I got some great news. For the next few weeks( estimated 2 weeks), my cousin will be lending me his Xbox 360 and his games. This is great, since there are so many 360 exclusive games that I wanna play, and he has them all! A few examples are halo 3 and magna carta 2. He even has stuff like assasin's creed 2 and tales of vesperia!
Ok that means that whatever games that I may play on that 360 I may do the review. Screw that I will review any 360 game that I may play on the system.
So expect some 360 game reviews.
By the way added something on the sidebar to the right which I think I should have put there for some time, just a small note.
Gamespot score:n/a
my score:7.5
(+)pros:-characters look good,-,many playable races and jobs,- quite a big world to explore compared to many games,-every job has 2nd advancement splits,-many bosses.
(-)cons:-unavoidable and unforgiving grind,-many monster repeats,- PK only above level 30.
gameplay time:200 hours+(near infinite gameplay)
Rohan! A game which I didnt play too long ago. It was a pretty good game, but didnt last long for me, due to quite a few reasons. I didnt think I overplayed 200 hours, but Im pretty sure I got at least 100 hours into the game. The only reason why I put 200 hours+, is cause an online game can be played for an indefinete amount of time if it really interests the player. Lets no be biased hmm? This is self-opinion, I really think this game does not compare to cabal or dekaron. Why? Well I will get to it later on but for now lets just say rohan plays almost similarly to MMOs such as cabal and dekaron, but falls short in terms of presentation,concept and gameplay.
Being an online game, I could care less about story. But rohan has 7 races, 6 back when I was playing it. We get humans, elves,half-elves,dark elfs,dhans,dekans and the newly added giants. Humans are mostly the knight class types, elves are healers, half-elves are archers,dark elves are mages,dhans are assasins and dekans are the dragon fighters. And giants are warrior, courtest of wiki for this info. And whats more each job can split further. Example, knight can split into either the defender and gurdian, while the archer can split into either scout or ranger. If im not wrong though advancement of jobs come at level 50.

Rohan plays like many good MMOs. It has its own trade system,PVP/PK system, battle system...heck each jobs even have their own detailed skill tree. This is good, giving rohan all these features will make it compare equally to some of the better MMOs out there. On the game field rohan fairs pretty well. The graphics are pretty much above average, with mostly the in-game characters as the main point which makes the graphics shine. The characters each can be cutomized into the player's prefrence, altough this is rather common, Im all the time seeing well-made characters. Thier faces and hair are all modern based which though seems odd, is unexpectedly fitting. Thier armor detail and design is good too.
Battle is like another other MMO. You click on your target and your character goes wailing away like a freak until the target dies or you command him/her to stop otherwise. Of course your skills come in here too, making battle easier. Battle in rohan however tends to lean towards the difficult side since enemies are mostly very aggresive and tend to hit fairly hard. They do gang pretty bad but I guess its not as bad as dekaron. Speaking of which each character starts at thier own race-exclusive town so they get to pick on thier own different monsters which appear outside thier town. With so many races along with other towns there is quite a world to explore in rohan.

Rohan,though can be fun, is drastically pulled down I guess. Like many games rohan has an unavoidable and unforgiving grinding. Unlike easier games such cabal, rohan has quite tedious grind. I had to party with my brother and fight fight fight like a dick, I still wouldnt level up after hours of tedious slashing. Perhaps I am training wrongly but attacking a monster my level shouldnt take that long to level up. Whats more one can get turned off pretty easily, when exploring a certain area one can find a few monsters in which they either have seen before, or see many of the same monsters, but holding different stuff. Okay this is common, but you will definetely find one or 2 monsters in which have seen in an earlier stage of the game. Repeats are abit too common in this game, and I think its killing it. Also, PK can only be done above level 30, which sucks since even getting to 30 is quite a chore.....
Rohan:blood feud is an average MMORPG. I dont see it as an "extremely fun" experience, but at least it beats stuff like asda story and fiesta. This can be a good game if you got an immense amount of patience. For those who think they can take a gconsiderable amount of grind, give this game a try.

Happy gaming.
Opening songs-OP 1:only my railgun,OP 2:level 5 ~judgelight~
genre:slice of life,action,sci-fi,comedy
Yay! This show has concluded, you know why I am happy? Cause since this is over, the next railgun season will feature the sister's arc, which is awesome! I already knew from the start this was mostly gonna be a filler season, but still it was pretty enjoyable, I made sure I watched it on time everyday to watch this. This is after all the spin-off to to aru majustsu no index, my favourite anime. This is however, very much different from to aru majutsu no index, and is probably targeted towards a different crowd is guess. But nonetheless, this is pretty good.
Like its previous spin-off majutsu no index, to aru kagaku no railgun has 2 great opening songs! First song is only my railgun by fripside, its a great great song that made my favourite song as off last october to december. Thats how great it is. 2nd opening is level 5 ~judgelight~,also by fripside. It is once again a great song, they could have made it last for more than 9 episodes though. Overall I really did much prefer only my railgun, but level 5 ~judgelight~ is also an awesome song.
To aru kagaku no railgun isnt the same to aru majutsu no index was. Though its is a good show overall one must really say that this was a step-down from the to aru majutsu no index series. It is mostly targeted to be less of an action show and to be made more of know, slice of life kind of thing? Though I didnt enjoy it as much as index during the end of 2008 to early 2009 , I still tuned in every saturday to watch this, so yeah I cant say I hate it.
Railgun targets to a more passive show, rather than the monster show index which had plenty of interesting fights in most episodes. Railgun,mostly out of the 24 episodes, had only less than 7 or 8 exciting episodes. The level upper arc and the poltergeist arc were great excitement, but the rest were mostly episodes of our 4 heroines hanging out. Needless to say this may disappoint fans but it is good to see these episodes for humour and you know, just to see what the characters are up to. Not to mention the protoganist from index makes a few appearances as well. Touma appears in episodes to kick some ass or just ne there for moral support, or well maybe sometimes he just happens to drift by. Nevertheless altough he doesnt appear much his appearances are most welcome.
A good show, though not as great as to aru majutsu no index, this was indeed enjoyable to watch. I seriously cannot wait for the 2nd season of this show, if there will be, since the sister arc is mostly badass and leads to an enourmous chain of disastorous events. Cant wait.
Gamespot score:8.8(great)
my score:9.0
(+)pros:-great and entertaining characters,-many a times this is a funny game,- lenghty and awesome storyline make gameplay interesting,- 5 very different and interestingly made cases to solve,- music is mind blowing and extremely fitting for court proceedings,-getting yourself on a roll in court is extremely satisfying,-final 2 cases are extremely enjoyable
(-)cons:-save system can be abit inconvinient
gameplay time:20-30 hours(average) Okay I picked this up roughly 2 weeks ago, fairly an old game, and this has 5 games to make a series. I was wondering what kind of game this must be to be able to have 5 games in the series. Well, ever since I started I must say I have become an official fan of ace attorney series, and have gained tons of respect for phoenix wright. This game is one of a kind, its genre is under adventure but playing a heavily text driven game with a defense attorney on investigation is much more than an "adventure".
Phoenix wright:ace attorney's story revolves around 5 cases, with the final 2 cases extremely long and satisfying. The game prolouges as phoenix wright, our main man, is a rookie defense attorney on his 1st case, bailing out his best friend. Well he gets into alot of cases,( only 5 actually) and meets people he knows and meets alot of future friends. In total the 5 cases in this game may not be linked together, but the cases will get him solve murders, for his mentor, an actor, his old friend, and finally a young scientific investigator. Altough each individual case has thier own set of characters made only for that case, there are some characters that make appearances over all or several cases, and this all is rather nice to see.
Normally during a case, you will do what lawyers do. But, you play the role of a defense attorney. That means you are facing off against prosecutors, but in this game of 5 cases, you will be debating against 3 different prosecutors, 1 of which is an old acquantice of phoenix and will be appearing in 3 of the cases. Another is an insignificant old man and the final one is a cruel and brutal master prosecutor. So you are to declare your clients "not guilty" to win, simple? Well, not quite. The game only demands you to handle murder cases, so the game will have 2 main phases. I will briefly explain phase 1, you and your partner( this may vary between 2 characters, one partner in cases 3 and 4, and 1 other partner in case 5), will go to the crime scene(s) and gather clues and evidence for the upcoming trial. Sort of like detective work eh? This can get mildly repititive if you dont know where to go and not know who to talk to, but the game always provides sufficient clues on what to do next.

