May has ended, good grief.
Tigrex baby. Finally after 4 months of wait, Im doing greatest boss fights again. I seriously couldnt think of a cool boss for so long, until I picked up monster hunter orage manga, it reminded me of good old days. Thus the tigrex.
Tigrex, is a badass motherfker. He is like the main monster of monster hunter freedom 2, he beats you off a cliff at the start of the game, almost making you lose your life. He is also the boss that seperates a pro from a noob, so if you beat him, you've become a pro! Just dont expect it to be easy.
Opening songs-OP 1: super driver
genre:comedy,slice of life
Finished quite some time ago, but didnt review it :p. Anime reviews totally slipped my mind, so apologies there. So....melancholy of haruhi suzumiya S2...a disappointment. Yeah it is, I aint kidding. 1st showed kicked ass,2nd one kinda disappoints. It fails to show it the way it was before. And then theres the endless 8! FUCK THE ENDLESS 8, its the dumbest anime arc ever to hit the face of the earth!!!! The later episodes werent bad too, its such a pity.
Nothing to say here, I love aya hirano. Her songs and voice acting are awesome. Super driver is no exception. This is a great song that stays beating in your head after hearing it a few times. Full version is great too, go download it, Im sure its not too hard to find. And like the 1st series' opening, opening animations are quite solid, so yeah.
This is going to anger haruhi fans, but this show isnt good. I swear if you havent watched it, dont. If you want to watch it, skip episode 3 to 8 or 9. Cast is pretty much the same from 1st season, but the show doesnt live up to its name. Plot is pretty much still about harhuhi's existence as a "god". There isnt much explanation of this is the show itself, and it kinda stinks. Not that it really mattered since this show is actually more about comedy, but I wanted to at least hear abit more from koizumi or the other 2 girls.
Okay haruhi suzumiya 2 starts off after season 1. It continues telling kyon's tale of nothing-ness as he hangs out with his not so ordinary club with his not so ordinary friends and his demanding brigade chief. Spoilers okay? The plot isnt much like 1st season, altough they still spend numerous episodes doing nothing, 1st season had much explaining about the other brigade members' backgrounds, 2nd season had none. Okay maybe this is possibly since the viewers should already know enough about them, but .....its all the endless 8. The reason why I am so diappointed with this endless 8. Its the repeating of the same episode 8 times. Cool right. So...8 episodes of the same thing over and over....and the way they solve it is so ridiculously easy that one cant help but think " So thats the solution?????". Imagine the pain of repeating the same many times..... I mean like 2 times is okay, but 8? Come on, get serious. The end episodes are pretty good so they saved the show from getting below 5.
Im disappointed in this show, and Im sure half the world is. This show could have been so much better, and yeah, seriously, fuck the endless 8.
Gamespot score:n/a
my score:7.0
(+)pros:- upgraded roster from previous HTS game,- more characters have more different modes to choose from,- campaign lasts fairly long,- more tag attacks.
(-)cons:-gameplay still remains extremely linear,- not much increase in gameplay modes,- same prob regarding those who dont understand much jap
gameplay time:10-20 hours( below average)
Heres part 2 of the HTS combo, its gonna be about HTS 6. Kinda obvious since ytd was about 5. Anyway for an opening statement theres really nothing new to add from ytd. This was released last year and is the second heat the soul game I played. I didnt play this as much as 5, since gameplay still had the same linearity and theres was not much new content, exepct for character roster. Theres actually still quite alot for a hardcore bleach fan to find in here, but if you're looking for new content, you're gonna be quite disappointed.
Once again, story is jap, dun understand shit. But yet, once again, the story follows the anime. This game's story campaign is actually pretty damn long, quite alot of fights. This game's campaign revolves around the anime from the very start( literally, since ichigo doesnt even have shikai yet) till the arrancar-shinigami war. But for some reason only halibel was included, no stark and barrigan :(.
Gameplay is still as linear as ever, but luckily, the expanded roster helped save the game from being all ever so boring. Be noted the roster expansion was quite welcome in this game, since more new characters mean more moves to try out. In game animations and stuff remain mostly unchanged, most of the animations are recycled, sad. The tag system is back though, 2 v 2 is still here and once again its more fun than 1 v 1. There are more compatible teams now, like urahara and that shopkeeper guy (cant remember name), and of course these allows more experimenting with different tag teams, since other characters can perform some sweet combos.

Now as you can see roster has expanded, and this is good. Most of the new additions are cool, especially dark rukia, gotta love her. The tag refrences are the same from the previous game, assist types and all. Other than that, if you're like me, when all characters are unlocked, one can just screw the campaign and jump str8 to free play and fight to your heart's content. To unlock all these guys you play campaign missions, but if im not wrong you can also unlock them via save data. Anyway if you're playing normally, you will probably unlock all characters before the campaign is cleared.

