Well, last day of the month. Tommorow will mark the beginning of february.
Its like just yesterday I was watching the new year programme on TV..how time really flys. Anyway february will be packed with sheer goodness. Release of dante's inferno and of course the highly anticipated chinese new year!
Kind of became a lazy ass so I didnt find any work..thus no income. So this chinese new year will be a great blow to me! Considering to get demon souls, bayonetta and dark siders, weeeeee!!!
Well today was another pointless post, but better than nothing. Enjoy the last day of january.
Today I will be continuing on the wolfteam project.
Anyway today's topic of discussion is about wolf conquest. Its a mode in wolfteam that involes wolves fighting against humans with a objective of taking 5 bases. Anway in wolf conquest there are 5 bases on the map, to end the match, one team has to take 5 bases, either that or the team with the more bases at the end of the match wins.
Well heres the gist of it, humans(red team) have insane base capturing speed. Standing next to a neutral base will make it thiers in about 2-3 seconds. Thats about 5 seconds to totally de-capture a blue team base and make it thiers.
Wolves(blue team) have slow capturing speed. Taking about double of human timing to take a base.But of course in return they have increased speed and the ability to 2( or in some cases 1) hit KO humans.
Well here are some tips and advice.
- For wolf users, use ghost/ghost 2 to sneak into enemy territory for backstabs at the start of the match. Since ghosts are fast, they can sneak in without being noticed. In paien lab and power plant watch out for turrets if one intends to use this tactic.
-For human users, always have at least one human maning the turret behind, ghosts always try to backstab, this counters it all. Also good for killing gurdians.
-For human users, always have a launcher in the ready, many noob wolf users like to use wolves with low hp,such as smart, ghost/ghost 2,ice wolf, pyscho wolf. One blast will be able to do away with these jokers.
-For human users, NEVER use a sniper in wolf conquest, besides gurdian, basic/power and berserker, you will most likely not be hitting anything most of the time.
-For wolf users, getting pissed off after being killed by a turret? when you respawn, use the berserker wolf, hold right click and let go after the flame charges. The explosion blast will most problably be powerful enough to blast the turret user to oblivion. This can be used to create an opening to attack for your mates too. A note to those who want to use this tactic, multiple berserker wolves are needed if there are multiple turrets, so take note.
-For human users, shotguns are your friend, use them as wolves will be coming up to your face all the time. Click away at thier faces.
-For human users, pyscho wolves are screwups that ruin your day. Do take note that if you get hit by one of thier pyshic balls you are screwed. They do however tend to miss, when you see one fly past you, be alert as theres one crazy pyscho out to get you. Just dodge left or right to avoid the balls, though its hard as they are very fast, practice makes perfect.
-For wolf users. There is abolutely no use for ice wolf in a wolf conqeust match. Besides geying the fk out of your enemies by tossing wanabe ice balls, you die pretty quickly. Refrain from using them too much. They can however be used as openings for your team mates to move in for kills but its still not recommended.
-For human users. Here are a list of whats good to play for maps. Power plant, bridge and paien lab. When choosing for rooms, look out for these, as theres are high chance of winning(unless of course your team sux).
-For wolf users, always take note that spamming of gurdian is a really really cheap tactic for winning. But when losing badly, dont hesitate to use it, just be prepared to be called a noob.
-For wolf users, backstabbing isnt a crime, but many people will insult you for it. Ignore them and go ahead, since going up front most of the time will end up with you winding up dead. This applies to humans too, do not hesitate to backstab.
-For BOTH human and wolf users, let me get this clarified. Humans should stick together, just in case someone gets killed the rest can shoot the killer. They can also cover each other. Wolves should stay away,since most wolves manage fine alone. 2 ghosts camping in the same spot is just plain awkward and stupid.
-For human users, when you finish a clip of ammo and start reloading, dont jus stand there! You will die before you reload completely! Take out your pistol and fire at your enemy, he will most likely die soon, cause if a wolf doesnt die after 20-30 ammo of constant firing something is wrong.(unless of course its a gurdian)
-For human users, I have said this before and I will say it again, DO NOT KNIFE A WOLF.
Okay thats it. Wow thats alot of crap I just said. Oh well peace.