Phoenix wright:ace attorney's true gameplay value shines in the courtroom. Investigating at crime scenes for decisive pieces of evidence pay off here, you get to use them and present them to prove your client's innocence. This is the second phase of the core process of the game, having your go against the opposing prosecuter in the courtroom. All the time you find yourself listening to witness testimonies and finding contradictions in thier statements, so that you can press information out of them and eventually present and show evidence to prove thier contradictions. During such times the music plays really well and totally fits along the sudden change of text. These are the true feelings of satisfaction in this game, proving the witness wrong! And this is hell satisfying. And hearing phoenix yell "OBJECTION" every time he presents neccesary evidence never feels old.

With wright's rookie-ness but perfect court win record, he has on his way met many wacky incidents. Many a time during court case plays you find yourself with insufficient evidence before the court is in session, but after an insane turn of events, you find yourself emerging victorious and also getting a whole lot of information on the case. The cases at first for most of the time always points towards the suspect( usually your client) due to the crap load of evidence, but somehow, no matter how ridiculous and far fetch the real happenings turn out to be, there is always a logical explanation for what happens. That is what make the cases so unique and interesting, there is always a logical explaination for what happened, no matter how ridiculous the outcomes!
Gamespot score:5.5(mediocre)
my score:7.3
(+)pros:-zombie concept is interesting,-making and then using zombies is good fun,- quite a few unlockabl moves,- 3 different characters with different attacking styles to play as.
(-)cons:-level concept and design get monotonous later in the game,- gameplay is highly repititive,- boss fights are just cheap large enemies with different designs
gameplay time:10-20 hours( below average)
Undead knights was released around Q3 last year, and I got it ASAP since I was introduced to this, and that there were a few I know who got this same time I did. Expected it to be a good game......well it was, for the first few parts. Anyway this isn't a bad game, its pretty good, the concecpt is interesting. This is indeed the 1st game where I played which consisted of making soldiers into your loyal zombie minions, and then you can command them to remove obstacles in your way. Its really interesting and fun, but it grows dry during the very later stages.
The story for undead knights isn't bad. Romulus blood and some of is peeps were part of this marriage, and if im not wrong, romulus is the groom and sylvia is the bride. Well they got slaughtered by an unknown attack by the empire under the king's orders, for whatever reason which they dont know. Well, stricken with revenge, romulus, among with sylvia and another blood, remus where given....powers, to exact thier revenge for that bloody day. When the empire's many lackeys thought for them to be dead,since they took part of thier slaughtering, its very satisfying to see thier faces when any of the bloods appear before them...and go killing them afterward. The story, as far as I know, is one of the better parts of this game.
b b
Okay, so undead knights has interesting gameplay and concept. Given the power to create armies of thie own by making them zombies, you play as one of the 3 characters.Romulus, the main character, a big lava-ish guy with a great fire sword. He is the only one who looks like an undead, Sylvia, a smexy and cool young lady that holds a scythe. Remus, the crazy fella with 2 swords that goes around killing people like a madass. All 3 characters have thier own attack styles and unlockable skills so theres a bit of variety here. I chose to play as sylvia since she looks like a badass bitch, and shes smexy too, only profesional ladies hold scythes. :D.

Playing as any of the 3 characters, you advance through extremely linear levels with only soldiers and other obstacles in your way. Many a times you have to clear all eneimies within an area to make the obstacle collapse and go away before you can proceed. Or at times you have to create a number of zombies, by 1st weakening your opponents with a few simple slashes, and then grabbing them and infusing them with undead energy. Then with these created zombies you can cue them to do stuff like from a bridge out of using themselves as planks to walk on, or for them to cling onto a gate until it falls, eventually crushing themselves in the process. Creating and using zombies for such purposes is satisfying. And its really cool to hear sylvia say " Go on, boys" whenever she commands her zombies to do her bidding.