Much like the previous HTS game, or any other jap game you will ever play, the problem with not understanding objectives still arises. But once again this is very expected, and can be solved by trial and error. And unlike before, free play can be pretty fun, since increased number of characters allow you to try them all, and I assure you most of them are fun to play.
Gamespot score:n/a
my score:7.5
(+)pros:- good amount of playable characters,- team attacks are nice,- quite alot of in game content,- easy to learn and pick up,- different tasks and objectives add more meaning to main campaign.
(-)cons:-fighting is extremely linear ,- many alternate costumes are the same,- missions from story mode can be annoying for those who cant understand jap too much.
gameplay time:10-20 hours( below average)
Well after quite a delay, here starts bleach heat the soul combo. Today Im starting with bleach heat the soul 5, quite an old game now, say 2 years? Can roughly remember quite alot from the game, characters, play modes etc. This was my 1st bleach heat the soul game, and expected quite alot since it was "all the hype" back when I was in school in 2008. After playing I must say that this wasnt that convinced of it being that great. It was good, and lasted me a short time, but my friends were like all over it..... Anway, heres the overview.
Japanese blah blah blah, dont know the story and shit. However, according to the campaign, missions go from ichigo getting hollow mode until nel vs noitoria, adult nel of cuz. It doesnt take long for one to play the whole campaign, since it only has the major fights within the arcs taking place, etc. ishida and renji vs syazel apollo, rukia vs alaneilo( cant remember to spell his name), and the very major ichigo vs grimmjow.
Gameplay in bleach:HTS 5 is incredibly simple. You get a your HP bar and some sort of "mana" bar which I presume is reiatsu. To fill it up you either charge it for keep attacking your enemy, when 1 bar is filled, you get to do a special move, when a few bars are filled, you get to do a different more powerful special. Yeah yeah simple, you also get to do team fights, 2 v 2. In 2 v 2 gameplay has slightly more depth, offensive, defensive assists kick in. Each character has thier own special assist kind, and doing enough of those allows for a team special. Certain special teams have thier own special attack and animation, etc bankai ichigo and bankai hollow ichigo, adult nel and nnoitoria, hitsugaya and kusaka....others will just be a combo of thier 2 specials.

Bleach: HTS has a fairly big roster, aside from these 31 chrs, there are more when you unlock them via appendix. Each character has thier own moves and specials and assist types. But aside from that, the play style of the game remains mostly the same. Unlike games like tekken or blazblue, bleach :HTS probably wont have crazy combos, air juggling or stuff like that, its just wack wack and wack away. And yeah characters mostly dont look too different like in the show, all wearing thier shinigami clothes and stuff. Altough females chrs get a 3rd alternate costume, the chinese dress, and ichigo and some guys get the school uniform alternate costume. If you ask me its all a conspiracy, cuz all the special costumes look the same too, not like each character gets like thier own special costume.