Gamespot score:8.5(great)
my score:8.4
(+)pros:-great in game HD graphics and animations,-scenario campaign provides extended gameplay,- plenty of customization options,- offers lots of offline content, -competitive leaderboards,- great with friends and family
(-)cons:-long and frequent load times,- online play lags shit
gameplay time:20-30 hours(average)
Woot, finally. This concludes the tekken 6 fest. Getting kinda bored and half-assed doing tekken 6 reviews and ONLY tekken 6 reviews. Well Im glad this is the last one. Tekken 6 for the 4th gens have been on shelves for quite a while now, and yes this is the PS3 review. Personally I find the 4th gens' tekken 6 the best among them all, well time to get on with it.
Tekken's story is kind of hard to catch up to. Since there are after all 6 games(actually 7 including tekken tag). I have been following up since tekken 3, till today's tekken 6. Well tekken 6's story, like and other tekken game, revlolves seperately among each and every of the 40 characters. Each has thier own story and part to play in the game. Well in this newest installment of the game we have the 2 main protoganists lars and alisa, our stars in the brand new scenerio campaign. Apparently lars is in a rebel group against mishama zaibatsu,which is waging war around the world. He later discovers alisa and they both go around trying to stop mishima zaibatu's chaotic spread, or something like that. Tekken hasnt been really that story driven anyway, I dont really pay attention, but thats the gist of the storyline.
Tekken 6 has great graphics and animation, better than that of street fighter 4 and soul calibur 4. They look even better than the arcade machine models. With such great graphics and special effects, such as cracking the floor when a character falls down, the red burst of energy when a character goes rage mode, its all detailed and very nice on the TV screen. The characters too, thier body strucure and muscle details and stuff look refined and very well speculated. As expected of the 4th gen consoles.
As for the game basics you have a few gameplay options. Arcade mode, which you fight through 8 battles. Ghost battle, where you fight loads and loads of enemies without taking a break. Survival, you once again fight loads and loads of enemies but this time with only 1 life bar. Time attack, a very obvious mode that I shouldnt explain as its in almost EVERY fighter today. And of course we have the new scenario campaign. Scenario campaign is just like the previous tekkens' tekken force, but more story driven, as it revolves around only 2 main characters lars and alisa. This is kinda like the game's story mode and its quite fun actually. You get to play thorugh over 30 stages of pure simple brawling, each stage with thier own boss. This mode itself can take up to 4 or 5 hours of gameplay, this extends the play value of the game itself. Also each stage you play drops items that can be equipped to your fighter for customization purposed. More on that now.
Since tekken 5, customization has beomce quite and issue. Now in tekken 6, customization is deep as ever. Customization in tekken is just to make your fighters look good in the way you want them to. Customization grants no bonus attack,defense or sutff like that. You buy these items through using fight money, obtained either by fighting enemies or by clearing a stage in scenerio campaign. Fight money comes in little by little in fighting, so saving up cash can be quite a pain. In scenerio campaign however money flows in quite quickly. This makes playing scenerio campaign is must sometimes for players who want quick and easy money. Items are not only bought, they can also be dropped my enemies in scenario campaign. Items dropped this way though grant special boosts in scenerio campaign, such as freezing effect and such, but they dont appear like that in normal fights. Customisation items as I said before do not affect normal fights.
Overall tekken 6 is a much more improved game than all of its predussecors, with flaws such as long and frequent loading times and over the top LAG during online play, they prevent tekken 6 from being a soooo much better game. Well the game alone now is already great, so I suggest fighting game lovers to get this. However if one is looking for online play, tekken 6 is just not the game for you.
Happy gaming.
Gamespot score:8.0(great)
my score:7.7
(+)pros:-better gameplay experience than dark ressurection,- certain remixed soundtracks from the original and arcade tekken 6 sound great,- default gameplay is more challenging than the PS3 original,- faster load times than its console and arcade counterparts
(-)cons:- graphically inferior to tekken 5 dark resurrection,- less gameplay modes than the console brethen,- replay feature is gone!!!
gameplay time:20-30 hours(average)
Forgetful and silly me. I have been so lazy lately that I forgot to place this game under my currently playing games and forgot to remove phantasy star zero and drone tactics.... Well been kind of a fag lately, I havent been touching my handhelds and all I do is play the dam PC with private servers of online games. Ah well guess Ill update the column after this.Anyway on with the tekken 6 fest, here is tekken 6 PSP. I personally am disappointed with the game, dark resurrection was without a doubt, more enjoyable from this. A step down for the tekken franchise on the PSP indeed.
