Gamespot score:n/a
my score:7.7
Yoyo its time for the S4 league.A game featured through a DJmax song"supersonic".It was created by pentavision of course,featuring music from different DJmax titles.Its an online TPS,with a huge twist,which makes it incredibely enjoyable.
Okay,this game has a huge gameplay range.Its hard to explain in words.Its like when you 1st log into the game,you will suddenly feel real pumped up and you will really want to dive into the game.The moment you head in the game you jump into tutorial,and with the tutorial alone,you can already see how fun it is.
This game has good weaponary,they are very creative with this.The weapons have a very retro/furturistic feel to it.Even thier handguns look great.They have revolvers,semi auto rifle,counter sword,plasma sword,cannonade......theres alot to list.
Game modes range from touch downs to deathmatches.

This game is seriously fun,but DO NOT play it too much.You will get bored of it real quick.Also,the reason this game didnt go above the 8 mark,is cuz noobs will seriously get owned really bad.The controls are a little flimsy to get used to,which is another flaw to this game.
Overall its great.The game can be downloaded here.