that the story is the same. If you start out as your ported account, you can jump straight into the action. If you start out as a newcomer you get the same old monster hunter freedom 2 story, you are a wandering hunter and one day while on a quest you are greatly pwned by a tigrex, one of the supposedly strongest monsters roaming the world. You wake up in the village, and are dubbed the village hunter, and start taking quests from the village elder to help out the village deeds.
Monster hunter has always been an easy game to understand. As its name title suggests, you are a hunter of monsters, and its your damn duty to go aounrd taking quests and killing whatever you need to kill or grab whatever you need to grab. There are a veriety of quests, gathering quests, hunting quests, slaying quests....but really the game's only focuses are mainly slaying and hunting quests, where the shit gets real. Slaying and hunting quests require you to kill the game's bosses, which are the real deal. Killing small fry or picking up stones and weeds arent really what you call fun right? You have to deal with the big boys. The game's quests difficulties are divided into levels, so the higher the harder. In freedom unite however, there is a new felyn in which you can take quests from, other than the elder. Her quests however, are extrememly hard, and are meant for those ported characters.
For taking these quests you will be killing a butt load of monsters, and you will be getting loads of thier skin, claws, teeth and whatnot. With these you can craft better weapon and armor, to make you stronger and look more badass. Of course crafting these usually require alot of the same material, which means you will have to keep killing the same monster over and over for that material. It gets repititive, but after you get what you want, you will have a great feel of satisfaction. With stronger armor you progress to kill stronger monsters, thats how the game goes. In combat, you can wield a variety of weapons, majority of which are very fun to use. The greatsword packs a huge punch, but is slow. It can pack an even bigger punch by charging up. The dual knifes are quick as hell, but wear down easily. The bowgun is adept at attacking from afar, but it has weak damage. There are ALOT of weapons to use, and mxing and matching for whatever works against a single monster is fun, as you get to experience a fight with so many different attacking styles. A new addition in this game is the felyn companion, which instead of cooks in the kitchen, helps you in battle. You can select a felyn's battle type, be it bombs or weapons. These guys can help you gather stuff on the field, and battle the bosses along with you.

As stated the game has alot of new content, there are alot of new monsters to kill. The lavasioth, yama tsukami, nargacuga and many more. Most of these are a blast, since they mostly very hard, but because they are hard to kil, things still get repititive. You have to kill a single monster so many times jsut to make your armor or weapon. And sometimes you kill them, they dont drop it, so you will have a feeling of huge annoyance. This feeling starts to get real old, and everytime you miss that tooth,claw or wing, you will rage and curse your own luck, then only to try kill the monster again, in which it may not drop what you want again. Plus, the camera issue of being awkward is still here, you have to move the camera with the D-pad, which is a little...weird? While its annoying and tough at 1st, it will grow on you.