Tekken 6 PSP has the same storyline as the PS3, and I will explain it for the PS3 post. For the PSP review today I have prepared some notes I have been cocking up about this game which I have been only playing for a week. 1st, tekken 6 on the psp is smooth. The game's characters move and execute thier attacks quickly and without delay. There arent many or any framerate issues with the game. I say namco did a good job on the game. But obviously this comes at quite a price, with degraded graphics, only this becomes achievable. The screen at times has a cloak of.... foggy-ish blanket which makes the screen SLIGHTY, ONLY SLIGHTLY unclear. Im not sure if this was part of namco's idea but the character models look funny and 3rd gen-ishly weak. The new character models are really....bad, in a way. Lars, alisa, leo and others new characters look bad in weak graphics. The old characters in dark resurection look mostly the same, though some look worse.
Well take a good long look, this is as good as it gets. As you can see, graphics are really degraded in this game. Even the new environments originally designed for the 4th gen consoles look bad on the PSP. In this screenshot eddy(an old character) looks just like he was in dark resurrection, miguel looks like shiiiiit(hes a new character). The new characters are inferior in any way, hair, body strucure, clothing folds, everything, they just look bad. This game is just a tekken 5 on steroids...bad steroids.
Well they did import over the rage system and it seems to run fine in this game, so no complaints here. One thing I like to rant here. Replay is gone. Boom, smush , flushhhhhh, its 100% gone. Whenever you win a round, it just proceeds on, no replay of you stylshly beating your opponent down. SUCK.
Despite the downgraded visuals, tekken 6 PSP has the brought over soundtrack of its console counterpart, which is great. The sountrack has been modified in the PSP version, and rest assured its for the good. The new sountrack is better than before, though only a few of the music pieces have been modified(etc electric fountain, the new music when in mode select). And along with the improved sountrack comes something even better. Load times! Instead of taking near MINUTES to load a fight, this game barely takes 3 seconds to bring up a battle to the next stage. Now this definelty brings up gameplay experience.
As last words for tekken 6 PSP, it isnt a bad game. It just failed to be the great game that it could be. If they added over some gameplay modes from dark resurerection Im very VERY sure that this game would turn out better, oh yeah lets not forget the tweaked graphics.Although with load times being better, this increases the replay value, which is good. Nothing else to say here, expect the PS3 review in the coming days.
Happy gaming.
Gamespot score:n/a
my score:8.0
(+)pros:- best experience to get out of tekken 6 is through the arcade machine,- great visuals combined with excellent loud and booming sountrack through arcade machinge speakers,-most competitive gameplay through plenty of human challengers,- more challenging in terms of difficulty in arcade mode
(-)cons:-console users may not be used to arcade controls,- rather non- user friendly toward new comers
gameplay time:n/a for arcade games
Well as promised Ill only be doing tekken 6 reviews for the next 3 posts. Tekken 6 bloodline rebellion has been in the arcades for quite a bit now and even until today it is played by many users who visit the arcade. Its welcoming machine design, accompanied by great arcade mechanics make the game itself successful and popular among players. This is truly a game not to be trampled with, possibly the most played fighting arcade game of 2009, possibly...
Since I will explain the story in the PS3 version and that there is no core storyline provided in the arcade, I will jump straight to the gameplay. Tekken 6 as many know is a fighting game, with good gameplay mechanics and tons of moves for every character, though the arcades provides no command list in the game itself, making learning to pound up and perform combos hard for new comers. The game is best played on the arcade, with the speakes booming with impressive soundtrack and sound effects, the experience on consoles or portables hardly makes it up to the gameplay experience and standard of the arcade machine. With the big arcade screen accompanying these factors, the core gameplay rarely ever gets old in the arcade, delighting players ranging from new comers to veterans.
Tekken 6 on the arcade is well, for arcade purposes only. The game only provides its arcade mode, where one fights through 8 stages, along with one bonus stage. Thus the game is shallow, with just fighting through stage after stage with no goal set in mind. Not that its bad, since fighitng games on the arcade only provide as such. But the like any other arcade fighting game like blazblu or street fighter 4, the competitivity is extreme. Since tekken 6 has alot of players, they mostly like challenging each other, with people streaming past , you wont know wheter they will stand and watch, or put in a token in the machine and pit himself( or herself) against you. And the fun thing is, you wont know wheter hes a new comer or a veteran! This is on the disadvantage for newcomers though, since they have already difficulty pitting against the AI.