Well HTS as I said has linear combat, and you will be seeing it alot. Theres quite a lot of content in the game, and though the campaign isnt especially long, many of the fights have ulterior tasks and objectives. And for us non-japanese understanding folk, we wont usually understand these objectives, and have to trial and error. Its part of the progress. Also, after you clear the game, theres a new mode that allows you to fight teams of 2, each of these are the special teams, like I said above, thier specials have different animations. There are lots of pairs to figth, and these will take you awhile.
Title says it all.
Sorry for the delay folks, coudlnt access blogger the past few days. Anyway bleach heat the soul combo consists of bleach heat the soul 5 and 6, nothing much.
Expect the 2 soon, this will act very similar to the tekken 6 fest back in january.
Peace for now.
Gamespot score:9.0( editor's choice)
my score:9.4
(+)pros:- well made in game mechanics and controls,- controls are swift and responsive,- well designed world that will captivate players,- much in depth character customization,- online features are extremely unique and great,- well designed enemies and bosses.
(-)cons:- the game is FUUUCKKKING difficult and will induce LOTS of frustration.
gameplay time:100 hours+(very long lasting)
Welcome to my review of demon's souls! I only got this mid march, and have been playing it since then. Cleared new game 6 times, but never cleared new game+, but Im close to doing so. I'm gonna say something that the gametrailers reviewer for this game said. First off, demon's souls is hard. Yes, its hard. Its seriously the only game's flaw, its difficulty. Its hard to the extent its sometimes cheap. When you keep dieing you will swear like no tommorow in this game. Wheter its that accidental cliff roll-off or the cheap tactic of bosses one hitting you.....ahh never mind.
Demon's souls is an action RPG, and RPGs usually come with a good story. Not in this case. This is one RPG where story doesnt actually play a factor. Not that the story is bad, its just kinda know, just focusing on one thing. The great kingdom boletaria, is one day devoured by a deep dwelling fog, with only soul starved soldiers now wandering in its remains. You play as a wanderer, who dies and gets sent to the nexus. You quickly become known as the "slayer of demons" after receiving a mission from the great monumental, to defeat all demons. Defeating all demons will leave the old one, the source of the entire fog business, with nothing to feed off its energy. So your task? Yes thats the entire gist of the plot, you play as the wanderer and try to beat all of the demons.
First things first, demon's souls gameplay. Gameplay is pretty much kinda like monster hunter, with a few more twists on gameplay elements though. You get your normal attack, your heavy attack, usage of items, blocking ,parrying...blah blah blah. Theres quite alot in demon's souls, you gotta make use of what you know in your knowledge of the gameplay commands. One wrong button press can land you dead. Stuff like rolling or blocking is a must know in demon's souls. Luckily, the controls are rather swift and reponsive. A precise button press will lead your character to attack, roll,block ,parry or whatever. You need to know basics and foundation in battle, since these are what will save you from countless deaths in demon's souls. Different weapons have different attack styles, different miracles and magic have different functions, and different armor affects your movements, one must fully master the knowledge of all these to effectivly perform well in battle.
Demon's souls has a incredibly beutiful world, be it the dark swamps of the valley of defilement, the huge vast areas of the shrine of storms, or the creepy atmosphere in the dungeon of latria, they are are well made. The enemies that inhabit these places are well made too. They are what kills players in demon souls, and they come in variety. Skeletions with dual katanas, octopus headed guards, blue-eyed knights, lava like rock skinned bugs..... theres quite a lot. They will kill you, and kill you good. They inhabit the 5 different worlds of demon's souls, and along with their companions thy will be out to hunt you. And in these 5 worlds, there are demons too, the bosses in the game. Each world has 3 demons, waiting at the end of each archstone, with excpetion of the castle of boletaria, it has 4 demons. These guys are no pushovers, they are mostly badass and will cause the players lots of trouble. And everytime you die, you lose all your souls, your in game currency used to buy stats points, or everyday supplies like grass or spices.

Cant beat a demon? Or cant cross a part in an incredibly difficult stage? Seek someone's help! Demon's souls online features are one of the best I have seen. When you desperately cant clear a stage or boss, enter body form, and make use of soul signs around you. Soul signs are seen by body form players, and are set down by soul form players. When a body form player touches a soul sign, the player who set it down will be summoned to his/her world, and the now summoned player, known as a blue phantom, will assist you in your level. Up to 3 blues can be summoned, and when the summoner dies, all blues will be returned to thier worlds, so blues must try and protect thier summoners. Feeling like an asshole? You can go ahead and invade someone! Invaders are known as black phantoms, and they are soul form players, since only soul forms can invade, and they can only invade body forms. Its fucking scary when you are being invaded, and fucking exciting when you are invading someone, since you wont know where the other party is lurking. Even if you dont summon or invade anyone, you can still see white silhoutes of other players walking about, or touch bloodstains on the floor to view the last 10 seconds of a player's life. Its that sweet.
Demon's souls is a great game, especially the bosses and the online content. It was game of the year 2009 for gamespot, I dont know about that, but this is really really fun. It definetely should not be missed by anyone with a PS3.
Gamespot score:7.6(good)
my score:8.5
(+)Pros:- battle is intense and challenging,- killing enemies are fun,- great sense of time and speed,- hotsuma is a great main character,- awesome boss fights,- many stages,- stylish and cool enemy deaths
(-)cons:- game is sometimes pretty cheap,- later levels only have A as a playble stage and B only as a boss fight
gameplay time:20-30 hours(average)
Shinobi is an old game now. 2002 release, thats 8 years ago. I got this game quite late, like 2006-ish, and only touched it for a couple of days, died alot and gave up in stage 3. About 2 years later (2008), I was going through my old PS2 games and found this. I blew off the dust and put it in my PS2...still works! So i played the game again, made it to stage 8B, but couldnt beat last boss. Damn. Nevertheless this is an awesome game, and should not be mislooked cause its old.
I can only vaguely remember the story. It talks about hotsuma, who is after revenge of his fallen clanmates. He is after this certain girl, whom he has to rescue. On his journey he has to beat the souls of his dead clan mates, in the city where a giant tower has appeared, with hellspawn dominating the area. Tanks, helicopters have all been possessed and are all now just hostile enemies roaming about. In his way stand countless bosses, some of which he know as relatives or friends, and he has to kill them all to "save" them and "free" them from thier misery.
Gamespot says shinobi is hard. Its not that hard actually, its just damn cheap. Many a time in the game there are cheap times where the game just spawns a shitload of powerful enemies and they will all just eat you alive. Or maybe when they just put a sequence of some extremely difficult jumps. Jumping deaths are the most annoying, since after you worked so hard to beat that particular group of enemies that have been killing you over the past 30 mins, you just fking fall to your death, with more than half of your total HP. The game's 1st few levels are merciful enough, but after hotsuma's blade awakens, and it thirst for souls, things get kinda hectic.
During battle, you get your free hack and slash and all. You can throw shruikens too, though they hardly help most of the time. You got that special power scroll that releases a huge flame, give you insane speed, or lets you shoot temporary getsuga tenshous. You can also double jump and wall run, cool.All these seem rather normal, but from stage 2 onwards, the awakening of hotsuma's sword makes this game challenging. Hotsuma's sword consumes the user's energy, so when it gets too hungry, it will eat away hotusma's health. To counter this, you have to rapidly kill enemies and proceed further into the stage without delay, since every second bring's the blade's hunger to a higher level. Yeah this applies for bosses too. This gives the game a great sense of speed and time, it rushes the player and this leads to lack of focus at times. Also, every enemy you kill in a scene will quench the thirst of the sword, increasing it attacks, and it increases further everytime you kill an enemy in that scene. If there are 8 enemies in the scene and you kill them in quick order..... your damage will be godly.

