Sup. The hype of djmax portable 3 being released still hasnt disappeared within me, even after a month or so. I have been djmaxing alot recently and Im making a list, of the best djmax songs from each of the games. Heres to hoping some of them make it to djmax portable 3, not all of course. Make a note that I do like hamsin and divine service, but since they made it in black square I wont include them in. There are no repeats in this list, and the songs are in alphabetical order, and not in my positioning.
Here we go.
Best of portable 1

Chrono breakers
Chrono breakers
Awesome song. I really think its an anime opening, looking at the MV and all. Probably the best vocaled song in djmax portable 1. Nien rocks shit.
One of my 1st and favourite songs. Let's go baby is slow, hip hop, with some nice vocals. Not sure about composer but I assume its forte escape.
An epic piece of music with an epic MV. Theres a reason why it got ported over to clazziquai edition with a HD re-edited MV.
SIN ~The last scene~
Well looks like esti went and took SIN, already an epic piece, and made it into something even more epic. SIN ~The last scene~ is my favourite song for portable 1, and will always be. Plus its extremely hard to play.
Best of portable 2
Good bye
Ruby tuesday
Got hooked the moment I played it. Great vocals and a good beat, I really got into this song. You may not believe it but I find this on par with your own miracle.
Hello pinky
By Nien? Really. But ah well the vocals for this song is done by a female vocalist, which is of course more fitting for a song such as this. An addictingly cheerful song that tempts you to play it everytime you hear its preview when scrolling through it.
Favourite song in portable 2. No contest. I had over 300 plays for this song alone, and I think over 200 plays in trilogy. Even after like 500 plays I find this song great. Vocals and beats of this song makes you feel epic everytime you play it, especially at the end.
Minus 3
Minus 3
An upsized version of outlaw minus the vocals and with double badasstitude. Minus 3 is probably one of the songs you will unlock last in portable 2, and boy how satisfying it is when you play it, since its a great piece of music. Crazy beats plus cool MV equals win.
The "in" song in portable 2. I think this was in forums everywhere. Nightmare was, indeed, a masterpiece. Even after being in black square I dont mind this being in portable 3 too. Nightmare is a piece of insanely fast music that is incredibly fun to play. Plus its fking challenging.
Syriana is great. Another song that had over 200 plays for me. Heard it was in clazzi, but I didnt know how to unlock it. Probably my favourite song from bexter. This is also a BGM song for a stage in S4 league.
Best of portable-clazziquai edition
Dj clazzi
I'm not really a fan of dj clazzi's work, but electronics is just great. Its a captivating piece of music that just keeps you playing it over and over. Probably the only nice song from dj clazzi,
First kiss
Oh may god. Best song from clazzi, no contest. Awesome vocals, beautiful MV and the rest of the song is probably so awesome. I'll call this one a masterpiece, I swear I will. It even went to trilogy, sweet.
Hard to start
Another sweet song. Its mostly the MV, but the song makes you bounce along with it. The 4 cherries are so damn cute and chubby, so are the vocals. Not too sure about the composers, but Im pretty sure it starts with Sa something.
I thought this was was the best song in clazzi when I 1st played it. Anyways, this is is still a great song that will captivate almost everyone on 1st play. And somehow I find the MV quite meaningful, somehow.
Best of portable-black square
Colours of sorrow
Colours of sorrow
What else to say? Colours of sorrow is a sad song, but still it has solid beats and a cool rhytm, plus great vocals to boot. This is a great song.
Probably the 1st song the cursor will be on when you 1st start black square. A great rapping song that is somewhat similar to outlaw but with more "speed" mixed into the rhytm. 100% worth the play.
Sugar donut
Possibly the best, if not, one of the best vocaled songs in black square. Then again this is becuase I love rock, so this can be a little bit biased. But bleh, most will think this song rocks nevertheless.
I want you
Favourite song in black square. The vocals were just too amazing, combine it with the MV and you've got one hell of an addicting song. This was in clazzi too, but Im stating it for black square. This song is a masterpiece.
Supposedly this is the song that made M2U famous back in the online days. Anyway, with a remade and reimproved MV, this song is really imba to play, and still a great piece overall.
Best of trilogy
One of the best songs in the whole of trilogy. It has an addicting beat and a cool rhytm. The vocals are also quite captivating.
Let go
Let go
Great rapping feat makes let go a cool ass song. Dont compare it to fever's hip hop rescue, they arent even on the same level! The original let go is the bomb and beats great rapping songs like JBG.
Another great piece by bexter. This compares to syriana, which means its a god tier song. Oh yeah, its also a BGM for the tunnel map in S4 league.
Unfortunately I dont have a pic for my favourite trilogy song, ventilator. Its an awesome piece of music with a badass MV of 2 stickman fighting with epic moves and skills. Its godamn awesome its too bad I dont have a pic.
So you've seen it folks, the best of Djmax. This took quite a while to get up, and its all self opinion, so it might not be on favour with some others.
What a friggin long and tiring post. C&C 3 review coming soon. And I hope all people out there are as hyped for djmax portable 3 as I am. SWEETNESS.