Tekken 6 bloodline rebellion is fun and prestigous, the fighting is pure beautiful on the arcade screen. Everytime you play its a different experience. With 40 characters to play from, this provides lots of fun. There are many choices offered to players, altough its just arcade mode. They can choose to master characters of thier choice, or just try out each and every of the 40 characters available. And since a full set-ed command list isnt available in game, this makes learning of moves more difficult and challenging. The AI in the default arcade mode isnt very friendly too, able to block or even pull off some of the game's most powerful combos at times, they can provide entertainment to players at times. Along with an overpowered last boss( as always) and an impossible bonus stage , this game is great on the arcade itself.
Though shallow at times, tekken 6 is a great experience for veterans of the series , or even just a newcomer wanting to try a new game, with such a great provided exprience on the arcade machine, who can say no? So, then are you ready to play?
Well, insert a coin!
Happy gaming.
3 Types of tekken 6s, all with different standards.
The next 3 posts Im doing will all be revolved around the same game, tekken 6. With reveiws of the arcade version, PS3 version and the PSP version, followed by a final post of the final impressions of the 3.
Tekken 6 has been on the arcade for a long time now, over a year actually. The PS3 version came out october 2009, late october. With the PSP version coming out latest, near late november 2009. All deserve scores.
Well, posts coming soon.
I just got my results today, and to tell the truth, I was kinda scared shitless when I was in the hall, waiting to receive my results. Well now its all over.
I get to live happily. :D
My results werent perfect, in fact, I thought that I should be doing better, but well I did better than the latter of my peers. In simpler terms, I did better than friends I knew. But obviously some of them out scored me. I wont say my results, but I would say that Im more relieved than happy.
Well my result slip stated the subject code of my desired course, and many more. Im happy that I can take the course I want. I get to relax for a few more months now, thats great. My holiday just extended april.
To all that received results today, I salute you guys. The long road of O levels is finally over, peace to all!
Opening songs-OP 1:treasure
genre:comedy,drama, slice of life
Another passing of a good show.... Why do many good shows end at 12/13?? Same with Chaos head and haruhi suzumiya 1, 13 eps only. What the hell man. Im very sad to part with this show, since the comedy for 1 was hilarious, the drama is real and touching at times, and it really shows how fun being in a student council with 4 girls and with you the only guy can be.
The opening song is good. No scratch that, its great. It has such a nostalgic and sad sense to it. The lyrics are sad, the song it great. Combined is a song that you wan to hear frequently, but sad feeling as you dont want to part with it....just like the show, I dont want to part with it :(. There had better be a second season, altough its very unlikely.
I love seitokai no ichizon's plot. Why? Cause its about NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Great show here, the show is about a boy in a student council of a school beacuse he topped the school in terms of results, and hes the only boy there, with 4 other cute girls. Always saying very oftenly THIS IS MY HAREM, the show itself is hilarious, with comedy as its main genre. Bringing in other shows to boost its funniness is great. Ideas from death note, bleach and haruhi suzumiya are brought into this show to give everyone a good laugh...great indeed.
Besides comedy being the main genre, the slice of life is here too. It just shows how every day of the student council goes by, and its really good and meaningful at times.
The drama part is good too. It goes to show how a reject can become a successful person with topping results and cheerful personality and letting go of his painful past.
About how someone can achieve total courage and respect amongst friends. There are other touching moments along with the core show itself. It good.
Seitokai is your run of the mill coemdy high school show, with more stuff thrown it to make it all a great new fresh experience. A highly recommended show to all.
Gamespot score:n/a
my score:7.3
(+)pros:-extra lenghty gameplay with tons of quests,-tons of character customization, -lots of big and puzzling and ever chagning dungeons to explore, -interestingly programmed NPC personalities
(-)cons:-gameplay mainly consists on grinding,- extremely brutal gameplay early on, -too many in game items which makes tracking of ingredients difficult
gameplay time:50+ hours(above average)

Happy gaming.
Gamespot score:n/a
my score:8.3
(+)pros:-interesting character cast,- good storyline,- great protoganist,- boss fights are long and awesome,- no leveling up which means no grinding,- synthesis gets highly addictive,-multiple endings
(-)cons:-going back and forth from the workshop for ingredients can be real repititive, -most good and useful recipes are only found late game
gameplay time:30-40 hours(above average)
1st review of 2010. Woohoo. Anyway I have been following the atelier series for quite some time. Since atelier iris 2 actually. I really like the series, every one of its games is a masterpiece, well, with an execption of atelier iris 3, that game was only average. Well mana khemia student alliance should be named atelier iris 4 since it was released after 3, but they called it mana khemia, for what I dont know. To be fair, gamespot did review this, for the PS2, the PSP one which is this one is just a remake of the PS2 version. The score was 7.5. Not that I blame gamespot but here are reasons why this game should be so much better.