Many a times in the game you will have to come accross large enemis in the game, and the only way to cut them down is to throw your fellow zombies at them to weigh them down, until they are totally powerless, then you can deal the final blow to them. Well its sad to say bosses are like this too, you throw zombies at them till they are weakened then you endlessly land blows on them until they die. Its lame, since taking down bosses and large enemies are the same, why did they bother making the bosses? All they have as extras, are one or 2 exclusive attacks. Lame.
Gamespot score:n/a
my score:8.0
(+)pros:-rich and bright gameplay with loads of playable characters,-battle is fun and chaotic with the accesability to fight with up to 4 players on the map,-loads of interesting maps to play at,-story mode adds humour and comedic refrences,- fun with friends and family
(-)cons:-battle can be at times too chaotic,- missions from story mode can be annoying for those who cant understand jap too much
gameplay time:20-30 hours(average)
Time for my 1st bleach game review! Today Im doing bleach:blade battlers 2nd. Quite a fun game this is, no matter how boring the bleach anime became quite some time ago. As most of the bleach games this one is a brawler too. The bleach game franchise has taken up to PSP and DS too. I will do bleach:blade of fate on DS some time later this year and the bleach heat the soul and soul depends. Yep I haven played blade battlers 1 and I dont care. Well without delaying this any longer with my endless crap here goes.
Story-wise Im not too sure since Im not particularly good at japanese. But from what I can see from some of the dialouge it follows up to the arc from the anime where ichigo,chad and Ishida go to hueco-mondo to get inoue back from aizen. There is some of the story before that too of course, and some filler ones. The filler episodes in the game are funny, that is if you can understand at least some of the dialouge. Bleach:blade battlers 2nd is all about gameplay and brawling anyway, so if you cant understand the story, dont try to fret yourself over it, I could only understand 50% of the game anyway. But this can affect missions since you wont understand what you need to do, just do what I did for some of the stuff I couldnt understand, trial and error, its still fun this way.
Being a brawler blade battlers 2 has a lot of good elements. 1st of all its not a 1v1 brawler in a 2D side plain. Its rather an arena where all players in it start duking it out on each other. It may sound normal and boring, but good things make it fun. As such, the skills and powers of each characters can be great at times with beams covering half the screen, or slashes covering inhuman amounts each time they swing their blade. These things never lose their touch and are always a pleasure to see if they connect. Battle is simple, you beat it out on each other until they die, then, depending on your battle settings, the dead player can revive a number of times( or he/she cant revive at all if you set the revive to 0). You get a normal skill, powerful skill, and your ultimate. A normal skill requires a bar of reiatsu to use, a powerful skill uses all 3. And ultimate requires the flame symbol beside a character to be full. How do you fill the fire or reiatsu bars? Just keep wacking.

Here is story mode. Its simple, you move one step at a time. If you move it to a character, you get a scene and a probably a battle afterwards. Then after the events you unlock that character. You get many symbols too, mostly dragging you into battle with either other players or hollows. Its horribly simple. Though at the later missions many will require certain conditions to attain victory, this can be rather annoying if you dont know jap, as I mentioned before. However, one can always do trail and error, this increaes your experience in future missions anyway.

All this brawling sounds like its all fight all the way. Actually it is. But unlocking characters in story mode is quite rewarding, since this game is multiplayer, you can bring in your friends or family and play along! This gives unlocking characters something good for. You can also customize your peeps, there is a shop where you can buy many stuff for your own delight. These are usually in-game CG arts but they are pretty nice so keeping them for your own collective purposes are also a good idea. The shop has many other things to offer as well, altough you probably wont know what it is that old urahara is selling, buying all things on the menu usually wields you many goodies.
Gamespot score:n/a
my score:8.8
(+)Pros:- incredible presentation,- new MVs are well made in new graphics(old MVs are significantly improved too),- fun and addictive,- great stepping stone for beginngers to the series,- more vocal based music,-sound effects are crispy clear.
(-)cons:-club tour is too easy and boring for veterans,- lesser music than many of the series's games.
gameplay time:100 hours+(very long lasting)
Okay! Time to review(again) djmax portable clazziquai edition. Many comments from my friends towards this game. Actually, theres only one comment that I remember hearing the most. "Too easy". Yeap, this is the easiest Djmax in my book. Must as well name this "Djmax guide for beginners". This is an easy game, but by no means should this be neglected by veterans as well. The new songs and improvements to the game are most welcome. This may be the easiest Djmax, but it definetely is the most good looking one, allow me to follow on.
Like Djmax portable 2, it has no story. But, it does have a new mode, which one can call it " story mode". Why? Since you have to play it to unlock songs, its compulsory for many players. And you have to go from town to town and club to club to play songs until you ultimately reach your goal at the final club. So, does this qualify as story mode? Who knows, some players just jump immediately into freestyle, now those are hardcore.
Okay! Time to do the rest. Djmax clazzi( my short form for this) is as I said, the easiet Djmax on the PSP. It is mostly targeted towards beginners, since it even includes a tutorial stage (which if you ask me, is uber lame). But pay this no heed. Djmax clazzi is by no doubt, the best looking Djmax game EVER(excluding technika, it never came to singapore). The presentation is jaw-dropping. When you first jump into the game, the start menu is already enough to impress you. Comparing this to djmax portable is a HUGE improvement. The backgrounds for every selection menu are colourful, bright, shiny and so fittting to the entire game base. This is the star piece of the game, its presentation.
Djmax clazi has no shortage of modes. In gameplay you have the basic 4 buttons, 5 buttons and 6 buttons. Strangely 8 buttons is missing. But really, is this strange? No. As I said this game is obviously targeting the beginners, they wouldnt put the insane 8 buttons mode here. Instead there are 2 new gameplay modes. 2 buttons and 4 buttons FX. 2 buttons is WTF. Even a baby can play this, I see no need to put this in. The game is made for beginners! Not babies! 4 buttons FX is an alternate 6 buttons mode, having 4 buttons plus the 8 button's L and R button. Pretty cool if you ask me, its quite fun to play. And besides arcade and freestyle, we have club tour, the "story mode". I already explained how it is going to be above, you travelling from place to place. In these clubs you will be playing songs. Some require to play them 1 by 1, some in 3s or 4s, some will pit you in missions, wanting you to meet requirements, like in extreme challenge of Djmax portable 2.