Shinobi has 1 thing I like most, enemy death mini scenes. When you kill 4 or more enemies in a row in a fast amount of time, you get a cool scene showing all the enemies being cut in half, bushido style. Now THAT is cool. Boss fights are cool too. The bosses are usually quite badass and difficult. Later bosses only receive pathertic damage when cut, you have to wait for them to summon lackeys, you kill the lackeys, power up your sword, then rapidly hack the boss for some insane damage. And those darts, Im not sure what they are for, expect stunning enemies, they hardly work during boss fights though.
I saw IGN doing that 1 thing about the top 100 villians...thought it was pretty cool. So i'll make a project out of that, making top villiany stuff, but it deosnt limit to games...I'll throw in anime villians as well. And I apologize yet again cuz Im too lazy to do a review today. Okay here are todays 5. The order of the villians are from last to 1st, so the last one will be at the top.....something like that.
From: To aru kagaku no railgun
Tesla is pretty bad. She appears kind enough at 1st, not revealing who she really is to the group of 4. She bailed kirihara out of jail to let her pursue her mission to make her past students awake from thier slumber. Well her mission was to actually steal those kids from kirihara and create the ultimate poltergeist event.
Anyway she abuses the sound programme that makes all espers' powers unavailable for awhile, by giving it to the skill out as the prototype, and further developing it for her final plan, to erase all forms of resistance. She battles misaka twice, with the last time being the final episode.
Shes also the granddaughter of some mad badass scientist who started the level 6 shit.
From: Bleach
Anyone who sees ulquiorra for the 1st time will think hes cool. Well most of them anyway. He is cool, in a way, but kinda cocky. Well thats good to see in a villian, especially one who is so strong.
He appears quite a number of times in the anime already, each time making sure he beats up ichigo real good. He totally owns ichigo the 1st time they cross blades, almost killing him off. Even with the hollow mask he could hardly do any serious damage to ulquiorra. Now in the anime, the 2nd fight is taking place, and ichigo can at least coop up with ulquiorra's fighting style, and are both duking it out. Ulquiorra just did his ressurection.
What makes him so bad is that hes always standing in ichigo's way, hes that large obstacle that prevents ichigo from rescueing orihime.
3. Prince schneizel
From: Code geass, Code geass R2
Schneizel is one cunning motherfucker. His trap which so easily caught lelouch in made it reveal to the entire order of the black knights that zero is actually lelouch. With that one move schneizel easily made lelouch's foundation in the black knights which he built for so long crumble and make them betray and go after him like desperate hounds.
Even after stripping lelouch of the title "zero", he hasnt got enough. When lelouch took the throne after killing the emperor, he was dead bent on killing him. In the final epic battle schneizel was a badass to hide in his impenetratable sky fortress, and give the switch to activate freya with nunally.
It took lelouch awhile to take schneizel down, but the battle before it was one heck of a fight, and the moves that schneizel takes in the series sure make him rather memoriable.
From: Shaman king
Hao is cool, and evil. Being yoh's borther and all, he is the ultimate bad guy in the show. The biggest baddy indeed. He does bad things from thrashing angels to having his very own group of baddies, with him as the leader.
Hao is very powerful, known to be the strongest, if im not wrong. His spirit, the spirit of fire, did in the ashes of thousands. He is so bad that people are already trying to kill him since birth, but only to fail. Even his father, known to be mentor to yoh, failed to beat him and got burnt miserably.
He is one of the best villians I have seen, his mercilessness is brutal and he never lets up, one heckuva bad guy, thats what he is.
1. Pride
From: Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Today's top is pride from fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. Pride is puuuurrreee evil, and not to forget that hes possibly the strongest homunculus ( cant really compare him with wrath in terms of strenght, since both of them are so strong).
Pride is strong. Very strong. He lurks deep in the tunnels and trashes the brigg's soldiers like no tommorow. Even the father of the elric brothers has seen his share of difficulty whilst escaping from pride in the tunnel. He also fights a ton of guys, including ed, before the promised day. Even when so many people are against him, he manages to fend off for himself.
Pride is also top for a reason, his actions. Hiding from the furher's wife that he is actually homunculous, eating up glutonny and kimblee for his own selfish gains.... 's yap he's bad alright.
Thats all for now. More to come.
1st order of business, I apologize for the not doing best game character for so long. It simply slipped my mind. 2nd order of busniess, I will use one word to describe rachel alucard, the best game character for today. That word is...
Belive it or not rachel is full of WIN. Love her, always will, favourite character for blazblue, followed by V-13. Blazblue is a game with some of the video gaming world's wackiest and most interesting character, almost all of them are fit for best game character, yeap Im looking at you, taokaka and hakumen. But well lets not stray off topic, today is about rachel.
It may not look like it, but rachel is actually a vampire. What, you could tell? I guess the castle and bats give it away. There really isnt anything much given as her background info, in the blazblue:calamity trigger story she was supposed to be a spectator. But however she appears in other characters' story for many mysterious reasons, such as jin's story and noel's story at the ends. She mostly watches over battles or something like that. She herself fights too, and since she is known by a few of the game's so called badasses, hakumen and kokonoe for example, she probably is quite known in certain parts of the blazblue realm.