Mana khemia has quite a good storyline. In fact, its one that changes. The story line is about vayne, a quite boy living in the mountains who gets enrolled into al revis academy. He meets his 1st ever human friend jess and strangely and ironically gets put into some reject 2nd year's workshop group. The 2nd year is called flay and he calls his workshop the flay cave. Yep, a reject indeed. Anyway the story starts with vayne getting used to school life and meeting more and more friends, with them attending events such as school festivals and exams. The story starts out very mild, its like theres no major event taking place, but later on as vayne finds out what he really is the whole school starts to shun and avoid him, as well as crazy things starting to pop out and threaten the wellbeing of the school itself.
The atelier series has always been known for its 2D presentation for everything, well so is the same for this game. The field is presented in bright 2D colours. Its not exacty great, but its bearable. The field controls are simple, you get to run, jump, talk to people and cut stuff up to gather materials. Very normal and plain, the field controls are, but its just a small price to pay for its great story and impressive battle visuals. The 2D sprites on the field arent very pretty as well. Its like the sprites are all plain and well, just being plain. Well they can be funny at times during cutscenes, but thats about it, most of the time they are just bland and normal. Same goes to the environments, some of the areas look like they are repeated a few times over, although there are a load of areas to explore, which is good.
Battle visuals in this game are great, they are what shines in this game. The great 2D battle sprites show the characters at thier best. Thier battle poses, skills, facial expressions and stuff... its just so good. Even muppy the alien guy looks detailed, even though hes just a floating hairless guy in a floating space pot. One thing bad though in the battle, the weapons never change, thats all. Its not very bad actually , since the initail weapon designs are very good to begin with. The monsters themselves are very well designed too, ranging from the "cute" looking punis to the menacing looking dragons, they are all great to look at and fight as well. Beating up these guys with skills are another thing, cause the skills in this game are swweeeeet. Even though the skill usage and animation is in 2D, they are well detailed well executed.

Last thing to mention are spoils of battles and the awesome boss fights. Whenever you win battles in this game, you get AP, which is used to buy stat increases in the grow book. Thats right, you dont level up in this game, you just buy stats to make yourself stronger. Well obviously you have to get stronger to battle the many awesome boss battles in this game. This game has great out of this world boss battles. Firstly, the bosses themselves have thier own badass wicked skills to hit you with. Secondly, they are difficult. I have rarely been pushed so far in an RPG series before, not like in any FF game or any other great titles. Its so rare that I have to or want to save in a different file before a fight and fight the boss again and again. the boss battle themes are awesome, epic masterpieces great to hear when fighting bosses.
Bye bye 2009.
Here comes 2010, and as the author of a gaming blog I must say Im looking foward to 2010. Great game releases, dante's inferno,darksiders, final fantasy 13, god of war 3, kingdom hearts birth by sleep, shin megami tensei strange journey, infinite space....... so many great game releases coming up! I seriously cannot wait. And if some rumours suffice, etrian odyssey 3, persona 5 and devil may cry 5 are coming too, though they arent 100% true,well being rumours.
Also, there are many changes to my current great life here. One, my brother will be starting school soon, so no more playing left 4 dead 2 with him, which sux. The AI can be a huge pain in the ass. Two, I will be receiving my O level results soon.
This can only mean 2 things.
1. I get a good, desired grade. Then I will have an additional 3-4 months of holiday.
Wooooooohhhooooooooooooo. Then when poly starts, I'll start my game media design course. YYYEEAAAAHHHH.
2. I get a bullshit grade. My life will be destroyed, I have to take O levels again and I have to go to school AGAIN for another FRIGGIN YEAR!! This sux, I SERIOUSLY HOPE NOT TO GET THIS.
Well Im gonna go cry myself to sleep(just joking).
Intro to gamer--freakz
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Atelier Totori:The Adventurer of Arland

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Atelier Totori:Adventurer of Arland(wanted)


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- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon 2
- Kyousogiga
- Log Horizon
- Log Horizon 2
- Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions
- Love Live! School Idol Project
- Love Live! School Idol Project S2
- Lucky star
- Macademi Wasshoi
- Maji de watashi ni koi shinasai!