Opening songs-OP 1:O2,OP 2:World end
genre:action,sci-fi,piloted robots
Okay, this is probably one of the only shows I have watched that is able to fight for my top 3 anime positions. In fact, considering the awesome fuck this is, I may even expect it to be my favourite anime. But...decided to give it 2nd position. This show is one word. THE BOOOOMB. Oh wait thats 2. WHO CARES. THIS SHOW OWNS. One of the best anime sequels out there since sequels usually dont fair as good as the 1st show( etc. darker than black 2,hayate no gotoku 2). With an awesome but unsatisfying ending, this show will make fans PLEAD for more! I am one of them. BETTER BE AN R3 YOU FISH HEADS.
Song:O2(Opening 1)
Artist:Orange range
This show's 2 opening songs are phenominal!! O2 is my favourite song from orange range, and world end is my favourite song from flow. Both are awesome. O2 is the 1st opening, and it is highly addictive. Unique song style is really amazing here, I find myself singing to it everytime I listen to it, be it the TV size when watching the show, or on shuffle during random music play. The 2nd opening is world end, which is also great. Overall I prefer O2, but as I said, both are great nonetheless.
I may be giving too much, but no. This show maintains the standards of the 1st show during the 1st half of it. But after around episode 15, this show becomes amazing. Betrayal, backstabbing, countering, repaying the favour.... its all so exciting! Many times I limit myself to 3-4 episodes a day, but the show is so exciting and has so many cliffhangers that I find myself rushing more than 6 episodes a day at times. This show continue's lelouch saga from the 1st season, with the fact that many more know that he is zero now.
Knowing that lelouch is zero, many people start thinking differently of him. And towards the end, when most of the enitre black knights crew know it.....the show gets really really REALLY epic. Betrayal is like the main theme here. Though at the 1st few episodes where it seems like lelouch has grown abit softer, towards the end he picks up his vicous mask and starts acting like a total badass. The large scale battles have gotten a lot more intense and enthralling to watch its almost impossible to wait for the next episode! Pitting himself against the britannians AND the black knights, lelouch is really one hell of a FUCKING BADASS. Oh wait, I already said that. Also, to avoid some MAJOR spoilers, this show has an insanely good ending. Thats all, Im not saying anything.
Superb show. Anyone should watch this. I thought robots and strategy shows like gundam wouldnt be my style. Code geass 1st season made my change that perspective and made me like those kind of shows. Code geass R2 made me LOVE this kind of shows. And again, I shall stress this like a persistant fanboy like many around the world. THERE BETTER BE A R3, OR IM GONNA *#*$&%%%@!!!
Gamespot score:6.2(fair)
my score:7.8
(+)pros:-atmosphere is great for a horror game,- static when approaching a monster is great for panicky situations,- dark and compelling story will suck you in,- little but interesting and well made in game characters,-many endings
(-)cons:-camera sucks,-puzzles can be mind boggling at times,-combat is rather slow
gameplay time:10-20 hours(below average)
Yet again another review. Today's game is silent hill 2 for the PC. And once again I am pissed with gamespot. Silent hill 2 was released for XBOX,PS2 and PC. XBOX got 7.9, PS2 got 7.7, and PC got what...6.2? Holy shit gamespot what is with that. Anyway Im gonna say that this game deserves a score equal to that of the console counter parts, as it is, after all, a horror game with a deep, dark and compelling story that will appeal to its players. Lets move on.
James is a lonely man. His wife died of a disease, and he is lonely, very lonely. One day though, he receives a letter with the sender name "mary" the name of this dead wife. She says she is waiting for him at thier special place in "that town". Since james and mary went to silent hill for a stay before, he automatically knows the content of the letter and heads to silent hill in search of his wife. But not knowing what is going on in the town himself, little does he know the trials and terrors that await him in the foggy monster that is silent hill. On the way he will meet friends, who become foes and betray him, or maybe they are all foes to begin with? His journey to find his wife is not an easy one.
Being a horror game silent hill 2 has some bloody good atmosphere. Especially in indoor areas, silent hill 2 does exceptionally well. With only your torchlight to keep a small part in front of you ligthed up, you will find yourself in dark dark environments throughout the game. Plus, while you can only hear your footsteps, one will be on auto alert when a static is heard. In silent hill 2, when a static sound is heard that means a monster is near. Every time you move it gets louder and louder, since you are approcahing closer towards it. As you go closer, the sound gets louder. Even if you dont move, it still gets louder as the monster itself is walking towards you. This, is scary as hell, as you wont know where,when or how the creature is going to strike you. The monsters themselves are grosteque....ugly abominations that are supposedly remants of the once good town. They look ugly, and are certainly not friendly.

To combat these abomination james has a few array of weapons to help him, smack, poke, saw or gun down his foes. For melee weapons he has a wooden stick as a default weapon, an iron pipe and a chainsaw. For guns we have the usual, pistol, rifle and shotgun. Not much here, but the weapons at least have a variety to choose from. Weapons of course help you combat the nightmares of silent hill, but though the weapons serve you well, combat doesnt. Combat is slow and stiff, though all you need is the keep pressing the attack button until the enemy dies, the monster probably wont be able to do a thing to you if you keep the attack button pressed. Boring. Plus, james's and the enemies' attack both so slowly, sometimes it just feels like an RPG game -.-''.
Speaking about flaws, as many of the other silent hill games, this game has terrible camera.The ingame camera jigs up and stutters within gameplay time after time. And, the camera rotation is just horrible, it makes me who is playing it want to split my head open at times. Also, I would like to quote that for normal people like me, this game is near uncompletable without the lifesaver site known as gamefaqs. This game has such difficult puzzles that one will cry and scream in frustration for walking around an area for hours to find a solution. For smart and observant people this will not be as hard for them, but for normal people prepare a guide or something as you will need it really really bad.
Silent hill 2 is a good horror game. Its a shame that the silent hill franchise hasnt gotten scary after 3(with exception of shattered memories). With flaws in combat and camera, this game isnt meant for fighter lovers, this game is played solely for its dark, compelling story that sucks people in. Oh and also for its horror values.