Rachel is badass. She somewhat controls lightning, and her arsenal of attacks revolve around electricity itself. She also seems to be able to control wind, most probably as support to follow up with her lightning based moves. My personal favourites, sword of iris and george XIII. Sword of iris requires setting up of lightning poles 1st, then luring or pulling enemies toward them. When they are near the poles, sword of iris can kick in and lightning strikes down the poles, electrifying the opponent. Its pretty fun to use them to play mind games with the opponent, since this does quite some damage. George XIII summons a frog that electorcutes the enemy upon impact, its kinda funny, effective at times too. Her special (cant remember its name), is just a stronger version of sword of iris and hurts like hell.
Gamespot score:8.5(great)
my score:8.5
(+)pros:-lots of well designed zombie enemies and plants,- huge amount of usable pants allow many different in depth strategies,- easy to learn and play,- difficulty is just right,- fun for players of all ages,- lots of in game activity even after the game is cleared.
(-)cons:- not too hard until pretty late in the game,- some mini games may not appeal to all.
gameplay time:50 hours+(long)
Redo review again...yawn. I so wanna do something new but must as well get old stuff over and done with before I start anything else. So heres plants vs zombies, a game for PC. I get many comments on 1st look. Its lame, childish, idiotic. But after I let them try it they all say, "hey, pass me this game". Yap this game is great and can last any average player a shitload of time.
Plants vs zombies has no story, oh well actually it does, but its kinda minor. So yeah, you are the owner of...your house, and one day there's zombies trying to eat your brains, and they come from your front yard. RAAWWR. So as a defense, you plant your special...plants to help defend you. What can plants do? Apparently in this game, plants are zombie killing machines, shooting peas, spikes, posion spouts, cabbages, name them. So to protect yourself, you go through levels of hell, in your front lawn, backyard and roof, to defend yourself from the mad brain eating zombies.

As you can see there are plenty of plants to strategize and think through for using. To add more to the mix, there's night life too. At night, you get access to mushroom type plants, since sun doenst fall from the sky at night, mushrooms are customized so that they are cheap and easy to purchase. And like the wacky plants, mushrooms have thier own spcecialties, which is mostly foaming up poison for the zombies. Other varieties of levels include the backyard, the backyard at night, and the rooftop. Thats 5 types of scenarios, including the lawn at night and the lawn in the morning. And for each scnenerio you get different plants and opponents. Example, at the backyard you have a pool, so you need liliypads to put plants on, and seashrooms, specially made for the water. At the roof, you need pots to place plants on. For enemies, you get ladder zombies for roofs and scuba zombies for the backyard pool, and many more.

Theres alot of plant strategies for one to test and experiment, but the in-game campaign wont get to that soon. You dont get access to many plants early on, and you unlock them stage after stage. Nothing against this, its pretty okay, but since you dont get many strong plants early on, the levels are easy, most of the "huge waves" can be settled easily with a cherry bomb or two. The best part of the game is the survival mode"endless" after you clear the game. It lets you survive for waves and waves until you ultimately get overrun by masses of insane zombies. Another clear game extra are minigames, though some are generally quite enjoyable, some may no appeal to all players.