- Maoyu Maou Yusha
- Mikagura School Suite
- Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu Yo
- Monogatari Second Season
- Monster Musume
- Motto To Love Ru
- Nagi No Asukara
- Nanana's Buried Treasure
- Nisemonogatari
- Oda Nobuna No Yabou
- Omamori himari
- OniAi
- Oreimo
- Oreimo S2
- Oreshura
- Outbreak Company
- Persona 3 Movie 2:Midsummer Knight's Dream
- Pokemon:The Origin
- Psycho Pass II
- Rakudai Kishi No Cavalry
- Rokka No Yuusha
- Rozen maiden
- Rozen maiden traumend
- Seitokai no ichizon
- Seitokai Yakuindomo
- Seraph Of The End
- Seraph Of The End: Battle In Nagoya
- Sket Dance
- So, I Can't Play H!
- Sound! Euphonium
- Strike The Blood
- Strike Witches:The Movie
- Sword Art Online II
- The Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls
- The World God Only Knows:Goddesses Arc
- The World Is Still Beautiful
- To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S
- To Love Ru Darkness
- To Love Ru Darkness S2
- Umineko no naku no koro ni
- Unbreakable Machine Doll
- Watamote
- Yamada-Kun And The Seven Witches
- Your Lie In April
- Yuki Yuna Is A Hero
- Yumekui Merry
- Zankyou No Terror
- Zero No Tsukaima series
Good anime
- Absolute Duo
- Akagami No Shirayuki-Hime
- Akuma No Riddle
- Aldnoah Zero
- Asobi ni Ikuyo!
- Asu no Yoichi
- Bakemonogatari
- Blood Lad
- C3: Cube x Cursed, Curious
- Chrome Shelled Regios
- Dagashi Kashi
- Darker than Black:Ryuusei no Gemini
- Day Break Illusion
- Deadman Wonderland
- Devil Survivor 2:The Animation
- Dog X Scissors
- Dragon Crisis!
- Dusk Maiden Of Amnesia
- Eureka Seven AO
- Fate Kaleid Liner Prisa Illya 2wei!
- Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
- Fate/Stay Night
- Freezing Vibration
- Gakuen Toshi Asterisk
- Galilei Donna
- Gatchaman Crowds
- Gatchaman Crowds Insight
- Gugure! Kokkuri-San
- Hatsukoi Limited!
- Hayate No Gotoku! Cuties
- High School Of The Dead
- Hitsugi No Chaika: Avenging Battle
- Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride
- Hyouka
- Hyperdimension Neptunia:The Animation
- Infinite Stratos 2
- Inukami!
- Invaders Of Rokujyoma
- K: Missing Kings
- Kaibutsu Oujo
- Kannagi
- Knights Of Sidonia
- Kore wa zombie desuka? Of the dead
- Koufuku Graffiti
- Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions -Heart Throb-
- Love, Election and Chocolate
- Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Mayo Chiki
- Minami-Ke Tadaima
- Minami-Ke/Okawari/Okaeri
- Needless
- Nisekoi
- Nisekoi:
- Noragami
- Okami-San And Her Seven Companions
- Owarimonogatari
- Plastic Memories
- Psycho Pass Movie
- Rental Magica
- Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS
- Rosario + Vampire/Capu2
- Rozen Maiden 2013
- Rozen Maiden:Overture
- Sabagebu
- Saekano: How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend
- Sankarea
- Seitokai No Ichizon Lv.2
- Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear
- Shinmai Maou No Testament
- Tales of the Abyss
- Tears to Tiara
- The "Hentai" Prince And The Stony Cat.
- The World God Only Knows I/II
- To aru Kagaku no Railgun
- To Love Ru
- Tokyo ESP
- Tokyo Ravens
- Tsukimonogatari
- Uchouten Kazoku
- Utawarerumono: The False Faces
- Valvrave: The Liberator
- Valvrave: The Liberator S2
- Vividred Operation
- Xamd:Lost Memories
- Zettai Karen Children Unlimited-Hyoubu Kyouske
Decent Anime
- 11eyes
- Aldnoah Zero 2
- Bakuretsu Tenshi
- Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation
- Black Rock Shooter OVA
- Blade Dance Of Elementalers
- Bleach movie 4:The Hell Verse
- Dimension W
- Fate Kaleid/Liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz!