Happy gaming.
Gamespot score:9.3(editor's choice)
my score:8.5
(+)pros:-Incredible story that sucks you in,- commendable graphics even for such an old game,- top notch voice acting,- many cool characters,- sphere grid system is really good and creative,-not much grinding required,-well designed bosses
(-)cons:-trials before obtaining aeons are boring and slow,- game bosses may be abit too easy at times
gameplay time:30-40 hours(above average)
Time for the re-do review of final fantasy 10. This is one of the oldest games for the PS2, and here I am reviewing it! Oh by the way, final fantasy 13 had its review done at gamespot. 8.5,not too shabby, but I expected a 9. Damn. Anyway I was rather reluctant to do this as I wanted to review something new, but I realised many of my previously reviewed games required re-dos. Zzzz. Well cant complain. Many say this is one of the best final fantasies ever released, beside 7 and 8, I very well agree to that, well lets get started.
Final fantasy 10 has a phenominal story, one of the best I have heard and seen. It talks about a young man named tidus who lives in a city called zanarkand. One day a huge whale-ish monster known as sin attacks the damn city, and for some reason when tidus is absorbed by sin, he is transported to the world 1000 years ago. There he faces many trials and makes new friends. He goes on an epic journey with his comrades to guide a summoner known as yuna to complete her journey and defeat sin. The story is wide and fairly huge in terms of content, but its suprisingly not too hard to understand at all! Too many epic stuff happens in between for me to state so I shall stop here.
Final fantasy 10 is different from many of its 3D predussecors, in terms of battle. In previous games like final fantasy 7,8 and 9, battle consists of usage of the ATB system(active time bar). In this game they removed it, and instead a turn by turn system is used, like that of final fantasy 1. Its pretty god if you ask me. While I was playing 7 or 8, everytime the bar fills up I have to frantically choose a command in quick speed, since every second counts. In this game you have all the time to relax and choose whatever command you want to use to defeat the boss. I like this, its so much better, since to rushing is required. For battles you have your basic commands, attack, items, skills etc. But you get for this game, overdrive(AKA limit break in FF7). Overdrives are great with flashy animations and almost all of them have great effects or damage, this is pleasing to see.
Like many other final fantasy games, this game has summons as well. But in this game, summons are MORE than welcome. In previous games, summons just involve your character calling forth a monster who just uses its special attack to blast the entire zone of enemies, then they disappear after that. That isnt bad, its a good way to dish out great deals of damage. In this game however, summons stay on the field when summoned! Cool right? A summoned bahamut(above picture),ifrit, or shiva will stay on the field and have thier own HP,MP,skills and such. This makes using a summon in battle really fun, since they have awesome attacks,great damage, above average HP, and their own awesome overdrives.Using a summon during boss fights can get really interesting, watching your own gigantic summon battle against an equally huge boss rarely gets old.
There is the usual "level up" in this game too. I mean it wouldnt be a JRPG game without leveling. In this game you get levels too. But levels dont directly make you stronger in terms of power. S.levels are spent in moving steps in your sphere grids, and as expected, each step you move grants you the bonuses in the next step you are in. If the next node you are about to move to grants you +200 hp, it means if you spend one S.level to move to that node and activate it, you get 200hp. Impresive and innovate system, I pretty much like it more than endless grinding to level up. Also, gaining S.levels aint hard, it takes usually a battle or 2 to go up a few S.levels.
Final fantasy 10 is an incredible game, a touching tale and a half movie all in one. It has top notch voice acting, combining it with the beautiful CG cutscenes makes it like a movie at time. With its few flaws, such as the boring and lame trials before obtaining an aeon, or the many a times simple bosses, this game isnt perfect. Overall, a game that deserves to be called a classic.
OVERKILL. Sorry I couldnt resist.
Happy gaming.
Gamespot score:8.5(great)
my score:8.2
(+)pros:-SHITLOAD of quests available to do,-gameplay seems unending,- loads of free roaming,-many variety of enemies,- loads of perks and statistics to add and experiement on,-vats mode kills look cool,- crap load of weapons to use and collect,- pits players on a rather challenging level
(-)cons:-wastelands feels empty as spawn of mobs are scarce and rare,- manual and vats aiming with a gun is fairly unaccurate at times
gameplay time:100 hours+(very long lasting)
Lets kick off this great month with one of the world's most popular games. Fallout 3 is a game bought by my brother, NOT me. I couldnt care less about WRPGs, they are just no my cup of tea...thus this game didnt last very long for me. But my brother has been playing this game like a dick,day and night.Well each time he plays I watch,sometimes. And all I can say is though this game isnt my type, I cant seem to find faults with it. Its a good game and thats all I can say. Well seeing my brother play till the game's completion and till he explored the entire map, I can have a clear opinion for this game.
Fallout 3 has a pretty normal to mediocre-ish story. Its like this, the world is a wasteland, you a born in a vault, an underground living place for people. One day your father leaves the vault and you do the same to go after him and trace his footsteps. Along the way you run into people your father have met, and you have to do something for them before they will tell you where your father went. Its pretty repititive. You go to point A where your father has gone, ask the person at A where your father is, instead of telling you where your father is, you gotta run an errand for him before he tells you. He tells you to go to point B, so you head to B and ask the guy there where your father is, he asks you to run an errand for him too, before he tells you that your father is at C. The process continues, fun right? No.
Well fallout 3 is a shooter(duh). And I must comment the combat is pretty okay, but you have LOADS of weapons to use, making battle a new experience most of the time. Weapons range from modern day to futuristic. The chinese assault rifle, 10 mm pistol and even baseball bats.... there are really lots of weapons for you. Rippers, laser pistols/rifles....even nuclear missle launchers. This game really has a way for thier weapons. Combat,besides all your weapons, is affected by your perks and stats one way or another. Different perks which increase your melee damage or explosive damage and such help you alot in battle at times. Also, by adding points to strenght, your melee attacks are obviously more painful. Theres loads of experimenting and trying of weapons here so combat is always welcome.
Now to talk about other aspects of the games. Okay, I have to admit, even for a free roaming WRPG, this game is HUGE. There is a big bucket load of quests for you to do. Just the main quests to complete the game alone seem so tiny and little compared to the total quest amount this game has. Whats more, many of these quests have continuations to them, which means.....near never ending quests. This can get repetitive, but luckily, many of these quests lead to new areas and places on the enourmous map known as the capital wasteland. The capital wasteland is the only place in the game you will be exploring, but dont worry, its HUGE, huge beyond words, you get alot of areas to explore. This makes running around the wasteland like an ant scavenging the sahara desert for food rewarding.
Like above I mentioned how combat is new and can be experimented from time to time. I have to state one thing thats makes experimenting seem hard and sometimes near impossible. While wandering the capital wasteland, there will be mutated animals, insects, human raiders,mutants.....seems like alot to fight, but spawn of these monsters are so godamn little. When wandering aimlessly around the wasteland, finding foes to fight is always difficult. Enemies are so hardly found, and sometimes when you find some, they can be horribly weak that you will be swearing that this is a waste of time. Or they can be horribly strong, walking out of a train station to get one hit KOed immediately by raiders who have in possesion some rocket launchers, or by having 3 deathclaws come out of nowhere and claw/bite the shit out of you in less than 10 seconds....these can get annoying. Whats more is that when attacking them with your ranged weapon, the cursor is unaccurate. Manual shots get some bullets randomly flying off. Vats mode always gets many shots miss, altough they state the % hit chance is above 80 %.
Fallout 3, as I said, is not my cup of tea. But I cant just randomly throw faults in, this is a solidly good game. Dont know why gamespot reduced its score by 0.5 for "graphical issues", screw them.

