Gamespot score:6.0(fair)
my score:7.8
(+)pros:-many branching digimon evolutions allow in-depth evolution choices,-battle is rather satisfying with all your very own customized and chosen digimon,- digifarm has plenty of options for players,- incredible digimon database,- many different explorable areas with thier own equal levels of importances
(-)cons:-lackluster story,-fights and bosses in the game are far tooooo easy,-in game sprites look bland and old
gameplay time:20-30 hours(average)
Finally! My computer these few days were crashed and I couldnt do anything due to that. Finally my computer has been reformated and Im ready to post again(but all my songs are gone, nooooo). Anyway today I've got digimon world dusk up for review. Its a fairly old game, and one of my few starting games for my DS. Anyway cleared this game all the way, thought it was prett good, but disappointed in a few things, really. All right here goes.
The story is as such. Your character takes part in a tornament as DUSK team's represenative(I think thats something like that). Well during the tornament you fight the DAWN's team representative and become rivals. Later on a virus invades the world and devolves everybody and thier digimons. Well the story goes as your character takes missions from your team leader to go around investigating the virus and eventually eliminating it, with a few very obvious twists and turns to the story, it concludes on a very anti-climatic ending. As for the story it unfolds at an incredibly slow rate, thats why the game is so long, and it drags and drags and drags alot, making the story kinda mediocre and bland.
b b
Being a digimon game, you will find yourself in battle alot. Battle is the prime essence of the game. Good thing is that battle is fun. Though you only get to see the enemies' digimon and only portraits of your digimon, the battle is kinda fun and rewarding. Defeating opponent's digimon nabs you different kinds of exp. Defeating a dark digimon gives you dark exp, defeating a beast digimon gives you beast exp and so on. This is one of the interesting features of the game. You see, to make a digimon digivolve, one would need the corresponding exp for it to do so. If you have yourself a digimon that needs dark exp to digivolve, then killing lots of dark digimon will be the answer. This is a rather interesting feature, as there are lots of different kinds of exp for one to "collect".

Now the question arises. Whats the point of gathering so many different kinds of exp? Well this corresponds to another good feature to the game. Besides the game's mascot digimon(in our case lunamon), every other digimon has an in-depth digivolution path. With many branching paths of digivolution, one digimon is possible to digivolve into many others. For example, a digimon can digivolve into 2 possibilities, one requires machine exp and one requires beast exp. This means that if one lacks machine or beast exp, the player can choose to digivolve into the other path. Though, if the player really wants the digivolution to head into the machine path, one can go hunt machine digimon. This is one great factor of the game, as this allows mixing and matching and will keep players interesting in repeatedly killing digimon.

Now to talk about the digifarm. While your character is busy going around saving the world, you can deposit your other spare digimon into your digifarm via your home base. Since you can only take 3 digimon with you putting them into the digifarm is not a bad idea. The digifarm can help raise your digimon's stats while you are away someplace else. This is kinda cool since you can see what your other digimons are doing on the upper screen of your DS. This makes things much easier, since you wont need to train ALL your digimon this way, it is kinda annoying

Happy gaming.