- Girls Und Panzer
- Gj-Bu
- Hamatora
- Hayate No Gotoku:Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- Heavy Object
- Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls
- If Her Flag Breaks
- Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
- Kiss x Sis
- La Storia Della Arcana Familgia
- Maken-Ki! Battling Venus
- Mekakucity Actors
- Nyan Koi
- Rail Wars!
- Re-Kan!
- Re:Hamatora
- Ro-Kyu-Bu!
- Rolling Girls
- Seiken Tsukai No World Break
- Sekirei
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
- Senran Kagura
- Shikabane Hime Aka
- Shikabane Hime Kuro
- Shinmai Maou No Testament BURST
- Sky Wizards Academy
- Soul Eater Not!
- Stella Jo Gakuin C3-Bu
- Tamako Market
- Triage X
- Trinity Seven
- Upotte!
- Witch Craft Works
Anime NOT Recommended
Anime Talk
The fool's best(9.0 or more)
- Advance wars: Dual strike
- Bloodborne
- Cabal online
- Danganronpa:Trigger Happy Havoc
- Dark Souls
- Dark Souls 3
- Dark Souls II
- Demon's souls
- Dishonored
- Dissidia: final fantasy
- Doom 3
- Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends Of The Titan
- Fire Emblem:Awakening
- God of war
- Half minute hero
- Heartstone: Heroes Of Warcraft
- Hoshizora No Memoria
- Jubeat knit
- Kingdom hearts 2
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
- Nine hours, nine persons, nine doors
- Phoenix wright:ace attorney
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor
- Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor 2
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 3 portable
- Shin megami tensei:Persona 4
- Tactics Orge:Let Us Cling Together
- The Last Of Us
- The world ends with you
- Undertale
- Valkyria chronicles
- Yugioh 5Ds world championship 2009
The fool's real life outings
Favourite anime characters
- 11eyes, Angel beats, Ao no exorcist
- Akame Ga Kill, Assassination Classroom, Danshi
- Akuma No Riddle, Black Bullet, Dog X Scissors
- Amaburi, Mahouka, Gatchaman Crowds
- Anohana, Dragon Crisis!, Eureka Seven
- Another, Dusk Maiden, Hyakka Ryouran
- Asobi ni Ikuyo, Chrome Shelled Regios, DRRR
- Asu no yoichi, Asura cryin', Baka test
- Baccano!, Fate/Stay night, Freezing
- Bakemonogatari, Bakuretsu tenshi, BRS OVA
- Barakamon, Btooom!, Cross Ange
- C3, Campione, Jojo
- CANAAN, Code geass, Darker than black
- Danganronpa, Kill La Kill, Log Horizon
- Date A Live, Love Live!, Mashiro Iro Symphony
- Daybreak Illusion, Kyoukai Kanata, Galilei Donna
- Deadman Wonderland, Hatsukoi limited, HNG
- Girls Und Panzer, Macademi Wasshoi, Maji De
- Golden Time, Hitsugi No Chaika, Jojo SC
- Haganai, FMA, Guilty Crown
- Hagura Yusha, Mondaiji, MM!