Happy gaming.
Opening songs-OP 1:Joint,OP 2:Blaze
genre:supernatural,romance,action,slice of life
episodes: 24
I got song siggies today :D. Anyway today Im doing the plot review for shakugan no shana 2. Honestly, I have got nothing to say, it maintains the standards of the 1st show execptionally well. Plot is obviously different, but the style, characters, and the episodes have the exact same feel as from the first show. Not too sad to leave this behind, since Im watching shakugan no shana S OVA now, and that season 3 is hitting japan soon.
Song:Joint(Opening 1)
Artist: mami kawada
Song:Blaze(Opening 2)
Well the 2 opening songs are like the 1st show, both are from the same artists and both are awesoooommeeee. For today, I have included siggies for the songs, for fun. Anyway the 1st opening is joint by mami kawada. 1 thing about it, its friggin awesome, one of my favourite songs from her, supreme song. 2nd opening is blaze by kotoko, one of her great songs. This isnt her best though, but its one of her better ones. Overall joint> blaze enough said.
Shakugan no shana 2 has a good plot like the previous show. The show includes many of the varieties of genres as stated above. The plot focus is however different from the 1st show, where they want to defend yuji's reiji maigo from the bad guys bal masque. In this show they figure out more about the reiji maigo other than try to defend it.
This show is great like the 1st show, with welcome additions to the plot. The love triangle continues, but however I think the victor of the 2 girls will be decided in the 3rd season. There is also the sudden change in attitudes for so many characters, and the ending of friendships and stuff like that. Its all epic and good, makes you wanna be a part of the plot itself :D. Among that comes many parts in the story where they explain and elaborate some of the unanswered stuff from the 1st show. There are also appearances of old allies( khamsin woo), and of course appearance of old enemies as well. Oh yeah and the new enemies look badass too(pheles and sabrac FTW).
Nothing else to say here, the plot base background is different, but the story being told is the same way it is told from the 1st show, so those who watched season 1 will have a sense of nostalgia. But no doubt, those who liked season 1 will like season 2, nuff said.
Intro to gamer--freakz
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9.0+=F**king amazing
Anything below 7= Crap and will not be covered
Only applies to games
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Gamer stats
Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma
-Yuki Terumi Lvl 13
League of legends
-Mid Champs: Karthus, Lissandra, Swain
-Top Champs: Pantheon, Renekton, Shen
-Junglers: Volibear, Xin Zhao, Cho Gath, Darius, Pantheon, Nautilus
-Supports: Annie, Thresh
Recommended games

7th Dragon 2020
Current best character

Yamato Hotsuin
Game Characters
Anime Characters
Current favourite games

The world ends with you

Shin megami tensei:devil survivor

Shin megami tensei:persona 4
Currently playing games


Atelier Totori:The Adventurer of Arland

League of legends

7th Dragon 2020
Wanted and anticipated games

Atelier Meruru:The Apprentice of Arland(wanted)

Atelier Totori:Adventurer of Arland(wanted)