Happy gaming.
Gamespot score:9.0( editor's choice)
my score:9.6
(+)pros:- really unique and interesting gameplay never before introduced in any other game,- character crew is awesome, - sweet and badass story with full of emotion,- well designed areas and atmosphere make shibuya feel very much alive,- noise designs are cool and interesting,- impressive voice acting,- plenty of in game content will keep players occupied.
(-)cons:- only 1 save file
gameplay time: 50 hours+ (long)
Okay for the re-do review of my favourite game. Yes my favourite game, and this is it. The world ends with you is a game made by the crew which made kingdom hearts, and I dare say they shud ditch kingdom hearts and make a series out of this game. Seriously. Not that I hate kingdom hearts, its a great series too, but if they made a series out of this is would be instant win. But after 2 years already... I doubt a sequel will arise, but one can always hope. Time to review the best game I ever played.
Story wise this game is badass. Its really interesting and well...unique. Neku, our main character, one day wakes up in the middle of the street and knows nothing, other than his name. He typically knows nothing! But when he realises that monster frogs are after him and he calls for help, he notices that no one can see or hear him! Welcome to the underground neku. The game talks about a society or system in shibuya, regarding the dead. When a select few die in shibuya, they may be given the chance to reincarnate back to life, by playing a game. The reaper's game. To enter the reaper's game, one must 1st pay a price , a price that will affect them heavily one way or another. The conditions to win the game... are to survive for 7 days, while completing the tasks given out by the game masters to the players. But tasks get harder day by day, and usually almost no players are left by the end of day 7. Neku is part of this game, and his journey is gonna get only a hell lot tougher....
Gameplay wise this game is full of win. Its really unique. You play on 2 screens, on the bottom you play as neku, who can only be controlled manually. You slide the stylus around to walk, and do various other actions to attack based on the pins neku has equipped. Pins are the way of battle in this game, pins have different functions, levitating objects, generating flames, shooting beams..... you name it. But all pins with different functions have different ways to use them. Such as pressing the stylus rapidly on one point, or pressing hard on one point and dragging it. Some pins even activate through microphone! On the bottom screen u play as neku, but on the top your partner resides. You can play as your partner too, but this is quite difficult, since you have to focus on your partner and play as neku at the same time. Your partner cant move, but attacks based on the arrow buttons you imput on the D-pad. You can always place ur partner under AI control, but they may screw you up, especially during bosses.

This game is full of cool characters! Each with thier special personality and different from of dialouge. Neku is practically an emo and doesnt say much other than stuff like not getting in his way, or that the party is too noisy. Cheerful characters like shiki and beat usually talk alot and get on neku's nerves, though beat and neku are usually on different wave lenghts. Bad guys are cool too, the 1st game master( 4got his name) always talk about stuff like its part of cooking. The iron maiden always thinks and talks about stuff logically. Sho is the most badass, its like he talks in his own language! And the part about him that always speaks in equations and numbers is cool, for some reason. The characters in this game are great and you will grow on them quickly, you will like them so much that you may come back to play this game again and again.

The world ends with you has some pretty good boss fights, but many of the noise bosses you fight will be encountered as normal enemies later on,or may be repeated again, so its really nothing special. The only peculiar fights are the fights against the reapers kariya and pinky (4got her name too), and the game masters. The rest are pretty much noises that you will encounter later on. The game ends with a great note and boss fight, but there is much more to do. There are many optional bosses and another side chapter( which is pretty darn long). Also trying to collect all pins is another thing players tend to do, which consumes even more time. Collecting all secret reports also serve as extra gameplay. The main story takes you 20-30 hours, doing all the side stuff will take you more than another 20-30 hours. My gameplay time was over a 100 go figure.

Happy gaming!
Boss health
Skills: regeneration, spawn phalangeal
Skills: spear shot, spear stab
Times died on 1st playthrough:0
Today is the 1st post on demon's souls boss profiles. Well this is to start of may I guess. May is gonna be shit, school will screw me up.... well enough of that. Phalanx is a giant blob of slime, or a just a bigger version of the phalangeal at the earlier parts of the stage. Phalanx is the boss of 1-1, boletaria castle archstone.
Well being the real 1st boss, you will fight this boss at level 1, no matter what job you use. Whatever job you use phalanx wont be too hard, cause its just like fighting a big phalangeal, with covers all around him. Phalanx is just a big blob with lots and lots and LOTS of phalangeals surrounding him. He has no real attacks, expect for spawning more phalangeals and to heal HP after a period of time. Because of this, phalanx leaves all the dirty work to the phalangeals. Since there are ALOT of phalangeals....if they all wack you at the same time they can screw you up. They can also stab you together if you approach the giant blob to clear them.
To beat phalanx you wont need a lot of strategy. All you have to do is kill all phalangeals around him and you can damage the main core. Of course killing the phalangeals can be a bit of a pitch, so you have a few options. You can slowly slash your way through the phalangeals, this will take awhile and will probably waste you some grass. If you are a royalty or mage feel free to soul arrow or flamethrower the phalangeals. The best way to clear them, is to either throw firebombs you got from earlier, or turpentine your weapon, this makes killing the phalangeals as easy as burning grass. After all phalangeals are down, just slash the damn blob until he falls, I didnt even die on my 1st time against him so noone should be having troubles with this boss.
As a boss phalanx is quite disappointing, but well he IS the 1st boss so the game cant make him too hard. He is one of the easiest bosses in the game and is probably just a stepping stone to make players more used to the game.
All in game boss HP amounts have been taken from demon's souls wiki.
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Atelier Totori:The Adventurer of Arland