- Hataraku Maou Sama, Lucky Star, Maoyu
- High School DxD, HOTD, Higurashi
- Hyouka, K, Kaibutsu Oujo
- Infinite Stratos, Inukami!, Jormungand
- K-on!, Kampfer, Kami-sama no memochou
- Kore Wa Zombie, Kokoro connect, Kannagi
- Kyoukai Senjou Horizon, KissXSis, Mai-Hime
- Neptunia, Love Election and Chocolate, Mirai Nikki
- Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Chunibyo, Minami-Ke
Best game characters
- Kagura- Blazblue:Chrono Phantasma
- Sterkenberg- Atelier Arland Series
- Yamato- Shin megami tensei:Devil Survivor 2
- Jackie- The Darkness II
- Jaegar- Valkyria chronicles
- Maria- Knights in the nightmare
- Hazama- Blazblue:Continuum shift
- Ulthane- Darksiders
- Dante- Devil may cry series
- Miles edgeworth- Ace attorney series
- Rachel- Blazblue: calamity trigger portable
- Hero- Half minute hero
- Jin- Tekken series
- Naoya- Shin megami tensei:devil survivor
- Vayne- Mana khemia:student alliance
- Naoto- Shin megami tensei:persona 4
- Sho minamoto- The world ends with you
- Cloud- Final fantasy 7
Greatest boss fights
- Accelerator (Dengeki Gauen RPG:Cross Of Venus)
- Airshatter (Atelier Meruru)
- Asimov (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
- Barthandelus II (Final fantasy 13)
- Batomys (Valkyria Chronicles)
- Dante (Devil may cry 4)
- Darth moab (Prinny 2)
- Draco cantus (The world ends with you)
- Gawain/Leo (Fate/Extra)
- Golbez (Final fantasy 4)
- Golden Mage Knight (Tales Of Xillia)
- Isolde (Mana khemia:Student alliance)
- Kurt zisa (Kingdom hearts)
- Lucifer (Shin megami tensei:Devil survivor)
- Melad Margus (Knights in the nightmare)
- Tigrex (Monster hunter freedom 2)
- Unlimited Hazama (Blazblue:Continuum shift)
Top villians
- 19/02/16 (anime)
- 03/05/15 (anime)
- 15/09/14 (anime)
- 29/07/13 (anime)
- 05/12/12 (anime)
- 11/03/12 (anime)
- 17/08/11 (anime)
- 02/05/11 (anime)
- 27/11/10 (anime)
- 10/08/10 (anime)
- 12/05/10 (anime)
- 08/08/15 (gaming)
- 07/02/15 (gaming)
- 16/05/14 (gaming)
- 24/03/13 (gaming)
- 03/07/12 (gaming)
- 08/11/11 (gaming)
- 13/06/11 (gaming)
- 02/03/11 (gaming)
- 21/09/10 (gaming)
- 22/07/10 (gaming)
- 22/06/10 (gaming)
Pervertic posts
Seiyuu Power!!
Parties in RPGs
- Bravely Default (Part 2)
- Bravely Default (Part 1)
- 7th Dragon 2020 II
- Etrian Odyssey IV:Legend Of The Titan
- Atelier Meruru:The Apprentice Of Arland
- Atelier Totori:The Adventurer Of Arland
- Tales Of Graces F
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 4
- Unchained Blades
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 3
- Atelier Rorona:The Alchemist Of Arland
- Radiant Historia
- Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Survivor 2
Fighting game character impressions
- Phantom Breaker:Battle Grounds
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 2 (Hands On)
- Under Night In Birth:Exe Late Part 1 (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands On)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Part 2 (Hands Off)
- Blazblue:CP Character Impressions
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Hands Off)
- P4A Character impressions
- MVC3 Characters 1-12
- MVC3 Characters 13-24
- MVC3 Characters 25-36
- MVC3 Character Impressions (Hands Off)
Tiers in fighting games
Yugioh 2009 guide(DS)*complete*
Wolfteam freebies
Demon's souls boss profiles
Dark souls boss profiles
- Asylum demon
- Taurus demon
- Capra demon
- Bell gargoyle
- Moonlight Butterfly
- Great Grey Wolf Sif
- Gaping dragon
- Stray demon
- Chaos Witch Quelaag
- Iron Golem
- Ornstein and Smough
- Dark Sun Gwyndolin
- Crossbreed Priscillia
- Seath The Scaleless
- Pinwheel
- Gravelord Nito
- The Four Kings
- Ceaseless Discharge
- Centipede Demon
- Bed Of Chaos
- Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder
- Sanctuary Guardian
- Knight Artorias
- Black Dragon Kalameet
- Manus, Father Of The Abyss
Dark Souls II Boss Profiles
- The Last Giant
- Dragonrider/Old Dragonslayer
- Flexile Sentry/The Pursuer
- Ruin Sentinels
- The Lost Sinner
- Belfry Gargoyles
- Scorpioness Najka
- Prowling Magus & Congregation/Royal Ray Authority
- The Duke's Dear Freja
- Royal Rat Vanguard/The Rotten
- Skeleton Lords/Executioner's Chariot
- Covetus Demon/Mytha The Baneful Queen
- Smelter Demon/Old Iron King
- Dragonriders
- Looking Glass Knight/Demon Of Song
- Velstadt/Guardian Dragon
- Giant Lord/Throne Watcher & Throne Defender
- Nashandra/Aldia, Scholar Of The First Sin
- Darklurker
- Elana/Sinh/Gank Squad
- Fume Knight/Sir Alonne/Smelter Demon
- Ava, The King's Pet/Burnt Ivory King/Lud & Zallen