Tales of Xillia (Q1 2013)
Currently watching anime

Kokoro Connect
Recommended Anime
- Angel beats
- Anohana:The flower we saw that day
- Another
- Assassination Classroom
- Baka to test to Shoukanjuu
- Baka to test to Shoukanjuu Ni!
- Black Bullet
- Code Geass
- Code Geass R2
- Daily Life Of High School Boys
- Darker than black
- Date A Live
- Durarara!
- Eureka Seven
- Fate/Zero
- Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood
- Guilty Crown
- Hanamonogatari
- Hataraku Maou Sama
- Higurashi no Naku no Koro ni
- Higurashi no Naku no Koro ni Kai
- K-on!
- K-on! Season 2
- Kami Sama No Memochou
- Kill La Kill
- Kore wa zombie desuka
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon
- MM!
- Mahouka
- Mai-hime
- Mai-otome
- Mirai Nikki
- My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
- My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO
- Nichijou
- No Game No Life
- Overlord
- Parasyte -The Maxim-
- Persona 3 The Movie: The Spring Of Birth
- Psycho Pass
- School-Live!
- Shakugan no Shana
- Shakugan no Shana 2
- Shakugan no Shana 3 FINAL
- Shingeki No Kyojin
- Shirobako
- Shokugeki No Soma
- Steins;Gate
- Strike Witches/Strike Witches 2
- Sunday Without God
- Sword Art Online
- Tenchi Muyo! War On Geminar
- The Idolm@ster
- The Pet Girl Of Sakurasou
- To Aru Majutsu No Index:Endymion No Kiseki
- To aru Majutsu no Index Season 2
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Toradora!
Great anime
- Accel World
- Akame Ga Kill
- Akatsuki No Yona
- Amagi Brilliant Park
- Ao no exorcist
- Asura cryin
- Asura cryin 2
- Baccano!
- Barakamon
- Blood Blockade Battlefront
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga sukunai
- Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai NEXT
- Btooom!
- Campione
- Classroom Crisis
- Coppelion
- Cross Ange
- D-Frag!
- Danganronpa: The Animation
- Date A Live II
- Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
- Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 2
- Freezing
- Gekkan Shojo Nozaki Kun
- Golden Time
- Grimgar Of Fantasy And Ash
- Hagure Yusha No Aestetica
- Hayate no gotoku season 2
- High School DxD
- High School DxD Born
- High School DxD New
- Hitsugi No Chaika
- Infinite Stratos
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012-2013)
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:Stardust Crusaders
- Jormungand
- Jormungand: Perfect Order
- K
- K-on! Movie
- Kampfer
- Kokoro Connect
- Kyoukai No Kanata
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon 2
- Kyousogiga
- Log Horizon
- Log Horizon 2
- Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions
- Love Live! School Idol Project
- Love Live! School Idol Project S2
- Lucky star
- Macademi Wasshoi
- Maji de watashi ni koi shinasai!
- Maoyu Maou Yusha
- Mikagura School Suite
- Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu Yo
- Monogatari Second Season
- Monster Musume
- Motto To Love Ru
- Nagi No Asukara
- Nanana's Buried Treasure
- Nisemonogatari
- Oda Nobuna No Yabou
- Omamori himari
- OniAi
- Oreimo
- Oreimo S2
- Oreshura
- Outbreak Company
- Persona 3 Movie 2:Midsummer Knight's Dream
- Pokemon:The Origin
- Psycho Pass II
- Rakudai Kishi No Cavalry
- Rokka No Yuusha
- Rozen maiden
- Rozen maiden traumend
- Seitokai no ichizon
- Seitokai Yakuindomo
- Seraph Of The End
- Seraph Of The End: Battle In Nagoya
- Sket Dance
- So, I Can't Play H!
- Sound! Euphonium
- Strike The Blood
- Strike Witches:The Movie
- Sword Art Online II
- The Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls
- The World God Only Knows:Goddesses Arc
- The World Is Still Beautiful
- To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S
- To Love Ru Darkness
- To Love Ru Darkness S2
- Umineko no naku no koro ni
- Unbreakable Machine Doll
- Watamote
- Yamada-Kun And The Seven Witches
- Your Lie In April
- Yuki Yuna Is A Hero
- Yumekui Merry
- Zankyou No Terror
- Zero No Tsukaima series
Good anime
- Absolute Duo
- Akagami No Shirayuki-Hime
- Akuma No Riddle
- Aldnoah Zero
- Asobi ni Ikuyo!
- Asu no Yoichi
- Bakemonogatari
- Blood Lad
- C3: Cube x Cursed, Curious
- Chrome Shelled Regios
- Dagashi Kashi
- Darker than Black:Ryuusei no Gemini
- Day Break Illusion
- Deadman Wonderland
- Devil Survivor 2:The Animation
- Dog X Scissors
- Dragon Crisis!
- Dusk Maiden Of Amnesia
- Eureka Seven AO
- Fate Kaleid Liner Prisa Illya 2wei!
- Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
- Fate/Stay Night
- Freezing Vibration
- Gakuen Toshi Asterisk
- Galilei Donna
- Gatchaman Crowds
- Gatchaman Crowds Insight
- Gugure! Kokkuri-San
- Hatsukoi Limited!
- Hayate No Gotoku! Cuties
- High School Of The Dead
- Hitsugi No Chaika: Avenging Battle
- Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride
- Hyouka
- Hyperdimension Neptunia:The Animation
- Infinite Stratos 2
- Inukami!
- Invaders Of Rokujyoma
- K: Missing Kings
- Kaibutsu Oujo
- Kannagi
- Knights Of Sidonia
- Kore wa zombie desuka? Of the dead
- Koufuku Graffiti
- Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions -Heart Throb-
- Love, Election and Chocolate
- Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Mayo Chiki
- Minami-Ke Tadaima
- Minami-Ke/Okawari/Okaeri
- Needless
- Nisekoi
- Nisekoi:
- Noragami
- Okami-San And Her Seven Companions
- Owarimonogatari
- Plastic Memories
- Psycho Pass Movie
- Rental Magica
- Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS
- Rosario + Vampire/Capu2
- Rozen Maiden 2013
- Rozen Maiden:Overture
- Sabagebu
- Saekano: How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend
- Sankarea
- Seitokai No Ichizon Lv.2
- Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear
- Shinmai Maou No Testament
- Tales of the Abyss
- Tears to Tiara
- The "Hentai" Prince And The Stony Cat.
- The World God Only Knows I/II
- To aru Kagaku no Railgun
- To Love Ru
- Tokyo ESP
- Tokyo Ravens
- Tsukimonogatari
- Uchouten Kazoku
- Utawarerumono: The False Faces
- Valvrave: The Liberator
- Valvrave: The Liberator S2
- Vividred Operation
- Xamd:Lost Memories
- Zettai Karen Children Unlimited-Hyoubu Kyouske
Decent Anime
- 11eyes
- Aldnoah Zero 2
- Bakuretsu Tenshi
- Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation
- Black Rock Shooter OVA
- Blade Dance Of Elementalers
- Bleach movie 4:The Hell Verse
- Dimension W
- Fate Kaleid/Liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz!
- Girls Und Panzer
- Gj-Bu
- Hamatora
- Hayate No Gotoku:Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- Heavy Object
- Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls
- If Her Flag Breaks
- Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
- Kiss x Sis
- La Storia Della Arcana Familgia
- Maken-Ki! Battling Venus
- Mekakucity Actors
- Nyan Koi
- Rail Wars!
- Re-Kan!
- Re:Hamatora
- Ro-Kyu-Bu!