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7th Dragon 2020
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Atelier Totori:Adventurer of Arland(wanted)


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Great anime
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- K
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- Nisekoi:
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- Rozen Maiden:Overture
- Sabagebu
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Decent Anime
- 11eyes
- Aldnoah Zero 2
- Bakuretsu Tenshi
- Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation
- Black Rock Shooter OVA
- Blade Dance Of Elementalers
- Bleach movie 4:The Hell Verse
- Dimension W
- Fate Kaleid/Liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz!
- Girls Und Panzer
- Gj-Bu
- Hamatora
- Hayate No Gotoku:Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- Heavy Object
- Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls
- If Her Flag Breaks
- Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
- Kiss x Sis
- La Storia Della Arcana Familgia
- Maken-Ki! Battling Venus
- Mekakucity Actors
- Nyan Koi
- Rail Wars!
- Re-Kan!
- Re:Hamatora
- Ro-Kyu-Bu!
- Rolling Girls
- Seiken Tsukai No World Break
- Sekirei
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
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- Shikabane Hime Aka
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- Shinmai Maou No Testament BURST
- Sky Wizards Academy
- Soul Eater Not!
- Stella Jo Gakuin C3-Bu
- Tamako Market
- Triage X
- Trinity Seven
- Upotte!
- Witch Craft Works
Anime NOT Recommended
Anime Talk
The fool's best(9.0 or more)
- Advance wars: Dual strike
- Bloodborne
- Cabal online
- Danganronpa:Trigger Happy Havoc
- Dark Souls
- Dark Souls 3
- Dark Souls II
- Demon's souls
- Dishonored
- Dissidia: final fantasy
- Doom 3
- Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends Of The Titan
- Fire Emblem:Awakening
- God of war
- Half minute hero
- Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
- Hoshizora No Memoria
- Jubeat knit
- Kingdom hearts 2
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
- Nine hours, nine persons, nine doors
- Phoenix wright:ace attorney
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor 2
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3 portable
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 4
- Tactics Orge:Let Us Cling Together
- The Last Of Us
- The world ends with you
- Undertale
- Valkyria chronicles
- Yugioh 5Ds world championship 2009
The fool's real life outings
Favourite anime characters
- 11eyes, Angel beats, Ao no exorcist
- Akame Ga Kill, Assassination Classroom, Danshi
- Akuma No Riddle, Black Bullet, Dog X Scissors
- Amaburi, Mahouka, Gatchaman Crowds
- Anohana, Dragon Crisis!, Eureka Seven
- Another, Dusk Maiden, Hyakka Ryouran
- Asobi ni Ikuyo, Chrome Shelled Regios, DRRR
- Asu no yoichi, Asura cryin', Baka test
- Baccano!, Fate/Stay night, Freezing
- Bakemonogatari, Bakuretsu tenshi, BRS OVA
- Barakamon, Btooom!, Cross Ange
- C3, Campione, Jojo
- CANAAN, Code geass, Darker than black
- Danganronpa, Kill La Kill, Log Horizon
- Date A Live, Love Live!, Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Daybreak Illusion, Kyoukai Kanata, Galilei Donna
- Deadman Wonderland, Hatsukoi limited, HNG
- Girls Und Panzer, Macademi Wasshoi, Maji De
- Golden Time, Hitsugi No Chaika, Jojo SC
- Haganai, FMA, Guilty Crown
- Hagura Yusha, Mondaiji, MM!
- Hataraku Maou Sama, Lucky Star, Maoyu
- High School DxD, HOTD, Higurashi
- Hyouka, K, Kaibutsu Oujo
- Infinite Stratos, Inukami!, Jormungand
- K-on!, Kampfer, Kami-sama no memochou
- Kore Wa Zombie, Kokoro connect, Kannagi
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon, KissXSis, Mai-Hime
- Neptunia, Love Election and Chocolate, Mirai Nikki
- Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Chunibyo, Minami-Ke
Best game characters
- Kagura- Blazblue:Chrono Phantasma
- Sterkenberg- Atelier Arland Series
