At the rate this is going....the world is about to pass away.
Mad cow disease,bird flu and now swine flu.This so called deadly virus has somewhat
claimed the lives of what?140 people.Come on,the world is taking this seriously.
Even still,wtf man.
Swine flu is what to be called a flu concerning the pig perhaps?But see this,the US
has raised the alert to level 4(1 to 6 levels).What is swine flu anyway?Supposedly it is
supposed to affect the mexicans,but people were infected in US.Hmm..
Well.this dont concern me.Why am i getting so worked up?Im sooooooo far from
mexico.So fck swine flu.
PS.You dont get swine flu even if you eat pork.
Gamepost score:9.2(editor"s choice)
Today during chemistry was funny.
My friend and I were sort of paying attention in class,but the stuff the teacher taught
was soooo "DIFFICULT" and "INTERESTING".My friend took a look around class to find that 1/5 of the class have been KOed.They were sleeping.
Then we decided to look and guage the other students.
students paying attention:green hp
students half asleep :yellow hp
students almost asleep :red hp
students asleep :KO
The theory part mostly consisted of students with yellow-red hp students,with around 20% of the class KOed.There were some with green hp tough(around like 6-8 students).Halfway through theory,30% of the class KOed,with around 50% of the class with red hp.My friend and I were in the red zone during this time.Ah,during
worksheet practise,75% of the class had red hp,some of the KOed ones were revived,
but with red hp.After doing half the worksheet,everyone pretty much went boom,
with around 40% of the class KOed,55% of the surviving ones with red hp,and 5%
which had yellow hp.
Here are the top scorers that i realised in class,besides that,that is all for today!
Remained most awaked in class:Zheyi
Remained KOed the longest :Hon sheng
One last word,the fighting is pretty oldschool,so unless you are a fan of RPGs,you wont like this one.Thats all for now.
Hair cuts....oh noes.
Do you like haircuts,cuz i dont.They are a pain in the ass.Bah oh well i just got a cut today,felt good,but i looked in the mirror and said "dam".Well at least haircuts make
some people feel cooler,in a way that you can feel breeze,not in the "you look good"
kind of way.Lousy man.
Speaking of which my friend told me for quite some time now,"why does the school need to care about our hair,does it affect our studies?"Well he is correct,no doubt
about it.The schools of Singapore will conduct hair checks in which the teachers will
look for student with "inappropriate hair lenght".Thats just screwed man.
Screw the world,I do what i want with my hair,so buzz off.
Gamespot score:8.2(great)
Sup fools, heres my 1st post.
Dont really know what to post cuz tis is my 1st dam blog. Nothing really much to write here.This blog is mostly dedicated to gaming and mostly reviews of them.I may also post about daily life if i am free, but most of the time.....it would be about gaming.Well,so..my 1st post.Nothing much to say.I look foward to posting more in the future.