- Rolling Girls
- Seiken Tsukai No World Break
- Sekirei
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
- Senran Kagura
- Shikabane Hime Aka
- Shikabane Hime Kuro
- Shinmai Maou No Testament BURST
- Sky Wizards Academy
- Soul Eater Not!
- Stella Jo Gakuin C3-Bu
- Tamako Market
- Triage X
- Trinity Seven
- Upotte!
- Witch Craft Works
Anime NOT Recommended
Anime Talk
The fool's best(9.0 or more)
- Advance wars: Dual strike
- Bloodborne
- Cabal online
- Danganronpa:Trigger Happy Havoc
- Dark Souls
- Dark Souls 3
- Dark Souls II
- Demon's souls
- Dishonored
- Dissidia: final fantasy
- Doom 3
- Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends Of The Titan
- Fire Emblem:Awakening
- God of war
- Half minute hero
- Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
- Hoshizora No Memoria
- Jubeat knit
- Kingdom hearts 2
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
- Nine hours, nine persons, nine doors
- Phoenix wright:ace attorney
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor 2
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3 portable
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 4
- Tactics Orge:Let Us Cling Together
- The Last Of Us
- The world ends with you
- Undertale
- Valkyria chronicles
- Yugioh 5Ds world championship 2009
The fool's real life outings
Favourite anime characters
- 11eyes, Angel beats, Ao no exorcist
- Akame Ga Kill, Assassination Classroom, Danshi
- Akuma No Riddle, Black Bullet, Dog X Scissors
- Amaburi, Mahouka, Gatchaman Crowds
- Anohana, Dragon Crisis!, Eureka Seven
- Another, Dusk Maiden, Hyakka Ryouran
- Asobi ni Ikuyo, Chrome Shelled Regios, DRRR
- Asu no yoichi, Asura cryin', Baka test
- Baccano!, Fate/Stay night, Freezing
- Bakemonogatari, Bakuretsu tenshi, BRS OVA
- Barakamon, Btooom!, Cross Ange
- C3, Campione, Jojo
- CANAAN, Code geass, Darker than black
- Danganronpa, Kill La Kill, Log Horizon
- Date A Live, Love Live!, Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Daybreak Illusion, Kyoukai Kanata, Galilei Donna
- Deadman Wonderland, Hatsukoi limited, HNG
- Girls Und Panzer, Macademi Wasshoi, Maji De
- Golden Time, Hitsugi No Chaika, Jojo SC
- Haganai, FMA, Guilty Crown
- Hagura Yusha, Mondaiji, MM!
- Hataraku Maou Sama, Lucky Star, Maoyu
- High School DxD, HOTD, Higurashi
- Hyouka, K, Kaibutsu Oujo
- Infinite Stratos, Inukami!, Jormungand
- K-on!, Kampfer, Kami-sama no memochou
- Kore Wa Zombie, Kokoro connect, Kannagi
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon, KissXSis, Mai-Hime
- Neptunia, Love Election and Chocolate, Mirai Nikki
- Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Chunibyo, Minami-Ke
Best game characters
- Kagura- Blazblue:Chrono Phantasma
- Sterkenberg- Atelier Arland Series
- Yamato- Shin megami tensei:Devil Survivor 2
- Jackie- The Darkness II
- Jaegar- Valkyria chronicles
- Maria- Knights in the nightmare
- Hazama- Blazblue:Continuum shift
- Ulthane- Darksiders
- Dante- Devil may cry series
- Miles edgeworth- Ace attorney series
- Rachel- Blazblue: calamity trigger portable
- Hero- Half minute hero
- Jin- Tekken series
- Naoya- Shin megami tensei:devil survivor
- Vayne- Mana khemia:student alliance
- Naoto- Shin megami tensei:persona 4
- Sho minamoto- The world ends with you
- Cloud- Final fantasy 7
Greatest boss fights
- Accelerator (Dengeki Gauen RPG:Cross Of Venus)
- Airshatter (Atelier Meruru)
- Asimov (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
- Barthandelus II (Final fantasy 13)
- Batomys (Valkyria Chronicles)
- Dante (Devil may cry 4)
- Darth moab (Prinny 2)
- Draco cantus (The world ends with you)
- Gawain/Leo (Fate/Extra)
- Golbez (Final fantasy 4)
- Golden Mage Knight (Tales Of Xillia)
- Isolde (Mana khemia:Student alliance)
- Kurt zisa (Kingdom hearts)
- Lucifer (Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor)
- Melad Margus (Knights in the nightmare)
- Tigrex (Monster hunter freedom 2)
- Unlimited Hazama (Blazblue:Continuum shift)
Top villians
- 19/02/16 (anime)
- 03/05/15 (anime)
- 15/09/14 (anime)
- 29/07/13 (anime)
- 05/12/12 (anime)
- 11/03/12 (anime)
- 17/08/11 (anime)
- 02/05/11 (anime)
- 27/11/10 (anime)
- 10/08/10 (anime)
- 12/05/10 (anime)
- 08/08/15 (gaming)
- 07/02/15 (gaming)
- 16/05/14 (gaming)
- 24/03/13 (gaming)
- 03/07/12 (gaming)
- 08/11/11 (gaming)
- 13/06/11 (gaming)
- 02/03/11 (gaming)
- 21/09/10 (gaming)
- 22/07/10 (gaming)
- 22/06/10 (gaming)
Pervertic posts
Seiyuu Power!!
Parties in RPGs
- Bravely Default (Part 2)
- Bravely Default (Part 1)
- 7th Dragon 2020 II
- Etrian Odyssey IV:Legend Of The Titan
- Atelier Meruru:The Apprentice Of Arland
- Atelier Totori:The Adventurer Of Arland
- Tales Of Graces F
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 4
- Unchained Blades
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 3
- Atelier Rorona:The Alchemist Of Arland
- Radiant Historia
- Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Survivor 2
Fighting game character impressions
- Phantom Breaker:Battle Grounds
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 2 (Hands On)
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 1 (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Part 2 (Hands Off)
- Blazblue:CP Character Impressions
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands Off)
- P4A Character impressions
- MVC3 Characters 1-12
- MVC3 Characters 13-24
- MVC3 Characters 25-36
- MVC3 Character Impressions (Hands Off)
Tiers in fighting games
Yugioh 2009 guide(DS)*complete*
Wolfteam freebies
Demon's souls boss profiles
Dark souls boss profiles
- Asylum demon
- Taurus demon
- Capra demon
- Bell gargoyle
- Moonlight Butterfly
- Great Grey Wolf Sif
- Gaping dragon
- Stray demon
- Chaos Witch Quelaag
- Iron Golem
- Ornstein and Smough
- Dark Sun Gwyndolin
- Crossbreed Priscillia
- Seath The Scaleless
- Pinwheel
- Gravelord Nito
- The Four Kings
- Ceaseless Discharge
- Centipede Demon
- Bed Of Chaos
- Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder
- Sanctuary Guardian
- Knight Artorias
- Black Dragon Kalameet
- Manus, Father Of The Abyss
Dark Souls II Boss Profiles
- The Last Giant
- Dragonrider/Old Dragonslayer
- Flexile Sentry/The Pursuer
- Ruin Sentinels
- The Lost Sinner
- Belfry Gargoyles
- Scorpioness Najka
- Prowling Magus & Congregation/Royal Ray Authority
- The Duke's Dear Freja
- Royal Rat Vanguard/The Rotten
- Skeleton Lords/Executioner's Chariot
- Covetus Demon/Mytha The Baneful Queen
- Smelter Demon/Old Iron King
- Dragonriders
- Looking Glass Knight/Demon Of Song
- Velstadt/Guardian Dragon
- Giant Lord/Throne Watcher & Throne Defender
- Nashandra/Aldia, Scholar Of The First Sin
- Darklurker
- Elana/Sinh/Gank Squad
- Fume Knight/Sir Alonne/Smelter Demon
- Ava, The King's Pet/Burnt Ivory King/Lud & Zallen