- Yamato- Shin megami tensei:Devil Survivor 2
- Jackie- The Darkness II
- Jaegar- Valkyria chronicles
- Maria- Knights in the nightmare
- Hazama- Blazblue:Continuum shift
- Ulthane- Darksiders
- Dante- Devil may cry series
- Miles edgeworth- Ace attorney series
- Rachel- Blazblue: calamity trigger portable
- Hero- Half minute hero
- Jin- Tekken series
- Naoya- Shin megami tensei:devil survivor
- Vayne- Mana khemia:student alliance
- Naoto- Shin megami tensei:persona 4
- Sho minamoto- The world ends with you
- Cloud- Final fantasy 7
Greatest boss fights
- Accelerator (Dengeki Gauen RPG:Cross Of Venus)
- Airshatter (Atelier Meruru)
- Asimov (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
- Barthandelus II (Final fantasy 13)
- Batomys (Valkyria Chronicles)
- Dante (Devil may cry 4)
- Darth moab (Prinny 2)
- Draco cantus (The world ends with you)
- Gawain/Leo (Fate/Extra)
- Golbez (Final fantasy 4)
- Golden Mage Knight (Tales Of Xillia)
- Isolde (Mana khemia:Student alliance)
- Kurt zisa (Kingdom hearts)
- Lucifer (Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor)
- Melad Margus (Knights in the nightmare)
- Tigrex (Monster hunter freedom 2)
- Unlimited Hazama (Blazblue:Continuum shift)
Top villians
- 19/02/16 (anime)
- 03/05/15 (anime)
- 15/09/14 (anime)
- 29/07/13 (anime)
- 05/12/12 (anime)
- 11/03/12 (anime)
- 17/08/11 (anime)
- 02/05/11 (anime)
- 27/11/10 (anime)
- 10/08/10 (anime)
- 12/05/10 (anime)
- 08/08/15 (gaming)
- 07/02/15 (gaming)
- 16/05/14 (gaming)
- 24/03/13 (gaming)
- 03/07/12 (gaming)
- 08/11/11 (gaming)
- 13/06/11 (gaming)
- 02/03/11 (gaming)
- 21/09/10 (gaming)
- 22/07/10 (gaming)
- 22/06/10 (gaming)
Pervertic posts
Seiyuu Power!!
Parties in RPGs
- Bravely Default (Part 2)
- Bravely Default (Part 1)
- 7th Dragon 2020 II
- Etrian Odyssey IV:Legend Of The Titan
- Atelier Meruru:The Apprentice Of Arland
- Atelier Totori:The Adventurer Of Arland
- Tales Of Graces F
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 4
- Unchained Blades
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 3
- Atelier Rorona:The Alchemist Of Arland
- Radiant Historia
- Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Survivor 2
Fighting game character impressions
- Phantom Breaker:Battle Grounds
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 2 (Hands On)
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 1 (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Part 2 (Hands Off)
- Blazblue:CP Character Impressions
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands Off)
- P4A Character impressions
- MVC3 Characters 1-12
- MVC3 Characters 13-24
- MVC3 Characters 25-36
- MVC3 Character Impressions (Hands Off)
Tiers in fighting games
Yugioh 2009 guide(DS)*complete*
Wolfteam freebies
Demon's souls boss profiles
Dark souls boss profiles
- Asylum demon
- Taurus demon
- Capra demon
- Bell gargoyle
- Moonlight Butterfly
- Great Grey Wolf Sif
- Gaping dragon
- Stray demon
- Chaos Witch Quelaag
- Iron Golem
- Ornstein and Smough
- Dark Sun Gwyndolin
- Crossbreed Priscillia
- Seath The Scaleless
- Pinwheel
- Gravelord Nito
- The Four Kings
- Ceaseless Discharge
- Centipede Demon
- Bed Of Chaos
- Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder
- Sanctuary Guardian
- Knight Artorias
- Black Dragon Kalameet
- Manus, Father Of The Abyss
Dark Souls II Boss Profiles
- The Last Giant
- Dragonrider/Old Dragonslayer
- Flexile Sentry/The Pursuer
- Ruin Sentinels
- The Lost Sinner
- Belfry Gargoyles
- Scorpioness Najka
- Prowling Magus & Congregation/Royal Ray Authority
- The Duke's Dear Freja
- Royal Rat Vanguard/The Rotten
- Skeleton Lords/Executioner's Chariot
- Covetus Demon/Mytha The Baneful Queen
- Smelter Demon/Old Iron King
- Dragonriders
- Looking Glass Knight/Demon Of Song
- Velstadt/Guardian Dragon
- Giant Lord/Throne Watcher & Throne Defender
- Nashandra/Aldia, Scholar Of The First Sin
- Darklurker
- Elana/Sinh/Gank Squad
- Fume Knight/Sir Alonne/Smelter Demon
- Ava, The King's Pet/Burnt Ivory King/Lud & Zallen